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Everything posted by acidzebra

  1. lol. Like they said, it's your game. Enjoy it your way. If you want to be strict about "lore", I don't recall seeing a shower/bath or mirror anywhere in the game, (pre)medieval times (or their fantasy equivalent) weren't known for their high standards of hygiene (toilets are a bucket and some straw!), and the industry supporting things like lacy panties is a few industrial revolutions away. Personally, I like my skyrim grimy and I would like to see more one-armed beggars and lepers and dirt. But if you want skyrim to look like Final Fantasy, more power to you.
  2. I know right? I'm totally installing skyTEST now because hey, combined spider/wolf raids - what's not to like? OP, please post your mod list - I would like to duplicate your awesome problem.
  3. I don't know if you have seen it, but the creation kit wiki has a simple quest about meeting an NPC (you could change this for a note), getting a quest, and resolving it. Along the way it talks you through several stages like planning, placing items, and setting/meeting objectives. http://www.creationkit.com/Bethesda_Tutorial_Planning_the_Quest
  4. Yes to the tab out question. Tab out, make changes, save, tab back, then hit backspace to reload ENB with the new settings. The other default hotkeys are SHIFT+F12 to turn ENB on/off, SHIFT+HOME for FPS limiter (from http://enbdev.com/do...im_input_en.htm ) I've just done a completely vanilla reinstall because I'm building a dungeon mod which I want to look good in vanilla with no extras, so I can't check for you right now (I'm a lazy man) but try changing your enbseries.ini to the following [EFFECT] UseOriginalPostProcessing=true/false (play with these settings) UseOriginalObjectsProcessing=true/false (play with these settings) EnableBloom=false EnableAdaptation=false EnableAmbientOcclusion=true EnableDepthOfField=false EnableDetailedShadow=true EnableSunRays=false EnableSkyLighting=true [sSAO_SSIL] UseIndirectLighting=true UseComplexIndirectLighting=true <- extra FPS hit Try toggling the "original...processing" and see what it does. The bold lines are the SSAO settings, I think. Also, from the ENB page, I assume you read and set this: bFloatPointRenderTarget=1 must be set in SkyrimPrefs.ini file to make this mod work. Start SkyrimLauncher.exe to configure your video options again. To work correctly, sky lighting require rendering objects to shadow, so edit manually following lines in file SkyrimPrefs.ini: bTreesReceiveShadows=1 bDrawLandShadows=1 bShadowsOnGrass=1 I've no idea which SSAO is supposed to be faster, I've got a couple of ATI cards at the moment, I might switch back to NVIDIA when I upgrade next year. With the two 5770s I have right now most ENBs are too heavy for my system.
  5. From what I can tell these are normal log messages and do not tell you what is causing the CTD. What are your ini file settings? What mods are you running? What is the load order? What are your PC specs?
  6. If you mean CW3FortSiegePhase3trigger I see the exact same trigger in my vanilla skyrim in Solitudeworld, so I doubt that is the cause. Entry triggers are there too. I'm not using open cities though :)
  7. ? CTRL + S will save. I don't really recommend scaling your buildings, the textures will start to look blocky quite fast - going beyond double size is definitely going to look odd (may be better with HD textures but not everyone has those). But if you do want to build "bigger", I would start by doing it from the ground up - put in your first piece (say, shackwall01) and scale it to your desired size. Then use CTRL+D (duplicate) + CTRL+F (search and replace) to change it to the next kit piece you need, and repeat, repeat, repeat. This way, all the pieces will have uniform size. edit: Nonoodles - I understand and yes of course you can select a bunch of objects and scale them - but they will all scale centered on their own origin. I don't know of a way to change that.
  8. Why not start with the default ENB you got from Boris' site and look into what makes it tick, namely the enbseries.ini file? It has a massive amount of settings you can tweak, and probably should. Your card is fine. Once you have a bit of a grasp on what you like, you can look at other user's settings and files and adapt as you see fit, taking the good bits, leaving the rest out. You can use ENB customizer to turn features on or off on the fly without having to exit skyrim. http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/17400 Or have a look at ENB evolved, it tries to add enhancements without going overboard: http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/23765 But even there - ENB customizer to tweak to your liking.
  9. Holy massive quiver size, Batman! ;) Still enjoying these hugely, love the daily format even if it means shorter movies. Cheers.
  10. ^^^ this, with the caveat that if your skyrim folder (which contains TESV.exe) now has an SKSE_[ver] folder in it, you are extracting the top-level folder when you should have extracted from within that folder. By which I mean the skse_loader.exe should end up in the same folder as your TESV.exe. If I open the SKSE archive, the first thing I see is a folder called SKSE_[version]. I open that folder, then extract everything (the loader, the data folder, etc) to the folder where my TESV.exe is.
  11. In addition to the above-mentioned resources, I got into modding by (a) poking around the CK and breaking stuff (b) the excellent complete beginner tutorials on the CK wiki which walk you through the very basics http://www.creationkit.com/Category:Tutorials Start small - build a basic dungeon. All the "create weapons and armor" stuff is great, but you will also need to learn/know how to work several other programs. Just poke around for a bit, the CK won't bite. Much.
  12. Closest thing I can think of is "Dovahkiin relaxes too" mod: http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/13931 It has a "Lazy Man - You will lay down instead of sitting down." setting somewhere.
  13. Well, you could give this a try - it's my first attempt at anything like this so it might eat your Skyrim. It adds a Greater Bound Bow, Greater Bound Axe, Greater Bound Sword with corresponding double-cost spelltomes and double base damage/casting cost, and a slight increase in effects (+15 seconds on turn undead, +3 seconds on soul trap if you have the conjuration perks to match). This may all be horribly unbalanced; I don't know. The only change to vanilla records is that it adds them to the corresponding adept/expert leveled item lists. I really recommend you get a copy of the creation kit and poke around for yourself, it's pretty easy to get into and you can tweak spells to your liking. If you like how this simple mod works, let me know and I'll slap it on the nexus, then abandon it like all the other authors :P Now back to the important stuff: building awesome dungeons.
  14. That's all a little beyond my current skill. I'm just poking around making duplicates, then adjusting stats to match. Which hopefully keeps it simple, and therefore manageable. Almost ready for some testing.
  15. From what I know, bound weapon damage increases with the corresponding weapon perk - so for bound sword, the one handed skill tree. So barbarian or not, you may want to invest in that :) (or archery if you favor the bow) Fortify one-handed effects on worn items will also increase bound sword damage. This sounds like a fun small little project, let me see what I can whip up. I'm thinking double casting cost, double base damage, and adept instead of novice level.
  16. Well that's the tricky thing I was talking about. There's the actual filename of the esp/esm in the /data folder. Then there is the reference to it in appdata\local\plugins.txt - and NMM keeps its own list in loadorder.txt in the same folder. Messing around with all these for what to me seems like little benefit seems, well, tricky :)
  17. Ah, misread you there, sorry. Not from within mod manager, it appears. You could rename the esp/esm files yourself but that seems... tricky.
  18. Sure - I do the same to have some kind of organisation, I really wish there was some kind of category or filter system in NMM. Just click once on a mod name to select a mod, then click again to rename it. I prefix everything with things like "interface - ", "environment - ", "magic - ", "NPC - ", "overhaul -", "WAC - " (for weapons, armor, clothing) just so I know what is what when I have a ton of mods in the list.
  19. You've pretty much disabled all mods and started a new game yeah - so vanilla or close to it? Are you running insane .ini settings like loading 9 ugrids? Have you tried deleting skyrim.ini and skyrimprefs.ini and starting the launcher to let them regenerate? (and making a backup of these files beforehand)
  20. I have two 5770s with crossfire and can run the game on ultra@1920x1080 at around 60 fps, adding ENB will make it drop to 40-50 and dip below 30 in complex areas. 40-50 is okay but not buttery smooth, below 30 is just awful and ruins gameplay. I'm not ready to invest in a newer graphics card yet :) I found I can get most of the ENB goodness without the lag by running this godray only ENB http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/20470/ and judicious use of imaginator http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/13049 - I personally don't like DOF effects but Dynavision could sort you there if you want it http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/12525 - finally you could add some lighting mods to round it all off. You also want the skyrim configurator to tweak your ini files to find that sweet spot between performance and quality http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/814 Experiment a little - it took me a while to find settings I like. Don't have these weird texture problems though - is that happening with vanilla?
  21. Brit Laas Kogaan Beautiful Life Blessing Then it starts raining sweetrolls ;) Okay, slightly more serious (though I contend that sweetroll rain would be awesome) Hokoron Nu Fahdon Enemy Now Friend Charms NPCs in an X radius Mal Muz Dur Little Men Curse Reduces the size of people in an X radius Muz Nus Mahfaeraak Men Statue Forever Basilisk spell; turns people to stone Zul Nahlot Aaz Voice Silenced Mercy Shuts everyone up
  22. Hmmm - you could try installing "convenient horses" because (a) it's a pretty great mod if you like to use horses (which I do) and (b) it has a configuration menu allowing you to adjust your horse speed. Or you could open creation kit and poke around, I think the player horses are grouped by city (so MarkarthPlayerHorse, WhiterunPlayerHorse etc) - they all seem to use "EncHorseSaddled" as a template (so EncHorseSaddledGrey, EncHorsesaddledBlack etc) If you edit the encHorseSaddledXXX template there will be a "speed" option in the Stats tabs, this is normally set to 100, you may have to reset all the templates to that or whatever speed you prefer.
  23. "Crimson Tide - Blood.esp" I had many crashes with this one installed, and reading the comment thread on the nexus mod page it seems I'm not the only one. Try removing it and see if that helps (though I also note many others seem to have no problems at all). Some people suggest using the 1.5 version instead of the 2.2 - you could try that too. "Afterwards I noticed the load times problem. I went as far as making a symbolic link so that the saves folder is actually in the Skyrim folder, thinking it would be fast... turns out it is fast but almost every 2 minutes I get a 45-second long freeze. Which also happens when saving/autosave'ing." But that is something I have not seen.
  24. Never tried that mod but does it have adjustable settings? If so, you could reinstall it, adjust the speed to your liking, then remove it.
  25. Ha ha dungeon it is. But I don't think a frying pan-wielding spouse would offer much challenge for the dragonborn :) (might make for an interesting magic spell though, dozens of cast-iron pans flying your way) Speaking of dungeons, all mapped out in a few days, adding details and fiddling with lights/enemies/other bits FOR FREAKING WEEKS :/ C'est la vie, I guess.
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