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Everything posted by MichikoUnknownFox

  1. Replacers don't need .esp files though. In the case of armor replacers, it's usually just meshes and/or textures. Do you remember what body mod that is you're using? Try searching for replacer packs for it. Sorry I can't help more.
  2. 1.) I haven't checked. I think dragon priests are also excluded at least from spells. I can confirm later, but yeah. NPCs naturally pick the best spells in their arsenal though, so even if ASIS somehow gives them other spells, then it'll be better (Magnitude) than whatever they had. 2.) There are no plugins to enable in ASIS other than the dependency mod and the produced patch so I'm still not sure what you're asking. You probably mean in the patcher itself. ASIS will only patch the things you tell it to patch, so if you disable the perks and spells parts then ASIS won't do either of them. ASIS is a patcher and reads your currently active mods for all valid spells and perks, but only if you tell it to.
  3. What's its name? It actually looks like it might just one of those packs that changes all the vanilla female armor into a more revealing version that fits a specific body type. Or try this.
  4. 1.) Yes. As far as I know, NPCs that have specific roles like that are excluded in ASIS improved INIs, so no spells are added to them. I have never seen a Pyromancer use any other type of spell even with those added by mods. 2.) Not sure I understand the question. The way it works is it adds relevant spells and perks if their skill level is high enough, basically if the player is able to learn it at that level, so can they. Most of the excluded NPCs in ASIS are the NPCs that don't need perks (story characters, dummies/perma-dead, or those that have been designed to have their own perks like dragons).
  5. Might not be what you're looking for, but this is one I use. It's a SkyProc Patcher too, so it ensure maximum compatibility with other mods that may be affecting races and whatnot.
  6. Yeah it has to be an ability. The ability will stop working when the conditions are not met (when the weapon is not currently equipped), and turn back on when the conditions are met (when the weapon is equipped again). Think of the sun damage you get as a vampire. You can even use that as a guide. Diseases could work in theory but disease resistance will affect it. Not much of a curse. Ability is cleaner and it's also what most other similar effects do.
  7. CBBE takes a little more work to get going, but not an inordinate amount. Just like all body mods, once you've got it set up it's all gravy as long as you install compatible clothes/armor later. UNP is compatible with vanilla bodies so if you find an armor mod that is for vanilla, UNP will work with it, and vice versa. I'm told CBBE uses a different UV map or something like that, so it'll take a bit more work to get it to look good, but only for armors that show some skin especially around the arms and legs and whatnot. That said, you don't actually even need a body mod. Again, most UNP armors will work just fine with the vanilla body, as long as you wear their whole sets (otherwise you might get seams at the wrists or something). Their shapes will be different but to be honest, a lot of the UNP armors don't even follow the default UNP shape either. Heck a lot of them don't even support weights, so your character will end up with a differently proportioned body when wearing armors sometimes. But that's just how body mods work. I personally like UNP better if only for that simplicity. Some of my favorite armors do not have a CBBE version (yet?), and while BodySlide exists, I'm too lazy to actually deal with that, especially since I already have UNP set up properly.
  8. Create a constant self magic effect that drains the health under the condition of that weapon being equipped. Attach this magic effect to a spell (ability) type. Give the ability to the player via a script somehow, either automatically (quest script) or attached to the weapon, to trigger when it is added to inventory.
  9. Yeah I'm stuck with that too lol. I think you're better off just ignoring WeaponType altogether (that seems to go by animation type; compare the GetWeaponAnimType condition function in the CreationKit) and reading from the keywords entirely. I'm still relearning the Java syntax so you can probably figure the actual syntax out faster than me. But here's my train of thought. 06d932 is the FormID of the WeapTypeBattleaxe keyword. FormID weaponBattleAxe = new FormID("06d932", "Skyrim.esm"); Then magic it into some kind of conditional statement where if weaponBattleAxe exists from the weapon's keyword list, do stuff, etc. This is the part I don't get yet though.
  10. So I know how to do basic things with SkyProc, but I wanna know how mods like ASIS and ReProccer are able to read from external files, especially .ini and .xml files. I'm trying to do my own version of ReProccer for adding keywords to stuff based on other existing keywords, parts of their names, etc., as well as rebalancing their stats, and as I've seen with ReProccer, it's a lot easier to make edits in the .xml file than to have to compile the patcher over and over whenever I get a new item that I haven't accounted for yet. I tried reverse-engineering and I couldn't understand what I was looking at in the code for importing the values from external files. I blame my noobishness when it comes to Java. Anybody understand any of this?
  11. Hi. As the title says, I'm trying to make my own patcher that works a bit like ReProccer. I can't use ReProccer itself because I'm not using SkyRe. I'm actually working on my own perks and combat overhaul mod. I only need some of its basic functions, though, so it should be fairly simple to somebody who already knows what they're doing I think. The wiki for SkyProc seems highly outdated, as the actual SkyProc thing in NetBeans doesn't even look like what the guide is showing, so it's a bit confusing. I don't need a step-by-step guide (though I'd appreciate it and wouldn't turn it down!). A point in the right direction would be useful and much appreciated. Also note I already have NetBeans and the latest SkyProc libraries properly set up in it. I just don't know what the command lines/functions are supposed to be because, again, the guide (even the syntax) is quite different from what I'm actually seeing in NetBeans. D: So here's basically what I want the patcher to do: - Change attack and defense ratings for equipment, based on keywords (material). - Assign new attack and defense ratings for equipment that does not have any material keyword listed (such as guard armors). - Add keywords to items based on their names (e.g., a "Spear" item from a mod might get a WeapTypeSpear keyword, and all "Falmer" armors will get a ArmorTypeFalmer keyword, etc.). - Hopefully also be able to read from .xml files like ReProccer, in case somebody wants to adjust the settings. Thanks in advance for any help!
  12. You're gonna need quests and packages. It won't be invasive at all because it'll all be contained just in that mod. The package is to move to the player based on the conditions you define. There's a lot of conditions on there actually, so you can do exactly what you want. This won't happen anyway. Stuff doesn't get loaded and processing doesn't start on their AI until you're in the area (depending on your uGrids setting; which is why bigger than the default of 5 can be unstable and is not recommended). If you get within range of where the NPC should show up, then it'll start moving to you following navmeshes, unless you have it set up so that it'll show up like a random encounter or that it can follow you around. If you put a timer on their movement package then they'll attempt to pop in through a sensible door where you are if necessary when the time is right. E.g., if you are in The Sleeping Giant Inn and their package is to try to go to you at 7 PM, they may randomly pop into the door any minute until the end of that package, if there is an end. Waiting or sleeping will cause them to show up randomly inside the same area as well.
  13. The problem with being a modder is once you have a mod idea in your head, it's hard to imagine, let alone play, the game without that mod.
  14. In response to post #27193369. Buy Premium or Supporter status at least. It helps.
  15. I hope the next game in The Elder Scrolls series brings random conversations between NPCs back. I don't care if it's a DLC I have to pay for that adds nothing else. Skyrim feels so dead compared to Oblivion.
    1. Equinox96


      There are still random conversations, just they get annoying when it's the 70-something-th time Carlotta and her kid argue about going to the tavern
  16. Sorry gromulos. Had to get rid of your Vampire Dante drawing.
  17. Busy with life. Never got to finish a lot of my mods, sadly. @_@
  18. Working on a simple MMORPG-styled perk overhaul for Skyrim. Yay. D:
  19. Those "medium" and "ultra" settings nonsense mean nothing once you touch the game with mods. They just tell the game to load its own default textures and other settings that match what you pick, including the ones that you can tweak with Fallout Configator. Once you touch the game with mods, the mods override that. So 4096x4096 will always be 4096x4096 regardless of what your other settings are, regardless of what your system specs are, regardless of what you want the game to do with 4096x4096 afterwards. That's what you downloaded and installed, that's what you get. So it comes bundled together with the loading time it takes for all of the 4096x4096 textures into video memory from the HDD to display it.
  20. Loading screens could be an issue with resource management. If you're using HD textures that's bound to happen. Taking care of your PC helps, particularly disk defragmentation if you're using a normal HDD (not SSD). Also make sure the same HDD isn't being used for anything else like downloading mods or other games while you're playing. Those can slow the loading process down a bit too. Other than that, it's the price you pay for HD textures.
  21. You don't need a mod for this. Try out Fallout Configator and look at the stuff related to preloading, loading in the background, cells, and Grids loaded. Please read all of the warnings and instructions as they are presented to you. Unfortunately that's actually as good as it gets. Even on a good gaming system, that's all you can pull out of it in terms of how much information you can preload. You're talking about engine-level changes. There's no way a mod can do that fluently. You're basically going to have to do a massive overhaul that is essentially an emulator, where most systems of the newer and more powerful engine used by Skyrim will have to be copied crudely just to make them fit into the older and weaker engine used by Fallout 3. Yes but it's illegal to distribute them. You need to own FNV and all the DLC's. If you do, try googling for Tale of Two Wastelands. Good luck. This is possible and there are a few mods that do this already. I can't remember the name off the top of my head, but there were mods that added a bunch of raiders and occasionally made them travel the roads. They sometimes tried to attack towns like Megaton. If you haven't seen any you like by searching for them, they probably haven't been made yet. Unfortunately, textures and models are outside of my realm of expertise with modding, and it's one of the rarest specialties for modders and hardest to get into. No comment for now. It's actually neither. The FO3 HD mods go as high as 8192x8192, which is friggen huge, at least as far as computers are concerned. The size/resolution of these images certainly are ultra HD, but the question is, how good is the quality of the source image? That's what really determines the beauty of the textures in games when all of them are at 4096x4096 or 8192x8192. Should be possible but I have never ported a monster mod before. Let's just say theoretically yes it's possible. You need somebody who knows what they're doing for that. But technically yes it's possible. Why not use the official FO3 version? I'm pretty sure FO3 had its own companion wheel mod but I can't seem to find it now. While a lot of these are not really difficult to people who know what they're doing, why not take this opportunity to introduce yourself to the world of actual modding? A lot of us started out this way too. We saw something we liked or wanted to change in the game, and then we read the documentation and tutorials on it (thank you Google), and tried to learn how to do it ourselves. Eventually we figured it out, often with the help of other modders who also figured it out a similar way.
  22. Yeah go for it. FO3 is a really fun game and is way more fun with mods. Whatever fun you had on the 360, you're going to have more fun when you start getting mods or modding FO3 yourself. I barely even play FO3 anymore but I still mod it. :psyduck: There are some funny bugs I noticed that are added by certain mods, like Crowded Cities. NPCs will have conversations with each other even if their buddy isn't human. Rivet City residents might be talking to a dog and going on like the dog is talking back, which it isn't.
  23. That's definitely a possibility. Way more likely than AA itself being the cause of the crashes, which is technically not plausible (or else FO3 should never have shipped if it couldn't handle a simple mod like AA that would cause frequent random crashes). Let us know how it turns out.
  24. That's very strange. I have Steam GOTY too and I'm not experiencing that at all, other than the normal once-in-a-while crash that happens when you actually have big mods running. Which is normal, by the way, if that's all you're experiencing. Try to observe it some more. Try to see if there are particular events that it crashes consistently on. It can sometimes fluke like that, like if you get a crash when entering a town, when you restart the game and enter the same town you'll find it suddenly doesn't crash, even without "fixing" anything.
  25. AA by itself can't cause your game to crash. It only adds new weapons and ammo, and doesn't use scripts, interfere with game settings and everything. There's no AA-specific bug fixes for you. Crashes in Gamebryo games are rarely caused by hardware issues (if you have hardware that is too weak to play, you'll experience poor FPS and/or graphics quality instead). What version of Fallout are you using? "Patched, updated", but is it Steam? GOTY? Any DLCs? Any INI tweaks you did?
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