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Everything posted by Eckss

  1. Try removing the inverted commas from the color declaration. ie. change to That's what I do with all BBCode for descriptions: seems to work for me.
  2. There's plenty of information on the Nexus, you just have to look. The Forum's search function will usually give you an answer quicker than asking a question, however, when you do ask, using a good title that lets others know the basic question like 'How to mod the correct way (Newbie)' is definitely the right way to go. The Nexus Wiki isn't just for Mod Authors, it's got information that's usefull to you as well, like This Article on how to install Mods, or This Article on Load Order. If you haven't already, become familiar with the Forum Rules, they're not that complicated and every member is expected to have at least read them (A lot don't, and that's how they find trouble for themselves). If you're using Nexus Mod Manager, installing Mods is so easy that it seems too simple, that's why some people go nuts and install 100 Mods at once without checking how they work and end up with a mess that needs a full Skyrim re-install to get back in working order. Install 1 Mod at a time, then play with it for a bit to see how you like it before you install another. Before installing a Mod, read the description carefully, I can't stress this enough; there's nothing that's more likely to annoy a Mod author (at least without breaking the site rules) than posting a question on a Mod's comment thread that's already answered in the Mod's description or ReadMe file. Also, learn to search the comment threads for answers before you ask - Mod authors also don't like getting asked the same questions over and over. An ENB is one of those 'love it or hate it' kind of graphics enhancements, I don't use 1 personally, so someone else'll have to explain that to you (you could try the chat, but read the chat rules before you ask, and if no-one wants to answer you, just try again later, don't ever be rude). I need to go now, if I haven't answered something, ask a specific question; I'll keep an eye on this thread and answer if I can. Read the articles I've linked to first, they might answer your questions. Welcome. Eck. :D
  3. One of my favorite Uncles (RIP) worked in North Africa for many years and he said that the cook at his work cooked a delicious cous-cous dish (which would contain gourd & cabbage in Skyrim) and the other workers kept arguing over whether it was lamb or goat meat. The answer to this quandry could be found by noticing that the number of stray dogs hanging around the outskirts of the living area went down by 1 every time he cooked it. :D Apparently dog tastes a lot like mutton or goat and stews up really nice. My dad used to poach venison in his youth and he said you can turn a whole deer into sausages in one night using it's own intestines (old poachers' trick to hide stolen meat - no-one can prove the source of meat in a sausage) On the matter of salmon, I don't know how nutricious sushi is, but I suspect it isn't necessarily as much less nutricious than cooked fish as is the case in vanilla Skyrim. On the matter of Horker, Eskimos eat raw frozen blubber to keep warm; it's apparently very effective. On the matter of Gourd, use it anywhere pumpkin, squash, marrow (which makes great homemade rum btw) or courgette can go. Soup, stew, stir-fry (or other method of doing cooked mixed veg or greens).
  4. Given that you're getting the Debug message, the problem lies in the AddItem line, so here's some things to try: change the line to; chest.AddItem(OreIron, 1, 1) or shift the additem line to below the debug line. Otherwise, is the chest a respawning container? is the chest reference pointing at the correct chest? shouldn't the chest reference be declared as a container? is the oreiron reference pointing at the correct version of iron ore? I think that's it, unless you've got a previous version of the script saved in the savegame you're using for testing and the game's running that instead of the current one.
  5. Looks good. :thumbsup: Lungs are a vital ingredient for Haggis (which some sources say was brought to Scotland by Viking settlers) - which is basically stomach stuffed with minced offal and barley and spiced with lots of pepper. That's why I suggested Fresh Meat as a generic meat, however I like your idea of Steak or stewing meat etc. Stews and pies both use the same meat. Any cut can be stewed, it just requires different cooking times depending on how tough it is. A cold stew can be used as pie filling. There is a significant difference between red and white meat as much as between fish and fowl, so I suggest having 4 meat types: Fish, Fowl, Red Meat, White Meat; with the possible addition of Horker and shellfish. For the purpose of an easy to use Mod, the differences between a stew made with goat or beef or venison probably shouldn't be as great (if there is any difference at all) as the difference between them and chicken or fish stew. All in all, I'm liking where you're going with this. Good Modding. :D
  6. Yes, OnInit is the one to use, though AddItem doesn't work properly within an OnInit event, but I see you're not doing that there. Have you declared OreIron as a property of the script?
  7. The simplest way to access a custom texture in the CK is to unpack the texture from the Mod's BSA file into your data/textures folder. It will then be available in the CK.
  8. That looks right to me. Put the script on the chest, then it'll become active the first time the chest is loaded in the game. You don't need to re-call the sgript, that's done by the RegisterForSingleUpdateGameTime Function. Just make sure you allow for more than one day to pass by adding a RegisterForSingleUpdateGameTime (24) line in the OnUpdateGameTime() Event, assuming you want the 'actual stuff for AddItem and such' to run every Noon and not just once.
  9. This is my usual 'what mods' answer, I've highlighted the ones that don't add, but just improve things, for your benefit, but I use, and recommend, them all. Eck. :D
  10. Hi, I expected quite a few of these 'What Mods' questions so I saved this answer so that I can answer consistently each time without leaving any out: I play with a lot of Mods and I've tried and rejected many others. I use all of these (among others) and I'm sure they’re all Must Have/Worth Having. Weapons and Armors Immersive Armors Immersive Weapons Ghosu - Weapon Pack JaySuS Swords Crimson Dragon Armor Open Face Helmets Replacer - Steam only Magic/Enchantments Midas Magic Weapon Enchantment Upgrade Burn Freeze Shock Effects Graphics Overhauls Skyrim Flora Overhaul Static Mesh Improvement Mod aMidianBorn Book of Silence Elaborate Textiles Other Must Haves Guard Dialogue Overhaul The Dance of Death Crimson Tide - Blood Optimizer Textures (use it on graphic intensive Mods to reduce your system load) Other Worth Having Dragon Knowledge Spell Legionettes Mine Map Markers Crimson Quest Markers Dungeon Quest Awareness Auto Unequip Ammo Horns are Forever - If you play Argonians Eck. :D
  11. Mod Authors seem to come in two types: Artists who like to make things look (or sometimes, sound) better and programmers who like to fix things that bug them - So that's the sort of Mods you typically get, beautification and bugfixes. I write Mods to either fix something that's really annoying me (Guard Dialogue) or to add a facility that I think would make the game more fun to play for me. (Dragon Knowledge). I've written others that I don't publish because of Nexus' guidelines (If there's already 3 or more Mods addressing an issue, don't bother to upload). I don't write Quest Mods because I'd find my own quest boring to play as I'd be intimately familiar with it and, like most Modders, I write for myself and publish to share with the community; I don't write to please other people or to achieve fame or recognition. That doesn't mean that I'm not extremely pleased that so many people are enjoying the fruits of my efforts, but their recognition isn't a motivating factor in what I'll write. Modding is meant to be fun, and as long as it is, I'll keep doing it. If I feel that something I've written would be enjoyed by others, I'll share, but I don't think there'd be enough interest in my personal crafting or scavenging mods, or my recipe for Orsinium Chilli for that matter, so they'll stay private. Anyway, I think the reason that few quests are written is that no-one wants to solve a mystery that they wrote or get emotionally invested in characters that are inevitably little more than a string of stats to them. Projects like Elsweyr are labors of love for people who love the lore of the Khajiit for example, but that sort of thing is going to be rare whatever the case. Otherwise, improving the way the game looks is definitely something that the Mod Authors can enjoy for themselves, so of course you'll see a lot of that sort of thing. Just my thoughts on the matter. Eck. :)
  12. No, it just means that you have to write those functions yourself and put them in a script on the quest that you then assign as kmyQuest in the drop-down menu above your quest fragment.
  13. Create/Add a script to the Quest Scripts Tab and it will become available on the Drop-Down Menu.
  14. Try this: Burn Freeze Shock Effects. I love it. :D
  15. Use the RegisterForSingleUpdateGameTime Function in your script.
  16. Try increasing the Draw Distance either in the options menu, or, if you want to go higher than the max available there, edit the values in your .ini files. Shadows have a Draw Distance value, as does grass, items and so on. I don't know the exact names of the values off-hand, but this tool can help you find them. Good luck.
  17. You can only put 1 Enchanyment on an item, BUT an enchantment can be made up of more than 1 Magic Effect. Create the custom Enchantment you want to use and it will become available on the drop-down menu.
  18. Hi, I expected quite a few of these 'What Mods' questions so I saved this answer so that I can answer consistently each time without leaving any out: I play with a lot of Mods and I've tried and rejected many others. I use all of these (among others) and I'm sure they’re all Must Have/Worth Having. Weapons and Armors Immersive Armors Immersive Weapons Ghosu - Weapon Pack JaySuS Swords Crimson Dragon Armor Open Face Helmets Replacer - Steam only Magic/Enchantments Midas Magic Weapon Enchantment Upgrade Burn Freeze Shock Effects Graphics Overhauls Skyrim Flora Overhaul Static Mesh Improvement Mod aMidianBorn Book of Silence Elaborate Textiles Other Must Haves Guard Dialogue Overhaul The Dance of Death Crimson Tide - Blood Optimizer Textures (use it on graphic intensive Mods to reduce your system load) Other Worth Having Dragon Knowledge Spell Legionettes Mine Map Markers Crimson Quest Markers Dungeon Quest Awareness Auto Unequip Ammo Horns are Forever - If you play Argonians Eck. :D
  19. Hi, I expected quite a few of these 'What Mods' questions so I saved this answer so that I can answer consistently each time without leaving any out: I play with a lot of Mods and I've tried and rejected many others. I use all of these (among others) and I'm sure they’re all Must Have/Worth Having. Weapons and Armors Immersive Armors Immersive Weapons Ghosu - Weapon Pack JaySuS Swords Crimson Dragon Armor Open Face Helmets Replacer - Steam only Magic/Enchantments Midas Magic Weapon Enchantment Upgrade Burn Freeze Shock Effects Graphics Overhauls Skyrim Flora Overhaul Static Mesh Improvement Mod aMidianBorn Book of Silence Elaborate Textiles Other Must Haves Guard Dialogue Overhaul The Dance of Death Crimson Tide - Blood Optimizer Textures (use it on graphic intensive Mods to reduce your system load) Other Worth Having Dragon Knowledge Spell Legionettes Mine Map Markers Crimson Quest Markers Dungeon Quest Awareness Auto Unequip Ammo Horns are Forever - If you play Argonians Eck. :D
  20. Try looking at this Skyrim Config Maker. It's a bit old, but you can look at it for inspiration. uGridsToLoad=7 - can improve smooth loading provided you have a 64bit system (higher values are unstable) You have 2 values for sIntroSequence=
  21. That's the Ice Wraith EFX. It's become attached to your character. To remove it, in the console, enter: Player.AddSpell CAF8A Then close the console and move around for a second or two in 3rd Person View. Re-Open console and enter: Player.RemoveSpell CAF8A The glich should be gone. Eck. :D
  22. I don't know the answer to your question, but since no-one else has replied, I can point you in the direction of finding out for yourself. Get TES5Edit, activate the program and load in all your Mods. You can then look at the changes they make in a spreadsheet style format and find the areas of conflict. Otherwise, the cause might be that 1 or more of the Mods you have hasn't been updated for Skyrim v1.8 in the CK. this also causes problems. The only solution in that case (ie the Mod hasn't been updated since the releas late last year of Skyrim Update 1.8 ) is to either stop using the Mod in question, or to update the Mod in the CK yourself. Good luck, I hope you can fix your problem.
  23. I like Elaborate Textiles. I particularly like the way that vanilla mage robes look so much better, it's a great improvement, especially in the early game where you'd be wearing mostly vanilla equipment.
  24. Do we win a prize if we guess right? :P I guess that you haven't attached the script to anything in the game, so it never gets initiated. If I'm correct, put the script on a quest that starts enabled (the quest doesn't need to do anything, just be initiated to start the script up) For my prize, I'd like a Phazed Plasma Rifle in a 40 Watt range; I've always wanted one of those. :D
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