1632 -
Everything posted by acidzebra
LE Full Dragon Spawn rate before starting Main Quest?
acidzebra replied to KradenEPC's topic in Skyrim's Mod Ideas
Open console, type set dragonsreturned to 1Or whip up a quick mod which sets this global variable for you. -
Interesting issue? Mods show, but not texture, mesh etc
acidzebra replied to Dingoman013's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim LE
How do you mean "updated to 13"? -
Has any of the armor from the ESO cinematic been made?
acidzebra replied to Khailik's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim LE
http://p3d.in/0LAvG WIP by frankdema who unfortunately seems to be on a bit of a break for now. I'm not aware of any finished mods. -
Skyrim is a 32-bit app which has had LAA awareness since quite a few patches ago. It's never going to use more that 4 GB RAM (actually less than that with overhead etc). If the setting you are talking about is modifying iMaxAllocatedMemoryBytes is what you're talking about which I suspect you are given the mention of papyrus, that will actually destroy your savegame over time. http://www.creationkit.com/INI_Settings_(Papyrus)#iMaxAllocatedMemoryBytes I don't know of any other site that does what you're looking for, sorry. Nothing like understanding what values you're putting into your game.
It's not using it because it doesn't need to, or it can't because it's waiting for other stuff. Congrats, your CPU has spare capacity for other tasks. In other words, if you are still experiencing lag or low fps you are bound by some other limitation, so gpu, ram, disk, throughput of any of the before. In other other words, the bottleneck is not your CPU.
There are a number of solutions. One that I might go for is make copies of interior and exterior load doors, then add scripts to those doors that run addperk/removeperk or modav when entering/leaving (OnActivate). Or if that doesn't work properly, perhaps a trigger box in the cell which does the same on enter/exit. http://www.creationkit.com/AddPerk_-_Actor http://www.creationkit.com/ModAV http://www.creationkit.com/Stats_List http://www.creationkit.com/Creating_Primitives http://www.creationkit.com/Complete_Example_Scripts#A_Trigger_That_Detects_When_The_Player_Enters should be all the puzzle pieces you need. edit: or what jazzisparis said would probably be a more elegant way if it's not a vanilla perk you're wanting to add.
From my load list which are the most heavy script lagger mods?
acidzebra replied to Maniax2's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim LE
You're welcome, of course. Your problem is not so much "this mod is too script-heavy", because the game itself even in a default state is running a ton of scripts at any one time. Just look at the papyrus logs and script folder (in the BSAs) of a vanilla game. It's more "this particular combination of mods is overloading things". Pretty much all the mods fifty highlighted depend on keeping constant tabs on the player and nearby NPCs to apply some kind of effect. Then it needs to keep track of those effects, and end them at the appropriate time. That's why they are "heavy". The more NPCs you have running around in your game, the heavier this load will be. You also have to contend with "persistence", where the system load is once again dependent on your particular modload. That's why there is no one-size-fits-all tweak or solution. The papyrus ini page I linked to can give you some insight needed in what you could tweak to allow your personal modload to run okay, but that requires careful experimentation, lots of savegames to revert to, and patience. And you should always ask yourself "if a given default value counts for 100%, is it sane to increase that value by 1000% or more?". (the answer, in most cases, should be "no") http://www.creationkit.com/INI_Settings_(Papyrus) Or you could choose to just give up on some of the mods. In your new game :laugh: I know I had to make some hard choices between more NPCs running around vs more pretty environmental effects. I ended up choosing the NPCs because I like my Skyrim lively. -
http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/814/? Allows you very fine-grained control over most of the settings in the config files. Also allows you to mess up your settings completely. Because powerful. Note the limitations mentioned by the author in the sticky post in the comments section.
- not a racist But seriously, http://www.quickmeme.com/img/33/33dfbbfa5c48a72e3bb4dcc1eb0aad6b4846e556b3082b64c4ab199e59e1d7bd.jpg You are right in one thing though, EVERYONE in Skyrim is amazingly racist. But never to you, the player. "I hate dark elves so much!" *without skipping a beat* "oh hello dark elf dragonborn, how may I help you?"
From my load list which are the most heavy script lagger mods?
acidzebra replied to Maniax2's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim LE
"getting ctds" is not "more stability". You blew your papyrus script stack by setting the memory allocation FOR PAPYRUS to an insane value. The fact that the setting is made under [Papyrus] should have been a clue. It's not a game engine setting. It's a papyrus setting. Look, your savegame is toast. I don't think reversing the values now would save it. You could try, and you should change them anyway for your next playthrough. This time, try changing to a somewhat sane value. Like, I don't know, 115200 which is a 150% increase from default. Unlike 2GB, which is a 2700% increase. And you can't yank scripted mods mid-playthough. You need to revert to a save from before you installed them or start a new game. You should also probably turn off papyrus logging, right now the massive stack dumps are causing your game to freeze and the log is of very limited value to you anyway. It's just wasted cpu and disk cycles. -
New mod author comment moderation features and updated terms of servic
acidzebra replied to Dark0ne's topic in Site Updates
I haven't been on the nexus all that long. I have a meager crop of skyrim mods, which I offer under the most liberal terms possible (more or less it's "do whatever with it"), except where I use assets of others, then I respect their wishes. I have even made provisions as to what should happen if I disappeared entirely, because I hate mods ending up in mod rights limbo (and the mere fact that there is such a thing here should settle where ownership of content lies as far as the nexus is concerned). If asshats visit my thread, I generally laugh at them or poke at them and I doubt I'll ever have need to ban people from my mods. But at the same time, this community (which I do enjoy very much) that the people who oppose this new feature like to go on about already has a problem: a small vocal minority of utter asshats who think that somehow they are ENTITLED to spout their personal opinion/dislike (nowadays nearly always under the guise of "constructive criticism" to evade the banhammer). Who think that somehow they are ENTITLED to demand changes in mods to suit their tastes. Who think they are ENTITLED to technical support for their 200+ mod broken savegame playthrough, because it happened to finally break completely by adding one last mod (and the response is always: hurr durr your mod broke my game). Who think "it doesn't work halp" is some kind of useful comment, and who feel ENTITLED to the time and attention of the author because they are too lazy to read a paragraph of instructions. Who think they can somehow coerce a modder to do what they want them to do by "denying them endorsements until they change X". Do people think endorsements put money in our pockets or bread on our tables? It's a small vocal minority who offer nothing of value to the community except as statistics, but at the same time, they are causing good people who actually create useful content to stop doing that, or to think twice about it. And the community is continually growing (including this minority). That's a real and actual problem, not some kind of potential future specter of crazy modder abuse. And if modders seem "moody and crazy" sometimes, you should consider that one brick through your window can ruin a day of people saying hello in the streets. I get the point about fearing downloaders giving less useful feedback because of "fear of crazy moody modders and their personal banhammer". That's a fear, not an actuality. This is a trial, not a set in stone feature. I figure the downloaders who actually do give useful constructive feedback in a respectful fashion will continue to do so because they know what they are saying is reasonable, and they and the mod-makers they talk to are part of the same community after all. The asshats will now have to think twice, or risk losing access to the content that they want. "want", not "are entitled to". And if somehow all mod authors magically turn into little Stalins ruling their mod pages with an iron hand, well, ultimately it's their mod. Their content, shared freely. Or not. Now with more fine-grained access controls. -
From my load list which are the most heavy script lagger mods?
acidzebra replied to Maniax2's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim LE
...is this what you keep seeing in your papyrus logs? Suspended stack count is over our warning threshold, dumping stacks:Because if you do, it's very likely you have set iMaxAllocaredMemoryBytes in your skyrim.ini to some insane value. http://www.creationkit.com/INI_Settings_(Papyrus)#iMaxAllocatedMemoryBytes And if you DO see that, you should return it to it's initial value (76800) or if you are running a lot of script mods (your load doesn't look that bad), maybe something crazy like double it (which is already pretty extreme). Either way, if that's what you see your current savegame is probably hosed. Set sane values, start new game. -
New mod author comment moderation features and updated terms of servic
acidzebra replied to Dark0ne's topic in Site Updates
I don't see how I said all modders are perfect but if you want to be a stickler for formality, pretend I added "most" or "a lot of" to any group. But by sheer volume difference between downloaders vs mod producers, yeah, there are going to be more asshats in absolute numbers in the first group. Which is also Robin's point: there are too many downloaders (and thus asshats) for the volunteer admins to deal with so some responsibility is being outsourced by virtue of being crowdsourced. To the more popular (in terms of downloads) mod producers. Who, by the sound of the rather hyperbolic objections of some mod downloaders, can apparently be trusted to create free content and distribute it for the pleasure of others (also for free) but can't be trusted to be discriminating in who they choose to distribute their content to. Or they shouldn't have the right to choose. I'm sure there is some kind of point in there. -
New mod author comment moderation features and updated terms of servic
acidzebra replied to Dark0ne's topic in Site Updates
Useful feedback and positive criticism is easily recognised by mod authors and admins alike (addendum: and virtually every reasonable human being). It's just the userbase which sometimes seems to have problems discerning between "constructive criticism" and "stating a personal preference/opinion in the most jerkfaced way possible" and/or "demanding someone changes their work to suit you". -
edit: oh wow my topic title was brutally cut off. whoops. http://paranerds.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/12/Skyrim-Christmas.jpg We're about a month away from the event so lets get this show on the road, okay? Saturalia - Christmas In Skyrim by Deandra and Musicman247 presents, carolers, and a quest, oh my! Christmas Lanterns by MannyGT pretty lights all over! The Merry Snowberry - Holiday Decorations and Food by Jokerine trees, food, presents, right where you want them! Its Christmas in Skyrim by me dem trees. Christmas Advent Calendar by T3rRoR_SoLdi3R surprises galore! Christmas Bikini -CBBE- Holiday Special by LoverBR um... ho ho ho? Seasons of Skyrim Project - Summer and Winter by AceeQ let it snow, let it snow, let it snow! UPDATE: Merry Christmas! by Jerba (steam workshop) gotta look the part! More suggestions welcome!
Done and done! (and thank you!)
New mod author comment moderation features and updated terms of servic
acidzebra replied to Dark0ne's topic in Site Updates
Because come hell or high water, bob has some kind of intrinsic right to the work of another? Interesting idea. Is this a public store? A private site created to allow modders to share files with others? A private site created to allow people to download stuff? A matter of perspective, I guess. Perhaps both. Who are the drivers of content? This topic has been discussed to death in the mod author's private forum, by the way, so I wouldn't know about "borne of insufficient consideration". Don't act like an asshat, don't get blocked. Seems simple. A modder, moody and crazy as they may be, has no reason to start to bully users, and if they randomly start to do that, administrators are perfectly capable of detecting abuse. And on a practical note, since pretty much all popular mods seem to get ripped off anyway and reposted with or without permission elsewhere, you get to be an asshat in a lot of places if that's what you're inclined to do. Just not here. Which is why this is such a nice place. -
Nice work!
Maybe you just need to remix things to your own taste, using the mods you mentioned and perhaps these ones as base: http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/46628//? http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/27636/? Nothing like rolling your own. Deleting unwanted content in tes5edit is pretty easy.
I think that's a pretty good-looking volcano/mountain thing. Why not a volcano? Go with it ;) Beth's workflow sort-of-described (external software for heightmap gen, then hand-editing) http://www.creationkit.com/Heightmap_Editing Someone with a lot of experience in that sort of thing (this is somewhat outdated but the general principles still apply) http://hoddminir.blogspot.nl/2012/02/from-heightmap-to-worldspace-in-skyrim.html just one of many terrain-generators (I know this one because it actually produces workable and very nice heightmaps) http://www.geocontrol2.com/e_index.htm I guess what I am saying is at that scale, automation is probably going to save you a lot of work/headache. I'm not sure if I've ever come across a freeware terrain generator or I would link it. And speaking of automation, if you're looking to fill all that terrain (it's a LOT!) by hand you may want to look into the region generator http://www.truancyfactory.com/tutorials/fallout3/fallout_regions.html (fallout post but the same mechanism applies to skyrim) it will take you longer to set up but at that scale it will save you time.
anyway to gather mods before skyrim has been installed
acidzebra replied to zerefnosekai's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim LE
You mean like some sort of... mod manager? -
That's why I said forget your current game, start a new save. Here's what I consider a basic rule of the skyrim engine: for any mod more complex than a texture overhaul, you're essentially stuck with that mod for that particular playthrough. It's not 100% true, but it's close enough. And it's especially true when there is scripting involved. Nothing wrong with papyrus or using scripts in mods, just the way the engine is set up.
As a final tip and to add to the others' advice, when you go and test, do not load a previous save. At the main skyrim screen, just open the console and "coc whiterun" or wherever, then do your testing. God knows what kinds of variables and other bits gets baked into your savegames, but there's a lot of it and it's always best to test from a clean slate situation.
The short answer is your mod load is so heavy it makes the skyrim engine explode. What your machine specs are is less relevant than what the skyrim engine is: 32 bit and aging a bit. Warzones, by itself (aside from not really being maintained anymore - I think, I haven't checked) is a stupendously heavy mod. I love playing with it but when I do it's without any other mods running, or a very light sprinkle, in an isolated game. Open Cities brings all previously separate worldspaces for cities into the big main worldspace. It's a great mod, but there's both system load and potential incompatibility to consider. I haven't played skyrim recently but I think the civil war overhaul, by its very nature, is going to touch on a LOT of skyrim assets and bend them in interesting ways. My advice: remove warzones and open cities, forget your current save, start a new game. Check for stability.