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Posts posted by acidzebra

  1. Sure - I do the same to have some kind of organisation, I really wish there was some kind of category or filter system in NMM. Just click once on a mod name to select a mod, then click again to rename it. I prefix everything with things like "interface - ", "environment - ", "magic - ", "NPC - ", "overhaul -", "WAC - " (for weapons, armor, clothing) just so I know what is what when I have a ton of mods in the list.
  2. I just wanna kill myself. It started CTDing again. Why does this happen to me :wallbash: :wallbash:


    You've pretty much disabled all mods and started a new game yeah - so vanilla or close to it? Are you running insane .ini settings like loading 9 ugrids? Have you tried deleting skyrim.ini and skyrimprefs.ini and starting the launcher to let them regenerate? (and making a backup of these files beforehand)

  3. I have two 5770s with crossfire and can run the game on ultra@1920x1080 at around 60 fps, adding ENB will make it drop to 40-50 and dip below 30 in complex areas. 40-50 is okay but not buttery smooth, below 30 is just awful and ruins gameplay. I'm not ready to invest in a newer graphics card yet :)


    I found I can get most of the ENB goodness without the lag by running this godray only ENB http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/20470/ and judicious use of imaginator http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/13049 - I personally don't like DOF effects but Dynavision could sort you there if you want it http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/12525 - finally you could add some lighting mods to round it all off.


    You also want the skyrim configurator to tweak your ini files to find that sweet spot between performance and quality


    Experiment a little - it took me a while to find settings I like.


    Don't have these weird texture problems though - is that happening with vanilla?

  4. Brit Laas Kogaan

    Beautiful Life Blessing


    Then it starts raining sweetrolls




    Okay, slightly more serious (though I contend that sweetroll rain would be awesome)


    Hokoron Nu Fahdon

    Enemy Now Friend


    Charms NPCs in an X radius


    Mal Muz Dur

    Little Men Curse


    Reduces the size of people in an X radius


    Muz Nus Mahfaeraak

    Men Statue Forever


    Basilisk spell; turns people to stone


    Zul Nahlot Aaz

    Voice Silenced Mercy


    Shuts everyone up

  5. Hmmm - you could try installing "convenient horses" because (a) it's a pretty great mod if you like to use horses (which I do) and (b) it has a configuration menu allowing you to adjust your horse speed.


    Or you could open creation kit and poke around, I think the player horses are grouped by city (so MarkarthPlayerHorse, WhiterunPlayerHorse etc) - they all seem to use "EncHorseSaddled" as a template (so EncHorseSaddledGrey, EncHorsesaddledBlack etc)


    If you edit the encHorseSaddledXXX template there will be a "speed" option in the Stats tabs, this is normally set to 100, you may have to reset all the templates to that or whatever speed you prefer.

  6. "Crimson Tide - Blood.esp"


    I had many crashes with this one installed, and reading the comment thread on the nexus mod page it seems I'm not the only one. Try removing it and see if that helps (though I also note many others seem to have no problems at all). Some people suggest using the 1.5 version instead of the 2.2 - you could try that too.


    "Afterwards I noticed the load times problem. I went as far as making a symbolic link so that the saves folder is actually in the Skyrim folder, thinking it would be fast... turns out it is fast but almost every 2 minutes I get a 45-second long freeze. Which also happens when saving/autosave'ing."


    But that is something I have not seen.

  7. I vote for the dungeon.... and have the nagging spouse as the end boss :P


    Ha ha dungeon it is. But I don't think a frying pan-wielding spouse would offer much challenge for the dragonborn :)

    (might make for an interesting magic spell though, dozens of cast-iron pans flying your way)


    Speaking of dungeons, all mapped out in a few days, adding details and fiddling with lights/enemies/other bits FOR FREAKING WEEKS :/


    C'est la vie, I guess.

  8. I always thought marriage in skyrim was useless and sort of tacked on as an afterthought. Wear amulet, approach friendly NPC, go to temple, badda bing badda boom (though its kind of funny if you're late to the wedding) You get lover's comfort bonus when sleeping in your house after being married and you can ask them to make a meal with some decent stats. Oh, and the spouse has some altered dialogue and becomes a vendor I think. Yay.


    I've thought about a mod which would require you to run around wooing your potential partner, arranging rings, a cake, invite friends, a party, presents, maybe having your spouse get cold feet, inlaws you have to deal with, married fights and make-up, little details which could make it a bit more interesting. Maybe I'll get to it sometime. Or I could just build a cool dungeon.

  9. The Editor is and shall remain the copyrighted property of Bethesda Softworks and/or its designee(s) and You shall take no action inconsistent with such title or ownership. You may not cause or permit the sale or other commercial distribution or commercial exploitation (e.g., by renting, licensing, sublicensing, leasing, disseminating, uploading, downloading, transmitting, whether on a pay-per-play basis or otherwise) of any New Materials without the express prior written consent of an authorized representative of Bethesda Softworks. This includes distributing New Materials as part of any compilation You and/or other Product users may create. You shall not create any New Materials that infringe upon the rights of others, or that are libelous, defamatory, harassing, or threatening, and You shall comply with all applicable laws in connection with the New Materials. You are only permitted to distribute the New Materials, without charge (i.e., on a strictly non-commercial basis), to other authorized users who have purchased the Product, solely for use with such users’ own authorized copies of such Product and in accordance with and subject to the terms and conditions of this Agreement and all applicable laws.


    (emphasis mine)



    Legalese is always tricky but the kickstarter thing you linked to is asking for money to MAKE the mod. As in "you give us some money, and we start making this thing". They're not selling the mod. Bit of a grey area there.


    As for what I think of it, hey, if people are willing to pay to have content made, more power to them.

  10. On my box running SkyMoMod + Warzone was CTD city (I say on my box because I know other people who run them fine - but we all run different combinations of mods next to those two). After some testing I ended up removing Monster Mod, sad as I was to see it go, but I enjoy the huge civil unrest fights more. YMMV. After that things stabilized for me. For the rest I run most of the mods you do and some others, except for cloaks, and ACE (I ran those but removed them and started a new run with SkyRe). My game is extremely stable at the moment. Oh, and I stopped using UFO because I never really used followers anyway.


    The general strategy is start from a light config and slowly add mods while testing (meaning running the game for a good bit while traveling about to see if it CTDs). It's a bit of a pain but much more manageable than slapping on a ton of mods, getting CTDs, and trying to figure out the culprit from the unhelpful papyrus logs which in my experience often will lead you on a red herring trail or just show nothing relevant.


    It's worth noting that my old save which has seen a lot of mod addition and removal will still CTD often, while my new character which I started after deciding on a mod set and kept stable (no more adding or removing mods) is... stable. So my personal recommendation would be to decide on a set of mods you absolutely can't live without, install them, and start a new game. The more you change, the more cruft will accumulate in your saves, leading to unpredictable results and massive troubleshooting headaches.


    And, of course, if you're loading 9 ugrids in your ini files or have other "extreme" settings, your game probably isn't going to be stable no matter what you do with mods. Something to keep in mind.

  11. I'm starting to think most dragons are found on mountain tops so it's not as obvious when they fly blithely through geometry. I've tried x-markers set as sky markers with a set radius and linked refs, modified combat packages, beautifully navmeshed landscape as large as you like, mountain slabs, and probably one or two other things I forget to mention.


    Has anyone had success in controlling dragons - and what's the secret? I've been poking around Tamriel looking at dragon locations, but I don't see anything not present in my test arena. Except it's flat. And the dragon just dips through the geometry wherever. Then LANDS in the same place it just flew through.




  12. I'm rather sceptical that stealth uses light level at all. I think it merely uses line-of-sight and distance. The longer that LOS is established with the player, the faster your "stealth points" will be depleted. Light level doesn't affect line of sight afaik, but maybe the game sets a shorter detection distance at night. That's my impression, anyway, so if that's the case, then a light level detector would be placebo.


    From personal experience in the dungeon I am building, light does affect detection speed. I had scaled my torches' lights nice and big because it look purty, and then on test runs wondered why my character got detected instantly even at ridiculous distances. Once I had scaled down the lights detection was much slower (and once I figured out removable torches, slower yet). Of course this is inside - but I suppose they would have a similar night/day light level thingie in place for outside.


    The creation kit wiki has a ridiculously detailed page on detection


  13. I have what is, I think, a simple question... How can I determine the level of soul a creature has? Shallow Googling revealed nothing. If I want to make something use a black soul gem, is changing the keyword on the race from "ActorTypeCreature" to "ActorTypeNPC" enough? I don't imagine it would be, since that doesn't explain how the levels of other souls are set.



    Here's a list and some explanation:




  14. [*]Painting textures onto certain cells and positions will just display as black and cannot be removed, this has existed since the Oblivion construction kit.


    Sometimes the creation kit makes me want to scream. My personal favorite is crash-on-save, which is fairly rare for me but when it happens AAAARGH.


    Just a quick note, for the textures, are you sure you are not layering 6+ textures on a given bit of landscape? That will yield black spots. See this post, under the section "consolidating textures" for the solution - http://tesalliance.org/forums/index.php?/topic/4663-ck-basics-lesson-3/

  15. Im not a bow person but this was useful in Oblivion. I believe you pressed E [or other button] and any arrow you had drawn would be denocked while keeping your bow in hand.


    With a drawn bow press "R" once to put away the arrow but keep the bow in hand.

  16. Signed, it only takes 5 minutes, sometimes 1 minute, to CTD.


    Sorry, but that doesn't sound like memory leak, that sounds like serious mod conflict.


    For the main topic, can't say I have really noticed serious memory leak issues, 1GB VRAM, 12GB sysRAM, but I rarely play for more than 4 hours in one go. Wish I could :)


    I agree with the other guys, if we're going to petition, I really wish the navmesh bug would go away.

  17. Okay. I never use patrol markers unless I want them to patrol an area (like guards) so I'm no expert on those, I generally just slap a sandbox package on the actors and set the default package to the masterpackage. That way the actors can "do their own thing" which I think looks more organic since they wander about and pick their own activities(but YMMV of course), if I want them to perform actions on markers for any amount of time I set the patrol data on the marker reference.


    I built a quick room with the water markers, when set up as above they do carry/pour water, so I don't know what to tell you. Perhaps someone else can add some insight.

  18. You could grab a copy of the STEP guide, it will walk you through adjusting game settings and ini files for maximum awesome, install high-res texture mods, and add various mods which may/may not enhance your gameplay - letting you pick which ones sound good to you




    Once you have Skyrim tweaked to your liking, you could browse some of the other mods by category


    within each category, you can sort by # of endorsements or downloads, that should give you an idea of what the popular mods are for each section


    Then have a look at the top lists



    Make sure for each mod you READ the description on the mod page and/or readme in the archive, just throwing a bunch of mods at skyrim is a recipe for disaster.

  19. Pretty much any actor with the defaultmasterpackage active - when the actor is idling and has a valid navmesh between the two points. A patrol package would tell it to just walk between the two points, not do anything with them.
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