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Everything posted by acidzebra

  1. http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/32339/? As a bonus it will also add appropriate enchants.
  2. It's a nice idea (though I have no clue whether "hell" plays a role in TES lore, there seem to be many different afterlife options so why not) but it could easily amount to tens or even hundreds of manhours to implement. That's not meant as a deterrent, just a realistic estimate. There are no "modder's courses", everyone who has ever published a mod is self-taught. You start each of your posts with "I have no modding knowledge" but what is stopping you from getting it? Install the creation kit from steam (it's under Library > Tools). Start working through the official tutorials here - http://www.creationkit.com/Category:Tutorials and really start at the beginning. When you're through with them you'll understand the basic of creation mods - how the CK works, how to create new cells/dungeons/etc, how to set up a quests, and the very basics of scripting in skyrim, enough to start whatever project you are thinking of and you will learn on the way - there are millions of howto videos, web tutorials, forum posts to help you along.
  3. I like spending winter polishing my battlestation, turning it into my warm fuzzy technerd center of the universe. If only I didn't have to leave it to go to work. I would REALLY like that. http://i.imgur.com/1rglkww.jpg
  4. I would highly recommend running through the entire CK wiki set of tutorials, not just the quest part (although that is the part that interests you most, there is a wealth of good info there) http://www.creationkit.com/Category:Tutorials After digesting that I mostly messed around with the CK and figured out how the vanilla game quests stuck together.
  5. Here's how you fix it: go back to a savegame from before you installed the mod.
  6. Okay, two things: 1) if you are going to use the console like that, you are going to break a lot of things. 2) if you're going to uninstall complex mods and not go back to a savegame from before you installed the mod, you are going to break a lot of things. If you value things like working quests and a relatively stable game over time as your character progresses, don't do these things. If you're just messing around and going to start a new save anyway, have at it.
  7. A papyrus log is not a crash log and the last entry is usually not the cause of a crash, because since it's not set up to be a crash log, the ultimate reason the game engine took a dump is not recorded. Just FYI. I don't know anything about your modding habits (do you install/remove complex mods mid-game, do you revert to an earlier save where the mod wasn't installed when you remove that mod, and so on, most people are pretty careless about installing/removing mods mid-playthrough and this is the cause of many issues) so I can't really comment on anything else, try going into riften on a fresh game (or just coc there from the main menu), that should at least give you some pointers about it being a savegame problem or a mod problem.
  8. Not a fallout player but implementing good quests takes time - how long did it take before the big quest mods started coming out for skyrim? How many REALLY good quest mods are there? From my limited experience with the CK and skyrim, quests are some of the most annoying things to make for the game - it's tedious testing out all the possible conditions that can happen along all the various stages (not to mention the 20 things that can happen that you never thought about that completely break your quest), the game engine is finnicky at the best of times, and if you want any kind of voice acting, your development time just increased by a LOT as the whole dialogue system makes me want to pull out hairs. Anyway, my point was (aside from the fact that I hate the quest setup in the CK and probably in the geck), that even when the dev software is released, it'll take a good amount of time before the complex storytelling mods come out.
  9. Welcome! You could perhaps check out the mod talk section http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/forum/420-skyrim-mod-talk/ I'm sure there are many ongoing projects that could use audio help.
  10. I like how every place I live starts looking like a borg cube over time. In this case, about 2 years. http://i.imgur.com/JtJEC9Z.jpg
  11. I haven't used the mod you reference, but for more variety in enemies, you can't beat Automatic Variants: http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/21377/? There are many AV texture packs, including one which adds a whole slew of werewolf looks. And a pink one. Which you totally can disable. http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/images/222247/? edit: beaten by the puppy by seconds, dagnabbit. But I have the pink werewolf so nyah.
  12. well, you could open a console and coc whiterun but the thing is, the crashing likely means there's some kind of underlying issue with your game setup. There's a real possibility that issue will express itself elsewhere too, sooner or later. You could see if it's related only to your current savegame by going to this mages guild on a fresh save and see if it crashes or not. If yes, the issue is with your particular combination/setup of mods or the game itself. If not, the issue is with your savegame. Both would require further investigation but at least this gives you a handle at where to start looking.
  13. I just want to know what, as a modder, I can expect from a Creative Director. How will you apply this Creative Direction? What are your credentials?
  14. From what little concept art etc is available, you should get a decent idea if you do a google image search for "Babylonian hairstyles". At which point you'll probably install http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/30062/?
  15. Don't see why it wouldn't be doable, there's already a SKSE condition IsSwimming http://www.creationkit.com/IsSwimming_-_Actor You could create a quest running on the player object, set IsSwimming=1 as a condition, and cloak the player as long as that condition is true. Of course, there would be no "depth detection", you're either swimming and stealthed or not.
  16. Wrye bash will tell you exactly what mods were present in any given savegame including the load order.
  17. That's because the ini files exist in your documents folder, under \my games\skyrim. There are many items in there you can safely edit to improve render distance, and some like the amount of cells loaded that are less safe. Don't think a mcm-based mod would be a solution for you since many edits require a reload of the game engine afaik. If you are going to mess with the ini files, remember to make a backup of your current version.
  18. I don't think that's one line, because I see line numbers on the side saying 1 and 2. If it were one line, it would look like this: http://i.imgur.com/CRIOpFe.jpg See the difference? The word-wrapped line 1 with all A's wraps around to the second line but line #2 starts on the "b" line. You definitely have a line break there where it shouldn't be, right after -i=
  19. I haven't messed with papyrus in a long time but when I was compiling stuff using notepad++ as my text editor I used the instructions from this page: http://www.creationkit.com/Notepad%2B%2B_Setup and they worked flawlessly. I suggest you look at that, BUT: note that "F:\Steam\SteamApps\common\Skyrim\Papyrus Compiler\ScriptCompiler.bat" %1 -f="TESV_Papyrus_Flags.flg" -i="F:\Steam\SteamApps\common\Skyrim\Data\Scripts\Source" -o="F:\Steam\SteamApps\common\Skyrim\Data\Scripts" is actually ONE line of text; from what I can see in your screenshot you seem to have two lines.
  20. Download again, it sounds like your download was corrupted. The zip opens fine for me.
  21. http://www.creationkit.com/TES5Edit_Mod_Cleaning_Tutorial Step by step instructions.
  22. SKSE doesn't break skyrim. Careless modding breaks skyrim.
  23. I like the new giant mural wallpaper forest photograph thing I finally had the energy to put up in the bedroom; I only had it lying around for 9 months ><http://i.imgur.com/0vUw7Sm.jpg I also like that it isn't like 37C out today. I like reading the skyrim mod request forums and see people ask for modders to practically rewrite the game engine or invest 6 months to a year of modding time on a vague half-notion of an idea while mentioning they have zero modding experience but they're pretty sure it's easy to do. I like reading the forum rules and warnings section and seeing how dumb people can be. ...I like lamp.
  24. Just FYI, papyrus log is not a crash log and was never meant to be. The last entry very likely has absolutely nothing to do with the reasons for the game crashing. In fact, having to log everything puts extra strain on it all; it's a dev tool and normally you want to leave logging turned off, if for no other reasons because people will be sent on endless red herring chases (unless you're seeing actual stack dumps, that would be bad). http://www.creationkit.com/INI_Settings_(Papyrus) Any changes to values you do make, I would really recommend to keep small; I don't think fUpdateBudgetMS in particular is susceptible to going nuts if you make changes but still, from 1.2 (the default) to 5.0 is something like a 400% increase. But yeah, given the amount of scripts already running in vanilla+dlc, lots of script-heavy mods are going to put a big strain on the system. edit: here's a reasonable discussion of these .ini values: http://www.reddit.com/r/skyrimmods/comments/2gwvwl/guide_papyrus_ini_settings_and_why_you_shouldnt/
  25. well you could add a water plane and use TranslateTo to move it up and down, but take note of the warnings on the wiki http://www.creationkit.com/TranslateTo_-_ObjectReference In the CK look for TG08Water1024 and specifically where it's used, because I think that's the one that's used for moving water. It's been a good while since I looked at it.
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