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Lord Slyther

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Everything posted by Lord Slyther

  1. It's alright, dunc. I did Dante for ya.
  2. Word is that YouTube's pushing the BETA upgrades back to July 28th.
  3. YouTube will die in 4 more days from what I heard. That is if they don't listen to us, the community, we are not satisfied with their BETA channels.
  4. Yep

    P.S. Are you able to voice Dante for the upcoming episode?

  5. nice pp dunc :)

    I also got one

  6. I don't understand what that was all about yesterday.
  7. And I stated in that last comment if he is capable of hacking through IP addresses, that's when we could've called the cops.
  8. We hit the milestone! ;D LET'S PARTAYY!!
  9. and siggy too :)
  10. I'll be more than glad to say it to one person who thinks "The news is the truth no matter what". Shademaster21 that is
  11. It's happened before in places outside of USA where I hail from.
  12. It's coming along nicely! No interruptions from the evil copyrighting Warner Music Group. It looks like the group is pretty much finished.
  13. I noticed. How was your trip?
  14. This has a little to do with bben's post. What somebody should do is set up their militant forces, and contain that one area where the virus spreads. Basically like a virus scan, do a quarantine on the survivors, find out who's infected and what not, kinda like 28 days later. I doubt that would happen. I sure hope they find a cure though. Because I've heard there were, I dunno how many students were killed, but quite a few in one of the High Schools in New York. I've also heard about this flu at school, so I'm taking extra precautions. Although, I'm not gonna act crazy like "OMG I'm gonna die", because I strongly believe I ain't gonna die like this, I tell you that for one thing.
  15. On that subject, branch-of-service is irrelevant. Army doctrine, from an old 11M (Mechanized Infantry)... the most dangerous thing on a Bradley Fighting Vehicle, is... the six dismout troopies onboard. :thumbsup: It's some legendary statement which I truly believe in. Although, it isn't the truth. You're correct that there's quite some powerful weapons out there.
  16. The video is pretty self-explanatory of my decision.
  17. lol, this looks rather interesting! XD I might not have time for making mods at the current, but I recall making videos, so I'll make a video of something maybe called "TES Nexus Adventures", or whatever I can come up with. I may not have any interest in a prize or anything, but it gave me an idea of something fun to do ;) Best of luck whoever wins. Ah, good times...
  18. GMan, long time no see!
  19. Good to see you again, Dunc!
  20. lol yeah, although my audacity folder is filled with a huge stock of auditions and audio. ;D
  21. Those are pretty much audition files you're looking at. I don't keep them once my episodes are ready to go, and everything's recorded. That is, the work I do on YouTube.
  22. Here's mine, and damn proud of my artwork!
  23. Wow, isn't this "Goodbyereality" user somethin'. Puttin' 'em on my ban list at USF Studios. =/
  24. yeah that's me in the pic XP
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