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Everything posted by wonkehcheetah

  1. For me its the environment, the easiest way to hit that for me is with music, my favorite games have REALLY good OSTs, probably because I'm a bit of an audiophile, so when I come across a game like Nier automata, despite some meh gameplay, the absolutely amazing music made the already awesome story so compelling and intriguing I can only place it at one of my favorite games of all time. The same goes for shadow of the colossus, its a great story with great music, and whatever flaws I have with the game literally disappear because the music is so engaging. Heck, the new doom, which has no story, just murder demons, monsters, and more demons, sucked me in with that main menu music. Outside of the environment, I like compelling stories, yet again, if I can get involved in the story, I can forgive alot. That's one of the reasons I had such a hard time getting into ME:A, I didn't find the kett interesting or compelling in the slightest, if it had some really dank music though...
  2. I treat it like the world's most deadly skip-rope, and jump over the swing.
  3. Huh, its too warm for snow, Good thing I saved a bunch of snowballs in my freezer for just such an occasion. *evil grin*
  4. I understand my idea would probably do little to "drain the swamp" in the higher ups, for that the term limits sounds like something worth doing. I was thinking about the effects my idea might have on the american culture as a whole. I feel that the average American is exposed to a "one way or the other" culture that shuns ideas of mature political debates, moderates in general, and compromise. My theory is if there are more smaller parties with smaller differences between each, there would still be sides, however the lines would be more blurred, and it would be harder to pit people against one another, if the people aren't at each others throats, they would be more inclined to see the big issues.
  5. I HAVE BEEN DETHRONED??! Oh...wait...This is the last post... I WIN AGAIN BWAHAHAHAAHA!!!!!
  6. Personally, I think the issue is the whole bi-partisan system. The fact that there is only republican or democrat, it breeds a very toxic "if you're not with us, then you're against us" mentality. Sure there is the independent party, but considering how small it is, it's practically just an illusion of choice. With only two players in the system, one simply has to hold the majority, they don't need to compromise, work with the other party, or even talk to them. I feel that if we had smaller, but more numerous and specific parties, that would be too small to hold the majority, perhaps even set up some sort of party limit (a party can only hold 33% of congress seats or something), it would force the parties to work together to accomplish their goals, rather than simply trying to dominate the political spectrum.
  8. Personally, I think this is going to go the way of the last paid mod fiasco, there's gonna be community backlash, not going to earn nearly as much revenue as they would have hoped (not sure about the console crowd though, although I do know the free chinese stealth suit was already on the consoles, so there's that), and its just going to fade into the corner as a failure. I doubt Bethesda is suicidal enough to encroach on the nexus or other free mod sites, after all, we are what kept skyrim on the popular games list for over half a decade. I think the biggest issue brought upon by this is the update that made f4se incompatible, but fixes are already out, and an update to that will probably be around soon enough.
  9. I've been listening to the Neotokyo OST for quite some time, crazy since this is professional grade work for a source engine mod. This is my favorite:
  10. I've had an account here for a while, never checked out the forums. After grabbing myself a premium membership to return the favor for pretty much all of my modding needs for years, I decided I'd check out the forums. So how y'all been? Not much to say about myself, just an avid fan of games and computer stuff.
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