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AaronOfMpls last won the day on January 28

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About AaronOfMpls

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  • Country
    United States
  • Currently Playing
    Second Life (hangouts and RPs), Skyrim LE, House Flipper, Kenshi, other things I can get working on Linux
  • Favourite Game
    Skyrim, SimCity 2000

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Community Answers

  1. It was a well-known "lost album" that got stuck in development hell for quite a few years -- to the point where people were joking that China might actually become a democracy before the album would be finished. I've never listened to it myself, but I'd imagine that -- much like the game Duke Nukem Forever -- it never quite lived up to the years of accumulated hype and expectations.
  2. This should probably go in the Skyrim forums here,* but... Maybe the the UESP Wiki > Skyrim:Apocrypha page will have the answer you're looking for. * Go to Game Communities at the top of any forum page, and look for Skyrim. Hit Join Community next to it to post there.
  3. Referrer spam, would be one of my guesses -- trying to increase search engine rankings by having more links to their page. Yah, old enough that I'd figure Google et al know about it and can de-prioritze such links in search engine rankings. Though yah, they might also be trying to get the occasional curious person wondering why a period is linked, whose finger is itchy enough to click blindly without mousing over it to see where it goes.
  4. And do we need enough road to get up to 88 mph?
  5. It was about that temp and windy yesterday afternoon. Very gusty winds too, kept blowing my car around on the highway.
  6. *smh*... Not just non-constructively criticizing a mod, but one that removes or reduces sexual harassment and implied SA from the story. Even if you don't want the mod in your game, it seems kinda messed-up to make fun of other people wanting it.
  7. While I have both installed. I still have LE characters I'm not done playing with yet, and I still haven't quite finalized my SE mod setup enough to play much through the game in SE yet.
  8. If MO2's title bar is still on screen, hit the icon in the top left corner. You'll get a menu that includes "Maximize", "Minimize", "Resize", and other such options. (This menu has existed in Windows title bars in some form or another at least since Windows 2.0 or 3.0.)
  9. As do Extensible Follower Framework (EFF) and Nether's Follower Framework (NFF).
  10. @Lopcm -- the UESP wiki has a list of all of Skyrim's guilds and factions, at least from the (unmodded) base game and the DLC's. Maybe one of them is what you're looking for.
  11. Well, I came back to join in a few games yesterday. I had to spend a lot of time waiting, and while I did bring a book, I spent a fair bit of time on my phone too.
  12. A big, slightly fancy-looking book of Norse mythology. It's been pretty engaging!
  13. Been hanging out with online friends in Second Life as usual -- some in roleplay, some in card and board games there.
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