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Everything posted by MichikoUnknownFox

  1. Yeah it could be a video card issue... I had that problem on my old card on some games. Try lowering your graphics settings. The one in control panel/display settings, not the in-game.
  2. It's easier to steal from somebody who's sleeping or knocked out. But you can train your sneak first and then start stealing when you get high enough levels in it. D: I haven't played a thief type in years so I don't remember what level of sneak gets some good stealing percentages.
  3. Alright dude, I got a report for you! As a fellow noob to FCOM and Wrye Bash (I only just now learned to do BAIN installation), I am very pleased to report that the link that was posted earlier absolutely works without any bugs whatsoever. I simply followed the instructions to the letter. Well, I noticed there was a mistake in one of the instructions, but it doesn't take a genius to do the guesswork to fill it in and do it correctly. Hopefully by now you already know a little bit about using Wrye Bash. If not, the same website has some basic instructions on how to do stuff anyway. I only learned to make BAIN packages by following the guide, in fact. If you don't wanna use BAIN, there's instructions for OMOD too, but I was feeling like learning something new so I went the BAIN direction. I can't help you with the OMOD installation (I imagine if the scripts are written properly, it could be easier), but I can definitely verify the BAIN installation works like a charm. Just follow the instructions on the website. Here's some minor corrections and clarifications: * You don't need to use the recommended BSA's/resources if you don't want to (for example, you've already downloaded the original version and don't want to have to redownload). Just make sure you include them in the package for BAIN or OMOD properly. I didn't use the optimized meshes because I was lazy to download them (and was excited to see if I could get FCOM running), but I'm sure I can just patch those at a later time. * The Oblivion WarCry EV BSA linked in that website seems to be broken. Not that it's a broken link, but the file server wasn't working for me. I tried 6 hours in between and the connection kept timing out. So I just used the regular WarCry BSA. * In this page, the author makes a mistake under the OOO 1.33 - Convert section and says "(step) 14. Move the plugins from the "Other Options" folder into the correct folders:" By this point, the "Other Options" folder is empty, because step 13 is you creating that folder. What the author meant was "Options Only for LITE" folder. Make sure you copy the files properly. That's all. After that, I followed the guide as closely as I could, especially the relative installation order. Reordered with BOSS, rebuilt Bashed Patch, played the game. Remember, this was a fresh Oblivion install, and the only unrelated mod other than the unofficial patches and the DLCs I had so far was the weOCPS (crash prevention system) because I didn't like the CTD on exit that happened all the time even in straight vanilla. Play testing: I wandered around IC for a bit, and first thing I noticed was that there were female guards, and they pretty much had varied equipment, which means it seems to be working. I went around a few different dungeons and saw different monsters that I know aren't in vanilla, and some of the bandits had some unique-looking weapons. :D I didn't get to see any interesting armors on bandits yet, but that's maybe cuz I was running around with a level 1 character just to see if the mods installed properly. So yeah, it works. I hope you get it to work too. I'll be happy to lend a hand if you still can't get it to work from these instructions.
  4. You should post your load order. If I remember correctly, BOSS recommends that companion mods get loaded fairly late, and Neeshka may be included in that. If one or more of her processes gets messed up by another mod down the load order, it could cause her to freeze up or otherwise act buggy.
  5. Hey thanks for that link. I'll see if I can install that one (so I have a more up-to-date version). :D @kiakro: I'll let you know if the installation instructions in that new link work for me. I'll also post what steps I did, if I get it to work. So you can hopefully learn from it too. :D
  6. Okay so we know about the AA bug. You know. The one where menus and text become invisible if you have AA on? I want to know, why did I not have this bug earlier then suddenly now I do? :( Is it something that goes on and off, or is there something that we can actually do about it? Because it would've been understandable if I wasn't able to play with AA at all, I'd just keep it off and accept that it doesn't work. But I was playing with 4x AA (+ 8xQ AA via NVIDIA control panel) last night. I didn't change any settings since then. Suddenly when I tried to play it again just a few hours ago, (to test some other mods; didn't touch OBGE or any other OBSE plugin for that matter), my menus disappeared. D: I'm not really complaining, just curious, because it seems like there's something we can do to make it all work out, maybe a mix of stuff. I guess until people figure it out, I'll play with AA off and override it via NVIDIA CP. - edit: Looks like changing that value in OBGE.ini helps, but like they said, it turns some stuff off... Oh well. D:
  7. Surprisingly, I got it installed in one clean shot. I never installed it before (was too intimidated), and here it is now, working just fine. I just followed the instructions on this page literally, as in to the letter, though I do feel bad that I don't have the latest versions of stuff, particularly WarCry. However there's some things they forgot to mention, which . For example, the MMM 3.7 beta patch that they link doesn't actually have "meshes", "sound" and "textures" folders to put into your data folder. It comes with a big BSA file that comes separate from the patched .esp files that all come together in an archive. You have to make sure you download and install that properly, otherwise that could definitely cause a CTD or at least some errors (Oblivion seems to like crashing when you're missing a lot of resources). That's pretty much all I can think of right now. Logically speaking your game should be working, unless you missed some files here and there (the other files, not the ESP and ESM files, because your load order seems to be right). Also, have you tried running Oblivion without anything? It may be crashing because of something completely unrelated to Oblivion. Bad sector, corrupted or otherwise incorrect drivers, or something lol. I dunno, just thinking out loud. Anything might help you at this point.
  8. lol Don't worry about maxing it out. Like HeyYou said, Oblivion is terrible when it comes to graphics optimization. It's not a good benchmark for computer specs. Just aim for as stable and playable an FPS as you can get and stick with that. If it stutters, then you have a problem but you can probably fix it. It's unlikely that your system would stutter though. Heck, mine's only a fraction of your system's power and I'm not really getting any stuttering. I used to play on a really old machine that was not at all built for gaming (Radeon HD X1550 card lol), and played at a fairly stable 15-20 FPS. It was fine with low settings. Fast-paced combat, etc. It just stuttered once in a while especially outdoors. But overall I would still say it was playable. I enjoyed playing on that machine for 4 years until I got this machine, which is better for games but not really a gaming machine (it's more optimized for my work). But yeah, be happy that you even get to 60 FPS at all lol. A lot of people don't.
  9. Yeah agreed lol. Oblivion is really a sandbox game lol. In 4 years of playing this game I've actually not even finished the game yet! But I really enjoy playing around with mods, and even making some of my own. I like exploring and finding the mods I've put in, bug testing, and all that. :D
  10. Well you can manually edit it back to the default English values in the CS. But yeah it's a bit of a hassle.
  11. You can also check out the ATI range. ATI cards are generally better bang for buck. Older Radeon gaming cards like the 4850/4870 are still very good even by today's standards and they only go for like $100 in some stores (a local store here has old stocks of those and they sell for much cheaper).
  12. I have Game Booster too. It doesn't really work as advertised for me, especially since I have a lot of RAM and a good processor to begin with; I have 3.5 GB RAM and a quad-core processor, and a very clean task manager so parallel processes aren't a problem with me. But it really does have some useful tools. I like the quick defragmentation tool, and the disk cleanup tool, which is actually the same one Windows has but in a convenient location, is also useful. I really just use it for the defrag. Your card can run Oblivion, but you'll have to make a lot of sacrifices if you want smooth gameplay. Try to disable anti-aliasing. I also found that shadows and reflections are the heaviest on graphics processing (even moreso than texture rendering). Turning off shadows and reflections (or one or the other) will really boost your FPS. There's a lot of other mods that are useful, like OPO, those smaller LOD texture/normal map packs (there's a few choices, search in TESNexus), among others. Streamline might help you maintain a fairly smooth FPS standard. It worked for me when I was on a really low-end machine, but some people say it doesn't work for them. It's easy to uninstall anyway if it doesn't work for you. Worst case scenario, do what I used to do. If you're out in a field with lots of grass and whatnot, but you get attacked and the FPS is too low or unstable to actually win or even run away, just type TLB in the console lol. It'll make your game look pretty ugly cuz it kills shaders and effects, but you'll have a real FPS boost, at least until you get rid of your opponents, then you can turn it back off. But that's only for emergencies. I used it a lot cuz my video card was sadness, though. You might not have to, but it's just additional information. :)
  13. Shameless plug: an old mod that I made before. It bothered me so much that I had to make one of these lol. It's a simple fix but it should reduce all those guards and other folks always saying stuff to you as if you're the only person in the world.
  14. Yeah it doesn't seem to be very popular anymore, which is sad cuz it has a nice shape. I know some people still use it though. It has a good balance by being sexy without being over-the-top. I'm sure people would download your stuff if you made it. :)
  15. I tend to butter them up with speechcraft, which usually gets me to about the 70+ or even 80+ range (cuz I use it a lot, I got high levels in it already), and the rest I'll just bribe them. I dunno the minimum disposition he has to be to sell you the house (without checking a spoiler/guide), but I know I was able to buy that house already without cheating lol.
  16. Yeah. Games like Morrowind, Oblivion, etc., are cool and have nice storylines, but in all reality is most interesting because of the customization and the lol-tastic fun you can get by messing with the game. Some of my fondest memories of Oblivion from before were when the game does something cool or silly, either by vanilla stuff or when mods meet each other. I remember one time a long time ago, I walked into the chapel in Skingrad, and one of the monks there got struck by lightning inside the chapel. He died instantly. I didn't do that, nor did I have any weather mods installed at that time. It wasn't even stormy outside. It was some freak accident, and I still don't know what caused it. But it was hilarious because it was such an unexpected thing to happen. Randomlulz. I spent the rest of the night messing with the poor guy's corpse before reviving him via console.
  17. So far so good. I got FCOM and some minor mods installed, and after putting it all together via Wrye Bash, I went through test character creation without a CTD lol. Now for some cosmetic mods like animations, combat mods, etc.
  18. Haha yeah I don't mean that sarcastically. I really enjoy shopping for and downloading new mods because each time I return to the game, there's always new mods that people recommend, or updates to old mods that I already remember were pretty good. This is my 3rd return to playing Oblivion since I first got the game in 2007, IIRC. I still have my original disc from back then. It's a little scratched by now, but it still seems to work. The best news though is that now I have a respectable PC. It's not really designed for gaming, but it's so much better than my old PC, which could only play Oblivion on 800x600 with everything turned off, and still only run at a stable 20 FPS, or lower outdoors. So maybe now I can finally start enjoying the scenery in Oblivion, which should make the game more enjoyable than before already. :D Anyway yeah, just trying to reconnect with the community. I may be working on some mods again, as soon as I get everything set up. I've been practicing my voice acting, and I think I can copy some of the male voices pretty well. Might be interesting for some mods that require voice acting.
  19. I do a clean uninstallation and reinstallation like Tomlong54210 suggests. It's to ensure I'm not leaving any gunk left over by old or uninstalled mods in my data folder (especially the Meshes and Textures folders, as they tend to really add to the bulk of my HD). It also ensures I'm not leaving any orphaned or broken files, especially config files, which could mess up my mods when I reinstall them and somehow don't overwrite important files. It's best to be safe with these things, to save myself the trouble of a big headache of hunting down what may be causing errors or CTDs down the line. In addition my system is actually very well-maintained. My processor (and video card) are kept cool and ventilated, my HD isn't cluttered and is very well taken care of. It's organized and defragmented often, etc. This is relevant because it improves my PC's performance, and also ensures that I'm not accidentally trying to install into bad sectors or any other problems that might cause the game to not install properly.
  20. I start over a lot. :P Usually it's just to clean up my data folder for mods that I found to be useless, obsolete, or otherwise not really worth the disk space (such as clothing mods that I never really use because they don't look so good in-game). Sometimes it's to hunt a bug-causing mod, etc. I have my favorite mods as well, and they are the same mods that I can't imagine playing without. Most of them are cosmetic mods, like hair and body mods, even environment-enhancement mods, and game system mods, such as the combat mods. Of course the unofficial patches are necessary as well. I also need the performance mods, to make my game run more smoothly. Aside from those, everything else can come and go from my load order without me really caring too much.
  21. I'd say any error that leads to that kind of error screen is not natural. I'm pretty sure there would've been extensive testing to reduce that kind of error as much as possible. Though, I think you have the wrong command for off-hand. This is what the readme says: In other words, don't do it barehanded. Equip a weapon first, then press block + UV modifier key then tap your UV attack key. It's still not supposed to have an error without a weapon, but it might prevent errors if you do it properly.
  22. I highly recommend David Brasher's Smarter Bandits mod there. :D It's very good and my roads are pretty exciting now. You never know if you'll run into a big bandit group (it seems there's usually at least 1 group per main road, and the side roads have them too). Kuertee's Wandering Encounters is also pretty awesome. You'll find groups of all kinds of generic stuff (including wolves, bears, etc., as long as they have some intelligence) wandering around the roads and sometimes trying to get into a city or a roadside inn. There was 2 large bandit groups (from smarter bandits) that were wandering (because of wandering encounters) near Weynon Priory, just as I was about to do the quest there, and I was only level 3. It was intense! I had to hide and sneak around them because there was just too many for me to fight (I tried!). The "overhaul" mods that add spawns in the wilderness are also good. I get some special monsters added by Francesco's mod on my roads now, once in a while. Just be careful with installing them and follow any instructions and advice given, and make backup saves of course in case you decide to uninstall.
  23. Well default walking animations should work for you if it's just male characters. A lot of mods use kick animations, like Sinkpoint's Martial Arts Animations mod. You can use other mods like for expressions, like Personality Idles and its variants. You don't need to actually activate the mods. You just need the animation files inside them, then you script the characters to use the said animations. Unfortunately, I'm not entirely sure how to do it, but it shouldn't be too hard to figure it out by looking at existing scripts of characters that already make non-standard movements. But yeah, even with the knowhow and all the tools for me, I still wouldn't use Oblivion for this. I think doing something like stop-motion animation will take less time, be easier to maintain (because there's no need for bug testing and accounting for the possible weirdness of Oblivion's engine messing things up) and ultimately be more rewarding than this.
  24. They're dresses, not armors, so you're likely to buy them from clothing merchants or general merchandise shops (you know, like Jensine's or Borba's like slygothmog said).
  25. One of the first problems I saw coming from the first time they announced an "online" version project was that MenuMode stops time, so it would either cause de-synchronization of the game world when one user uses MenuMode, or it would cause the world to freeze for everybody to compensate. Not to mention that if you have a new mesh that other users don't have, they'll see you with the big yellow missing mesh marker, or simply CTD. If they make a background downloading feature for every new item the server detects, it'll add lag and reduce the overall smoothness of the game. It's all possible to make fixes and workarounds of course, including the "pre-approved mod" idea, which could also ensure that all the mods do not use MenuMode, but in the end it's actually too much trouble, and it may well be easier to just play another game that's actually designed for multiplayer.
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