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Everything posted by simtam

  1. You would have to mark your quest with "allow repeated stages", iirc. But in your case it's simpler to just make a regular script function, not a quest fragment. Variables tend to be persistent with respect to mod updates - but there are a lot of things you can utilize as a variable, so I would double-check this with a test mod update if I were you.
  2. With Papyrus script, simply. Properties can be accessed and updated from another script - regular variables only from within the script they are declared in (so that complicates the thing) If you change the property value in Creation Kit, it won't get changed so in existing and/or already loaded objects. New objects may get the new value. But sooner or later you will come up with having to update a property value in a live script, and it won't work. Fortunately, newly added properties are initialized to the chosen values, so the most safe way to update a script property is to make a new property and have a script that will copy the new property value to the property you want to change ASAP. (btw you can update Papyrus scripts, including quest fragments scripts - but, of course, what was already executed, such as quest objective displayed, won't change! - and the functions that are currently executing will go on using their old version, until completed... so there's an answer to your other thread...)
  3. I think that the idea to make the cities open during battles (as they are with Open Cities during peace) is a valid request. Most likely it would be done by - overriding somehow the Open Cities to suppress falling back to closed cities during the sieges - overriding the start of the cwfortsiegecapital quest which governs the part of the battle inside the walls (the phase that there are infinite soldier respawns, and the player task is to not get killed on the way to the jarls palace; open civil war or vanilla, it's all the same there). - testing and figuring out what else needs to be done to fix whatever issues arise with that approach - and also make it so for defense sieges, could be simpler because there's no cwfortsiegecapital phase there There's a good chance that whatever makes it so for Whiterun / Solitude / Windhelm sieges will work out of the box for Markarth and Riften, too; or maybe there's going to be a simple patch required to get it to work with OCW or CWO.
  4. What do you think it should do? Open Cities mod uses the closed variant of Whiterun for the vanilla battle of Whiterun.
  5. Why, it is a natural next step in the evolution of Open Civil War. Same core mechanics, three factions; you start with a single fort. There will be some story sprinkled over it, if only to justify adding giants to your army, because giants in the civil war is apparently the best idea since the sliced bread. I just don't know if I will have time to do that...
  6. My bet is on mod adding the whole "Stormcloak bounty" thing. Vanilla random encounters don't happen after waking up like if it was some old Morrowind DLC...
  7. @"something about doing just the two or three first missions of the quest and then use your mod to play battles." Well, the missions leading up to the Battle of Whiterun are not changed at all.
  8. Perhaps in my signature... :ninja: The development of Open Civil War follows two-branch model: stable (currently 2.3.x), and development (currently 2.4.x). The stable branch is not a WIP, and the development branch is a far cry from "not integrated into a game", whatever that means. But the biggest difference is that I'm adding defense city battles as we speak - in the 2.3.x design, the enemy faction could only take back holds with off-screen events. As a teaser, you could defend your faction capital city in a "siege relief" event, but that was about it.
  9. There are mods like Skyrim Unbound which technically complete MQ104, but with only a specific subset of stages done. If you are not careful, your mod could be not working as intended when combined with such a mod in one play through. What's worse, this won't raise a red flag in a tool that detects conflicts - but from the players point of view, that pair of mods will be incompatible.
  10. Test which of the CWGarrisonEnableMarker{Imperial,Sons,Monster}FortWhatitsname is enabled. Don't test the cell ownership, it's something that is fixed in Unofficial Patch https://afktrack.iguanadons.net/index.php?a=issues&i=19198 UPDATE: sounds like your intention is to make a mod that won't work without Unofficial Patch... ew...
  11. You can do both the vanilla quests and the hold city battles; if you win and gain a hold either way, you'll have to lose it before you'll be able to wage war in that hold again. I've also heard of a patch to the fort battle script that would make it not conquering a hold. Something easy, one line needed to be commented out. The OCW description in the Special Edition mod page is different than the one in the Classic Page (description with Readme and Change log). Some people prefer one over the other for clarity.
  12. FormLists versus Properties... The Creation Kit does not flag as persistent Object References that are put to FormLists that are stored in script properties. Indeed. So I'm sold on that, where it matters. (Otherwise I'd have to capture them with cumbersome conditioned aliases, I think, to avoid having persistence flag changed). You may want to try and see if there is a difference in what happens after updating a plugin changes some values. Don't know exactly about FormLists, but existing property values won't be updated in existing running scripts I believe.
  13. The compatibility is known. I really really think that the word "stability" was used by someone who don't know what it means. Or if it was to refer to the history of LAL changes - I think we may agree that SU had a history of changes as well. I am not strictly against making up myths about certain modification being impossible to create... after all, it only makes me look better when I happen to make it. And as a wise men once said, in every legend there is a kernel of truth. For example, "it's impossible to make a civil war overhaul that would not require starting a new game"...
  14. To play MQ with SU you need to uncheck an MCM (menu) option in Skyrim Unbound to enable dragons, dragon souls, and shouts (basically, being a Dragonborn). Unsure how this is configured on Special Edition, without an MCM. Then after your first dragon kill the quest to go to High Hrothgar will start. Arthmoor@ there are two people here who closely examined stuff relating to the early MQ and CW - you and me. UPDATE: (this is https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/articles/50902/? the article on how I did it last year, though it's being obsoleted by this year's updates as we speak. And of course, I didn't mention there all the important fix(es) that proved necessary...)
  15. Nah, the tightness of the integration of CW and MQ is vastly overstated. Comments like this one contributed to this myth https://www.reddit.com/r/skyrimmods/comments/3ge3gk/is_there_a_mod_that_allows_me_to_progress_through/ctxbbsd/ but this is simply not true Anyway, I doubt the "stability" is the word here. Change it to "approach", and a lengthy discussion thread may follow. But stability? Apples and oranges, I'd say.
  16. By all means, use also something that enriches the background, Immersive Patrols or Warzones, Diverse Skyrim, and so on. Blood of the Nord fits between the civil war and the Second Great War just right. Not so much in a reversed order.
  17. Open Civil War ; Blood of the Nord ; The Second Great War
  18. Or look for mods that implement specific features like turning off dragons, word walls, souls, shouts. Usually you can install them alongside ASLAL with no problems.
  19. If you still want to use defaultGhostScript, set the property pGhostAbilityNew to your spell with shader.
  20. Split your line with check in two parts. The first can have totally unimportant text, and in the onbegin fragment you call your function, and store the result into, say, a global variable that the second part will check in condition.
  21. Thread necromancy at its finest! But a lot of the above advice won't work in the worst case: The worst case is when console command "sqv cw" will show the alias "FieldCO -> Rikke" (it should be always Galmar, if you joined Stormcloaks). btw. Open Civil War should detect it and mend with an added dialogue line "About this hold campaign..." (which only appears if that bug occurred). The vanilla civil war mission might be still not initialized, though, so going away or reloading and trying to approach the camp again will be still needed to get the "Reporting in" dialogue.
  22. Could be vanilla glitch. On UESP the bug is listed as "Upon completion of the quest when you are asked to return to Ulfric, it may not let you continue, and the normal dialog will appear.", but maybe you haven't got the full glitch and are able to go on with the questline as usual.
  23. Uploaded README links to Error page (if it contained non-ascii characters, perhaps?), despite being served from the link that mod author gets to follow just after the upload (and only then - subsequent visits to "Upload README" page have the README link to the Error page, too).
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