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Everything posted by Eckss

  1. First guess: Is the existing list you're using a random list (ie a list of 'n' items from which some number less than 'n' entries are chosen?)
  2. Please quote the errors exactly as they're written and I'll see what the problem is.
  3. The numbers that came with the error message give you the line number and the position in that line at which the error occurs. 'Did you forget a cast?' means that the variable at that position is the wrong type for the function that you've called. In your case, the error is most likely referring to the use of the Self variable. Self in a script referrs to the form to which the script is attached, in this case the active magic effect. Replace Self with PickFurniture, like so. PickFurniture.Activate(PickFurniture)
  4. Hi, I expected quite a few of these 'What Mods' questions so I saved this answer so that I can answer consistently each time without leaving any out: I play with a lot of Mods and I've tried and rejected many others. I use all of these (among others) and I'm sure they’re all Must Have/Worth Having. Weapons and Armors Immersive Armors Immersive Weapons Ghosu - Weapon Pack JaySuS Swords Crimson Dragon Armor Open Face Helmets Replacer - Steam only Magic/Enchantments Apocalypse Spells Midas Magic Weapon Enchantment Upgrade Burn Freeze Shock Effects Graphics Overhauls Skyrim Flora Overhaul Static Mesh Improvement Mod aMidianBorn Book of Silence Elaborate Textiles Other Must Haves Guard Dialogue Overhaul The Dance of Death Crimson Tide - Blood Optimizer Textures (use it on graphic intensive Mods to reduce your system load) Other Worth Having Dragon Knowledge Spell Dragon Lair Map Markers Legionettes Mine Map Markers Crimson Quest Markers Dungeon Quest Awareness Auto Unequip Ammo Tribunal Robes – If you play a Mage Horns are Forever - If you play Argonians Better Vampires – If you play a Vampire Also check out the Top 100 Most Endorsed Mods of All Time. Eck. :D
  5. First, make a backup of the Mod containing your child, just in case. Then open up the CK. Under Data/Files find the Mod and click it, press Set as Active File, then OK. When the warnings come up, press Yes to All In the Object Window, choose Actors/Actor. Find your child's Actor Form and Rt-Click select Edit to open up the Form. Find the Attack Data Tab (at the top). The top field is a drop-down menu next to the words - Override from Behavior. Choose KhajiitRace in the menu. Next, under the AI Data Tab, Set Aggression to Agggressive Set Confidence to Foolhardy Set Assistance to Helps Allies Set Morality to Any Crime Click OK (bottom left of the Actor Form) Save the Mod. That should do it. I hope that's clear enough as I know the CK can be daunting, but don't worry, that's why you made a backup first. :thumbsup:
  6. Try SetAV Aggression 1 SetAV Assistance 1 SetAV Morality 0 Confidence is fine at 4.
  7. What values did you use for Aggression & Confidence? If you set them high and nothing changed, then jack013 and Shadowjin ( :ninja: ) are right, you'll need to look at the child in the CK. If whoever created the Khajiit child left the attack data blank then the Kit doesn't have any attacks to use and so has no choice but to flee. This is strange, because Nord children have attacks assigned to them.
  8. I can't see why that would be breaking the character's animation. It also should definitely be changing the player's angle. Have you tried putting a Debug.notification in your if math.Abs(head) > 0 conditional? What about updating more often than once per second to make the movements smoother? If this isn't any help, you could always take a look at the scripts in one of the sex mods; presumably they must be overcoming this issue somehow.
  9. If you can’t go through a wall, go around. Instead of applying your script to the projectile, create a spell that uses an invisible projectile that has the same characteristics (gravity, speed &tc) as an arrow, and attach the script to that spell. Then, attach that spell to a perk that applies the spell when a bow is fired under the correct conditions. This should have the effect you’re looking for, without requiring you to do the impossible, and it’ll also allow you to fix the problem of the arrow not impacting objects properly. :D
  10. Used the console and wrote but telling it cant be changeable trough console or scripts My mistake, use SetAV instead. I knew I'd got this to work, I just thought it was ForceAV that worked, but I checked in-game and it's actually SetAV in this instance. Happy Hunting. :D
  11. Create a Companion Dialogue Quest and put all the dialogue you want under the Player Dialogue tab.
  12. I'm not sure off-hand, but have you looked at Wisps or Magic Anomalies? They're similar to those yngol orbs and I think they're Actors. If I'm right, just edit one of them to look like the Orbs and use that as your new follower race.
  13. Personally, I don't use SkSE (Skyrim Script Extender) because Skyrim is unstable enough with just the basic updates from Steam affecting my Mods, let alone having to wait for SkSE to update each time. This may change when Bethesda release the final version, but for now I don't use it, and so I also don't use any Mods that require it. I'm in the minority there though, because the #1 Most popular Skyrim Mod on Nexus is SkyUI which requires SkSE.
  14. In the Console, Click on the child. Then put these commands in: GetAV Confidence GetAV Aggression Confidence has a range of Integer values from 0 - Cowardly to 4 - Foolhardy Aggression has a range of Integer values from 0 - Unaggressive to 3 - Frenzied Use the ForceAV command to alter the values eg. ForceAV Confidence 2 Play around with the values until you get the behaviour you like and then post the numbers here for anyone else in your situation to find. Good Luck. :devil:
  15. Gotta have Milk. How can you be a Milk Drinker if there's no Milk? How about fruit juice? Snowberry Akvavit? Eidar cheese is definitely blue, but not stilton; stilton'd be too strong flavoured for Elsweyr fondue. It must be milder like a Gorgonzola. On the subject of cheese, basic cow's milk cheese is Cheddar. Basic sheep's milk cheese is Feta There's dialogue in-game mentioning aged Breton cheese as a luxury brought in by the East Empire Company. With all the horses around, there'd be Mare's milk available for use also. With all the chickens, how about egg-nog? Although of course you could go too far with extra alcoholic beverages if you listen to me too much on the subject. I'm well aware that bored people will always make alcohol and it can be made out of anything.
  16. Cooking releases Anti-Oxidants from some vegetables, but also destroys a lot of vitamins. As to flavour, cooked veg tastes better because it's usually salted and often has other stuff on it. If you want to test for yourself, get some carrots, Boil half in water only and leave the other half raw: Then do your own taste test. Most veg is boiled in salted water which is a flavour enhancer. Plain boiled carrots are bland, raw ones are noticeably better. On the subject of meat, the biggest advantage is the destruction of microbes which prevents parasites/disease, second is ease of digestion. However, cooked meat animal feed (Dog/Cat food &tc.) is so lacking in vitamins that if it wasn't supplemented by the manufacturer it would cause malnutrition in the animals concerned. Overall, we are better off eating cooked food, but it's not such a one-sided comparison as you think. On the subject of dog-fed-dog: There's a reason he was one of my favourite uncles, he was a great raconteur and lived a very interesting life; I had a lot of uncles growing up. :) I guess I was lucky that way.
  17. What DreamKingMods said. Also, use Self to make the script more universal.
  18. That's a very subjective question. I can guarantee that you won't get any problems from activating GDO, but I'm not as familiar with most of the others. My advice is, get TES5Edit and load up all your Mods into it. You can then view the records that each Mod changes in a Spreadsheet format and see any conflicts for yourself. You can also create a Merged patch easily using it (Rt-Click in the Left Window, Select - Other / Create Merged Patch. Name it and you're done.) this Merged patch won't contain all the records, but it will resolve a lot of conflicts. This way you can choose the best combo for your taste rather than conforming to someone else's preferences. :)
  19. The simplest way to avoid this is to Save your game, then Exit to Desktop to clear Skyrim's memory, then Restart Skyrim, Load your Savegame and carry on. Do this before getting to any areas that cause you problems. Also, when you get a CTD, don't just carry on; Load a Savegame, then Exit to Desktop to clear Skyrim's memory properly, because behaviour during a CTD is obviously unpredictable. You can then Restart Skyrim, Load your Savegame and carry on. It's a good idea to Exit & Re-Enter Skyrim to clear Memory from time to time during a long session anyway, get up & move around to prevent circulation problems &tc. (DVT isn't just an issue for airline passengers). P.S. Optimizer Textures, as suggested by gamefever is also good. Use it as well as, not instead of, my suggestions.
  20. The customary method to show appreciation for a Mod on Nexus is the Endorse button. Although a 'Thankyou' type comment on the Mod's comment thread is also often appreciated. To show appreciation to an individual, whether they be an author or staff it's customary to award Kudos to that member. If you feel generous, most authors have a Donate to this User link next to the Mod and/or their Profile. I want to make it Absolutely Clear that all of these are completely voluntary on your part. It is Strictly against the rules of the Nexus for anyone to demand any kind of payment for Mods. If you haven't already read This, take the time to do so. Welcome. Eck. :D
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