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Everything posted by acidzebra

  1. int DoOnce Event OnTriggerEnter(objectreference akactionref) if DoOnce == 0 if akactionref == game.getplayer() debug.messagebox("Blah, blah, blah") DoOnce = 1 endif endif endevent would do it I think but it's pretty brutal. I have no idea about persistence etc. Urgh, nested ifs are ugly. Let's see if someone has a better way.
  2. Ah, the fish and insects operate differently, they come from an item + associated script called "critterspawnXXX" where XXX are specifics like "pond", "insects", "dragonflies" etc. You can find them in CK under worldobjects > Activator > Markers > Crittermarkers. They are activators, whereas slaughterfish eggs and harvestable flora are ingredients. If you have the skills it should be possible to create different activators, I suppose, but with the defaults you're stuck with controlling cell resets - which may have other undesirable consequences. I don't have hearthfire but I think that didn't change.The garden stuff did change - being able to plant stuff yourself I think? That would be worth opening in CK and having a look at, see how it's set up.I find I learn the best tricks from just having a look around at "official" content and seeing what makes it tick ;)
  3. I'd be interested in this too but what sketchy documentation is available seems to suggest that plants like other items are tied to the cell reset schedules. For outside locations, this seems to be 10 days/240 hours in-game time (as long as you don't enter the cell during that time - resets the timer). You can apparently set the timers, see http://www.creationkit.com/Cell_Reset
  4. I'm not sure in what context you're using the term "RAM cache" - does your system have 8GB ram total? Skyrim is a 32-bit app, and with the latest patches it can address (I think) up to about 4 GB of RAM, and no more. My main question would be after getting everything running again did you remove Crimson tide in the way I described? Because it could also be something like bad scripts stacking and stacking until POW! Or, who knows, your GPU temperature slowly building to a critical level. Or background programs hogging the RAM you need. Or gremlins. Can't discount gremlins.
  5. Ha ha fantastic video. The draugr have this shield-banging taunt, I don't know how easy that would be to rig to the player character and draw aggro in others. I find arrow in the face usually does the trick ;)
  6. I know exactly what you mean, ever since I've started playing pac-man I just pop every pill I see. Because of the subconscious connection, you see? Wakka wakka wakka Also FPS shooters have convinced me that blowing someone's brains out is a valid response to interpersonal conflict -subconscious connection again- and Jack Thompson, is that you? Amazingly, most people, even kids, can discern between fiction and reality (have you noticed you're killing dragons and undead beings in skyrim?). Those who cannot have bigger issues than unrealistic boobies in a video game. Don't run any mods that change people into supermodels, can't stand them myself and if I could I'd make Skyrim even grimier, but come on. Bring some hard facts to the table instead of endless weasel words like maybe and may or may not, or what the guy above me said. The second part at least. And in a more civil fashion, of course.
  7. Eh, NMM works fine, quick BOSS run after that to sort out the load order. I care about load order, not really about what my data folder looks like :)
  8. Okay, yeah, so I got tired of messing around with the imperial dungeon kit for a bit and I thought this sounded like fun so I decided to have a go at this too. My interpretation of tiny tree home: http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/25631 You can find it on the path between Whiterun and Riverwood near the water, a hidden doorway next to (surprise) a tree stump will let you in. Or if you're impatient or can't find it open the console (~) and coc tinytreehome. http://i45.tinypic.com/f1z310.jpg
  9. Have you tried removing it with windows add/remove programs and grabbing a fresh copy from here? http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/modmanager If that doesn't work, you could always pass the time with some retro-gaming, google c64 emulator, there are even online emulators running in java these days :)
  10. Just joking around Tracy. The tree stump would need some kind of activator (a lever, a button) or load door which would take you to a new cell (like when you open a door in a city the game loads a new cell, usually the inside of a building), this cell can be as large or small as you like. You just say "well it takes you underground and there is a slightly larger room there". I think it's a neat idea, but I'm in the middle of building a dungeon crawler. I hope someone else takes you up on this idea, or if not, I may be willing to have a go when I get stuck on this blasted dungeon which I probably will at some point.
  11. You know what they say, give a man a mod and he will mess up his skyrim, teach a man about mods and load order and he will enjoy a CTD-free game for the most part. Okay, so only I say that. Just now. Let us know how you get on :)
  12. Have you considered mod load order? http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/583662-important-load-order-and-you/
  13. On the plus side, at least you have all the calamities happening now, all that's left is the joy of a corrupt savegame to complete all the things which possibly could go wrong. When you're at the bottom... Don't know about NMM, have you tried the old chestnut of (a) restarting the computer and/or (b) reinstalling NMM manually? If you just want to get on with playing, you can find your mods in (wherever you chose to install)\Nexus Mod Manager\Skyrim\Mods Open the crimson tide archive, and extract to your skyrim folder, so the \data folder in the archive ends up in your \skyrim\data folder Then perform the save fandango I outlined At the point where you normally would use NMM to remove the mod go into the data folder again and remove all the files (and no others!) that crimson tide installed. New skill aquired: manual mod installation/removal! ps. my first computers were a TI99/4A followed by a C64 (love of my digital life) so I know quite a bit about going for memory optimization. Oh, the things we did in <64 Kb ;) In fact I loved that brown box so much by the time I moved to PC the first pentiums were coming to market and the days of upper/lower/extended memory and memory management were coming to and end.
  14. "making it look like the screenshots" - there are a lot of screenshots out there. Some are completely unplayable configs and only usable for screenshots. While a newer .dll may give you extra features - I haven't looked at ENB for a while - you can perhaps do more with ENB customizer which allows you to precisely control what ENB does. http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/17400 Open up the customizer, open skyrim & start your game, alt-tab back to customizer, make changes, alt-tab back, press backspace to reload the enb config, rinse, repeat. And that's not even getting into all those .fx files which came with the ENB package, which are text files which control the effects - allowing you even more precise control and fun tweaking to your heart's content. This may not be the exact answer you were looking for, but it will allow you to tweak ENB to your liking even with older DLLs.
  15. The difference is the modders don't suddenly start asking for money for your next fix ;) (but now that you mention it - great idea! ha ha ha) But seriously, these people have spent a lot of time and effort into making these mods for free (with greater or lesser skill and knowledge) and decided to publish them. Presumably, these mods work for them. Once they release them into the wild, people have various versions of skyrim with various mods loaded and in some cases are novices so they yank/install mods pretty much at random - invariably leading to unstable configurations and CTDs. Then the authors get a bunch of s*** poured over them in the comments thread. Which ticks some of the authors right off, and I can't really blame them. Anyway, rant aside, I've had this same issue with crimson tide. Put the mod back in place. Load your savegame. Go to a small cell somewhere, say, breezehome (or any small cell inside of a city where there is no fighting). Just for good measure, wait for a few hours (in-game wait, not realtime) or have a good night's sleep (say, 24 hrs). Save your game and exit. Now remove the mod. Start up the game and load the savegame. Once again, wait around for a bit. Save. Exit. Don't overwrite earlier saves - make new ones BTW. Finally, start the game again, load your savegame and carry on.
  16. Yeah that doesn't seem particularly out of bounds. I've sometimes had the bloated savegame issue where my saves would just grow and grow in size. I'm stumped, mate.
  17. What size are these savegame files - and how far along in-game are they?
  18. The mem usage seems to be within normal bounds. After googling a bit for " too many triangles in bsnavmeshbounds" I kinda gave up - too much blah, not enough good information. You could try killing off your existing exterior navmeshes (enter navmesh mode, zoom out, select all, delete) and saving. Or open the mod in tesvgecko and delete the record directly under "navigation" and then save. (make a backup first!)
  19. lol. Also... zebra mod. Hmmm. It's just a texture... I can't say I have had issues with that, but it is possible (it won't refuse to load, but it might crash or do strange things). My general strategy (after messing up several in progress games by wantonly loading and removing mods) is to select a bunch of mods I think will enhance my gameplay, and stick with them for the run. But oh, the temptations... I must say I rarely upgrade unless there are known problems with a given version of the mod OR it offers significant improvements. The user should educate himself, of course :) (and be prepared for a lot of trial-and error) As for the x number of people endorsing, they will be running any combination of mods. No mod author can plan for that or any future mods. You will also most likely note any number of complaints or questions in the comment thread - I do recommend checking out the comment thread of a mod. But to answer the question somewhat, this is exactly what BOSS attempts to do - automate the mod ordering process. It's not perfect, but it's a damn sight better than just adding and activating a bunch of mods. Even if you just stick with letting BOSS do its thing, it will come up with a fairly decent load order. So here is what you do. You already have NMM. You already have a bunch of mods you want to run and are active in NMM. So now you install BOSS. Then run BOSS. It will run (a commandline window will open briefly and disappear), and then open a browser window with a summary. The summary will tell you "there are this many mods loaded, I know this many of them, there are X warnings and Y errors.". Unless there are warnings and errors, you don't need to do anything and you can fire up your game. If there ARE warnings and errors, below the summary there are two links "recognised plugins" and "unrecognised plugins". Have a look through those. In many cases, it will tell you "you're trying to load this mod, many people are having problems with it" (which will tell you that maybe this plugin isn't entirely stable - use at your own risk). Or "this mod archive contains several alternatives, only load one" - meaning the zip or rar file you downloaded has several versions of the same mod - read the mod home page for details, decide which one you want, and remove one or more of the other files from the data folder. The warnings and errors are pretty self-explanatory. Boss will order the mods it knows about, and dump the mods it doesn't know about at the bottom of the load order. Often this works out fine - but remember to check the mod homepage for any mod and see if it requires a specific load order.
  20. If Mod manager tells you a mod can be updated, you click on the text in the column "latest version" - it shows the current version + little yellow triangle with an exclamation mark. This will open your browser and take you to the mod's homepage. From there you can download, either with the mod manager or manually. If you do it via the manager, you just need to activate it after it's been added. If you do it manually, you will have to use the "add mod from file" button (top-left, looks like blue puzzle piece with green + symbol) "zbloodnpcbleed attached to Active effect" Do you have any "enhanced blood" mods or "crimson tide" mod perhaps? Because a lot of people have been experiencing trouble with those. Another thought, if you have all these mods installed, have you done anything with load order? If you just activated the lot of them through NMM, you should read this: http://forums.nexusm...-order-and-you/ and then grab a copy of BOSS http://oblivion.nexusmods.com/mods/20516 Some mods will not play nice with others, unless mod A is loaded before mod B. The BOSS program tries to keep a master list of which mods should be loaded when and will sort them to the best of its knowledge. Some manual ordering is usually still needed, and this is often a trial-and-error process. All this may seem a little overwhelming at first, but hey, that's life when you start messing with user-created content for a game :)
  21. I've looked at the mod page, and it states Sounds iffy. But don't the dragons start appearing with the advent of the main quest? So you could try the above to start the main quest, which will lead to a dragon attaching the tower, which will lead to alduin resurrecting dragons and them appearing everywhere.
  22. Let's review what we know: in vanilla skyrim (real vanilla, has not seen a mod ever) the load times are "normal", aye? In your game, the load times are messed up, both on the machine which has a bunch of mods and on the machine which has "only the essentials" (whatever that means for you) It's tempting at this point to think that something in "the essentials" are the cause. Could well be. But as a test, you could try loading the game and at the title screen open the console and coc somewhere you know gives you load-time grief. If it loads quickly, then there's likely something messed up in your savegame(s) If it shows the same issue, then there's likely something in your essential mod list which is causing this, and you'll have to investigate further, disabling essential mods & testing (load, play, observe) It's a slow process, but better than a non-working skyrim.
  23. Just a quick note - the last lines in a papyrus log aren't necessarily the thing that caused the CTD. If you see these dark brotherhood messages throughout the log, then it's most likely not the cause, just a repeated message of something not working entirely as intended. Very likely ;) ps. the original poster is listed as banned so likely won't be responding.
  24. That is... very odd. I tested my code on a dungeon, added NPC, added script to npc, and it worked fine. Could you paste an example of failing code?
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