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Everything posted by Cait833

  1. Well, it does seem stable enough.... keep getting eaten by things though xD I am however experiencing 2 issues - shadow bias popping and an inverted map. They don't rear their heads until I'm out of Riverwood though :o I know I can 'fix' the shadow popping by turning up the Shadow Bias Scale, but I have no idea how to go about fixing the map camera. :x I'll start a new topic in the technical support as well, since this more suited to that.
  2. Sorry, but your images cannot be viewed. Please put them up on imager, photobucket or something similar, and include a link to them. :)
  3. I'll test out a new game in the morning - too tired now. ^^;
  4. It would only be the save that would get bloated with unanswered scripts, although it depends on what kind of scripts they are - make sure that the mods are not relied upon by others. Whilst there is no such thing as a 'clean save', that does not mean that the saves will be corrupted. The game itself would remain untouched. :smile: Best thing is to consult the author of the mods on these matters.
  5. Everything has been cleaned - the load order is the BOSS log. :)
  6. Hello, I'm back after a long absence from Skyrim and would like some advice on my load order if you may. I seem to have gotten it stable, but have yet to test it extensively - started out with 230, which I was crashing with, so I removed a handful of unnecessary ones, and am now down to slightly more humble 209 (203 w/o the Jswords, Bandoliers and Moonlight Tales plugins that reactivated... ^^ :wink: I will try to run around the map as much as I can.... without being eaten.... before I deem it fully stable in the worldspace. I am using the stability guides: http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/50244/? and http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/50214/? (excluding the vanilla texture optimisation and SSME - the new SKSE alpha has the memory patch inside - using 1GB and 512MB for my memory allotments), and I am running the Vividian ENB with v0.251. My load order: http://pastebin.com/BcuHfFUZ So, I shall remove the unneeded plugins and start a new game (they're included in others), play for a few hours, exploring the map (or getting as far as I can), and post my results. :smile:
  7. One thing I can see is that you are using a Lorecraft compatibility patch, but not Lorecraft itself.
  8. Just use the flora overhaul with the overgrown optional.
  9. What version of Skyrim do you have? What is your BOSS log (load order with all notes)? Have you tried verifying your local cache with Steam? Your little rant it very vague. >.>
  10. You should try without any mods, and then with the unofficial patches. Other than that, I am unsure of what is causing this.
  11. It is perfectly fine to clean all of the DLCs and the update, but do not touch skyrim or you'll break the game. If you would like to return the original files for whatever reason, TES5edit creates a backup as default in your data folder - just rename it. Also, make sure that you always have the latest version of TES5edit and re-clean the DLCs whenever you get a new one.
  12. The bear that you saw if from tame the beasts of skyrim (not sure how you thought that was weird since you have the mod) and belongs to Olfrid Battle-Born (there should also be a wolf behind the meat counter and in the Drunken Huntsman. No idea where the Argoninan is from though. Also you should start a new game with no/very few mods installed (replacers (no esps or esms) like textures, animations and sounds should be fine). Once you reach Riverwood you can save inside one of the houses and then add a handful of mods at a time (5 or so) - test them out for a while (20-30min) doing what you think would make it crash, and if you don't, then you can make a new save (always make a new save - do not overwrite).
  13. Yep, the lite version looks virtually the same as the full version, in fact I actually prefer it - crispness is not the holy grail. The thing is that I changed over to the lite version after seeing that almost all of my VRAM (3GB) was being used up (I use ENB, WATER, Vurts, SMIM, Ultra HD Pack, etc. and various ini tweaks (no ugrid ones)), but it still is, with it. Graphic intensive games generally keep textures that it needs to load in your VRAM so that it can place them when and where needed, so it would probably use up almost all of it anyway (I think). I do CTD after a good while of playing, but I have 214 mods so...
  14. You can use Gopher's tutorial videos to setup SKSE and BOSS: http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL20E326325BADAE44 BOSS: http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/6/? SKSE: http://skse.silverlock.org/ TES5Edit: http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/25859//? If you have any unrecognised mods, you can use BUM (BOSS Userlist Manager) to sort them permanently (creates a rule to sort them with BOSS): http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/311/? Wrye Bash is used to check which mods you have installed your saved games and to create a bashed patch to merge all of your levelled lists (loot items - without this only the last loaded mod's would 'win'): http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/1840/?
  15. Are you running the game with SKSE launcher?
  16. You really should look into choosing between Monster Mod and Immersive Patrols - anything that adds a lot of spawns will make the game even more unstable than it already is with a load order as big as yours, and can have straight out incompatibilities if two mobs just happen to spawn in the same place. You do not need to upgrade your card - as I said before, Skyrim is already unstable and runs on a modified Gamebryo engine (fairly buggy and not that kind to 'messy' mods either), but is hidden quite well by having a small population and low-mid res textures.
  17. It's fine to clean the update and DLC. The patches deal with actual bugs and inconsistencies in the game itself and have already been cleaned. Also, do not clean Skyrim - it's dirty as hell, but it's held together with string and paperclips, and possibly some old chewing gum. Sands of Time, Immersive Creatures and SkyTEST all add creature spawns, however, there is an AI only version of SkyTEST in the optional files of the mod page, but you would probably have to pick between sands of time and immersive creatures. Automatic variants should not cause any issues though since all it does is randomise textures.
  18. It may be real shelter or just CoT, or you could perhaps find a raindrop replacer like Real Rain, or just the texture, and see if it becomes visible.
  19. I can't; it's on my PS3. :( I don't think we can help you then. >.>
  20. With BUM you get the unrecognised ones on the left - select one and then search through the masterlist (right) for it's category or for a similar mod. The category drop down menu is at the top of the masterlist section and the search feature is just above that. Double click on the mod that you want to place it by and then use the top-left section to place it either above of below the mod and then set the rule. Also, there is a new of AV now if you don't have it already.
  21. Oops, sorry I though I had the latest version of AV. :P I think that using BUM to set the unrecognised ones will be the only only way to get around this. EDIT: Yep. works for me. :)
  22. You should delete either the esp or esm of Skyrim Project Optimisation and all but one of the CoT nights esps, level 1 being the darkest (or simply uninstall it and reinstall with NMM and choose the default options as they do not produce and new esps). It may be helpful to reinstall/update Skyrim Flora Overhaul. Whenever you 'update' a mod with a new main file, not a smaller update file, you should uninstall the previous version.
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