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Everything posted by Cynster

  1. Yeah even though it's rated M, I don't think it's really that mature, except a bit of violence. To be honest I haven't really heard much language either. That was a cute interview :)
  2. I would definitely start with the creation kit tutorials :) they have user interface and very basic beginner tutorials to people new to creation kit. It should even be the first on Google's list if you type creation kit tutorial :) good luck!!
  3. I think you are barking up the wrong tree, possibly misreading my responses... You downloading a file without a description and deleting it is not what I would call bending over backwards. I don't think anyone here expects you to endorse a file you aren't satisfied with.
  4. That's your prerogative. I don't have a stake in this either way since I don't use mods or make my mods public (yet). I don't disagree that some of the statements by mod users have been pretty aggressive, but I wanted to point out that some of the mod makers in this thread have just as poor an attitude. I will refrain from using the term "you" because I'm not trying to make this personal, but "they" are giving me a strong vibe that they feel they deserve respect because of the time they put into a mod. To me it's like someone buying you something you didn't ask for and then expecting you to treat them a certain way over it. I don't know what mods the people in this thread did. But it was their choice to make that mod. It was their choice to spend their time on it and make it. That's the burden of an artist to create something and then if you choose to share it publicly you're submitting yourself to public criticism. They may like it or they may hate it. The bottom line is, you should be modding for you. And in regards to my comment to jet (which was not personal towards jet either. Also, I don't know if your comment about public was directed towards my comment or not) about modders telling you what they want your mod to do... If I want a special hammer, my first step isn't to spend a six months to a year learning to blacksmith a hammer. The first thing I'm going to do is go to the place where you get hammers. And if they don't have what I need, then I'm going to go to a guy that makes hammers. If that falls apart, then I can try to make my own. Yeah, people should be respectful in their requests, but maybe the OP was having a bad day, or maybe he was speaking out of frustration because one of these mods screwed up his setup to the point where he couldn't play. I think a better attitude is required all the way around. I agree with all that you've said here. Also, my comment wasn't directed to you specifically. I agree that if a modder wants to spend hours on something, they are doing it on their own time and he or she should not expect a great deal of respect (other than general respect and kindness that we receive from most people) because of his or her accomplishment.
  5. We wouldn't be liable if it messed up your computer, not that I think most mods are capable of that :rolleyes: It's your own responsibility to protect your computer and make smart decisions about downloading things. I think it should have been put in a nicer way and more people would be obliged to listen and take up some of these best practices. The tone of the demands in here do not make me want to rush and add descriptions to my mods. If you want to delete mods you don't like, that's fine. Delete it and don't endorse - it should be simple. It's another thing to rant to the whole community and expect people to receive it well. Just because a mod is public doesn't mean they have an obligation to make it user friendly. If they care about ratings/popularity, they will probably make it more user friendly, but not everyone on here uploads for that reason.
  6. I have, thank you Buddah. Sometimes I have some issues that aren't covered completely in the tutorials and it's nice to ask someone, especially someone who is checking the more technical questions rather than troubleshooting existing mods or talking about mod ideas. I'm using the Bethesda Creation Kit forum for that now, but it would be really nice if we had something like that here since I spend most of my time here.
  7. :) Cool - I hope he considers it! :)
  8. Where are technical questions about creating things via Creation Kit/Geck/other tools supposed to go? For Skyrim I have been using mod troubleshooting, but it looks like it is meant more for mods that are already released and not your own. It would be nice to have a very technical oriented place to post problems scripting/using the tools to make new content similar to what Bethesda has on their forums for questions about the creation kit.
  9. This. I don't understand why people care about sponsors dropping in any situation. If they drop, they drop. It's not like he "deserves" to have x sponsors dropped, so x sponsors will drop. On both the right and the left I am really tired of this. If sponsors don't drop when someone does something you morally object to, take notice and don't buy from them. If the sponsors agree I think they should have every right to keep sponsoring no matter how ridiculous he can be. Same on the left. There are some real nuts that say some stupid stuff too and it never seems to phase their sponsors either until in both cases when the media goes crazy and demands it and then finally one might drop them.
  10. Oddly, even lack of feedback is feedback to me. I don't take mod comments personally. If I get an endorsement/kudos then I know whatever I created was on the right track at least a little bit. And it's usually to do with people's preferences and what is popular to have. A negative comment doesn't really mean much to me other than that there is a part of the community that doesn't care about this type of mod to the point of commenting negatively. Usually it is just one, and I just consider that a difference of opinion. The most helpful to me are actual bug reports/comments including things that don't work and personal requests regarding the mod. That means someone didn't just download and delete it right away. It means that it was on the right track enough that someone is taking the time to make it work for them. That means the most, more than endorsements or anything.
  11. I have had an odd thing occur that if I record the voice for a new topic I just created after setting conditions without closing and reopening, the voice file will not save properly or something. I always have to close the topic, open it back up, then record and I am usually good. I am also having an issue where the follower text prompts appear but my custom follower does not say the text although she says quest text and I did the same methods. The only DialogueFollower text she will say is the location key triggered ones, which is kind of weird. So I'm curious for an answer on this one too.
  12. Normal load doors should work exactly like they would in interiors - you put the marker for the door where you want to teleport.
  13. Oh. :P Click the "Landscape Editor" icon (it looks like a picture of trees and the sky, hover over it and it should say landscape editor). Radius is the size of the area you are changing, scroll down, find your texture, right click the land and it should change the texture.
  14. You can have a pet My Little Pony :thumbsup: I nearly died when I saw that lol
  15. So when you are editing your landscape and you're in your landscape editor (the button that looks like a picture frame with trees), you right click and I'm assuming texture turns black. If that happens you need to left click the area where it turned back and press i to delete a few textures because there are too many. Is that your texture issue? That it turns black? If not I might have been a little ahead of myself.
  16. Click the black area in your render window and press I. You will get a list of textures. Delete 1 or 2 of the smallest percentage of textures, then add yours.
  17. It does, but I haven't played Oblivion in years lol Anywho hopefully we'll get more modders resources out :D
  18. I second this request. I have had the same problem :) I've done some houses with nature-esque themes, but nothing like I had pictured simply because the flora in Skyrim is pretty dry lol
  19. I think you might need to give it a relationship with the player as ally and set the NPC's properties to help "allies".
  20. I think that would be possible. Easy to do if you had the baby immediately spawn in a crib and not have to really get into new animations for it all. As for the food, it would probably be good to use a hunger mod in addition to the custom one. Anyway what you are asking is doable. It would be a bit of work, but definitely possible and not necessarily hard to do in my opinion.
  21. If it's pc you can coc out. Or start from an auto save.
  22. I have a solution :) for those with the same problem! Someone at the Bethesda forums figured out what I was doing wrong :) There was an issue ultimately with how I was setting the follower. 1. Place in your papyrus script on the dialogue where they decide to follow you, which also sets the relationship: (DialogueFollower as DialogueFollowerScript).SetFollower([Your NPC's Name here]) 2. Set properties DialogueFollower type:Quest [NPC name] type: Actor (you can select it in the rendering window if not auto-filled) compile and it should work! Be sure to add dialogue for following, one for each circumstance in DialogueFollower quest. And follow all of the other basic follower requirements. If anyone has any problems please feel free to message me :)
  23. I'm not very experienced, but I've made a few mods and I'm starting a quest one now. For that one I've done some voice acting. I've also done some navmeshing, character creation, building unique structures using vanilla meshes, homes. Anywho - like I said, I'm not very experienced, but I would like to help if you need an extra voice or extra help here and there. If you'd like to take a look, you can view Cuilalie Haven - especially the Optional WIP where I've done voice acting for her (obviously it isn't done yet). It's a very young sounding soft voice, kind of forlorn maybe. So if you needed a character like that, -shrug- but I have never worked on a modding team and I wouldn't want to hold you guys back. From a modder's perspective - ideas are great, but I like working on my own the best, and what would help me the most (or inspire me) would be requests or suggestions of things that you could incorporate into many types of mods, because then I can do a bit of what I enjoy and include something that is wanted too. For example - just reading your first post, it struck a cord with me - yes, we need more quest mods. And that is something lots of modders can do on their own time and at their own pace individually - and I'd prefer lots of different types of quests than huge quests, not that huge quests aren't neat. But I think it would have more of an impact on a smaller scale with a focus of quests - but you can't force anyone to do what you want them to do. Sorry, just kind of rambling on... Just my opinion, if it helps >.<
  24. Yep I did that too. It doesn't seem to do anything. I even tried doing it Esbern's way - and that was the only way I could even get her to follow, but that's following without using the followerDialog quest pretty much. She's following as a PlayerFollower not as a CurrentFollower. For some reason the CurrentFollower scripts just don't work with her voice type.
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