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Everything posted by Povuholo

  1. Here's a pretty good example. Took WAY to long just to quit the game. Also, to answer your question better a "consolised" UI would be one that has overly large text, only fits about 5 items on a screen, multiple categories that could be condensed into fewer categories, and generally uses a "list" instead of a grid. The 'can't quit you' thing has nothing to do with the consoles, that was just really really stupid design from the devs.
  2. Parts of the E3 gameplay footage, but without the commentary. And the video quality is a bit higher too. Enjoy the music! :D One
  3. No 'he' wasn't. He just made a compilation of other people's work, and not even a particularly good one at that. Here's a good MW mod compilation, for those who can't be bothered to do things themselves.
  4. Alright, TB! *watches* You have to watch his wtf is Super Crate Box video. :D
  5. My quest mod is still under 2MB, but thanks! :D
  6. Nothing. In game pre-order bonuses are worthless to me. They only make the game easier, and I doubt it's very difficult to begin with. I will pre-order, but if I get a pre-order bonus that adds some kind of free starter item I'm going to disable it. Like how collector's edition of Deus Ex Human Revolution will give you 10,000 extra credits to start with. It's dumb.
  7. You could make the distant static size a little larger. I usually have 100 or 150 myself. IIRC the distant statics aren't very optimized in the version you're using.
  8. Yeah that looks alright from what I can see here. What texture/mesh quality and distant statics size did you select when you generated distant land? MGE 3.8.2 and the later beta revisions offer huge performance improvements though, it would definitely be worth another try to get that to work. I have: OS: Win 7 64-bit CPU: Intel Core2Duo E8500 3.16 Ghz GPU: ATI HD4850 512MB RAM: 4 GB RAM And I run at a decent 30 FPS with much higher quality settings with MGE XE, the special MGE version with shadows for statics.
  9. Deus Ex (basically, what Alpha Protocol should've been like).
  10. Definitely turn the high quality shadows off, they're awful. And share your MGE settings. As long as you make them crazy high enough MGE can drag the FPS on any PC down to 10. :P
  11. If it helps, you're not missing out on much so far. :P
  12. How are you planning on creating a landscape that is infinitely larger than Skyrim, something that Bethesda has been working on for 5 years, and requires a many more different meshes for architecture than those in the Skyrim? I remember a similar thread on the Bethesda forums. Conclusion there: have a look at the project and see at how realistic it really is. Why not start with recreating just the island of Solstheim from Morrowind for example? It has a similar environment to Skyrim so that saves you the time of getting meshes made, and it's much smaller so a lot more doable. But even that is a really large task. I wouldn't bother with the voice acting either, at least not right away, it's very difficult to get that done on any large scale. Look at the Tamriel Rebuilt project for Morrowind. They have been working since just before Morrowind's release (2002), and they're still working on it. Fantastic project, well organized. They're making good progress too, but they aren't anywhere close to done. They've almost released 3 maps now, out of 8. And they're only doing the Morrowind province, and also have the advantage of not needing voice acting, and because Morrowind is an older game it's easier to create new architecture for it. It's great to have ambition and dream big, but it's a shame to spend so much time on something if it's just going to collapse eventually.
  13. I'd say around 60% is a giant pile of unrelated new quests, and the 40% is some sort of 'main quest' that the mod is named after. ;)
  14. Povuholo

    Deus Ex

    Better than GFWL.
  15. Kragenir's Death Quest A large quest mod within Cyrodiil's borders V2.1 (11/05/2011) By Povuholo & Malchik Screenshots Many years ago, Kragenir's tower had been sealed by the Knights of the Silver Nose, but as they die, the seals weaken... Can you find the keys required to break the seals so you can face Kragenir inside the tower before he escapes? Or... Are you going to help him? With over 100 new quests, 15+ new books and over 3000 lines of dialogue this mod will hopefully keep you entertained for many hours! Find tons of new miscellaneous quests in cities, villages and other locations, all within Cyrodiil's borders, and visit the best dungeons Cyrodiil has to offer, now a lot more interesting than before. Downloads ======= Version 2.1 is available now! TesNexus Planet Elder Scrolls With exactly 6 months before Skyrim's release, I'm now releasing what I hope is the last update to the mod. I'm definitely done with adding new content. It has been a good 4.5 years. Of course if any more bugs are found (The Oblivion CS is buggy and likes to make script entries on dialogue disappear sometimes) I will fix them. :) Changelog: A full changelog is in the download. Details ======= The mod intends to make Cyrodiil a more interesting place. It does this by adding lots of new quests, dialogue, and some books. The mod was designed to be started with a low level character, who grows stronger as he advances through the quests. Every quest can be started at level 1, but the final quest of some of the longer questlines usually can't be done until level 20 or so. So for the best experience we recommend starting the mod with a low level character, but you won't run into any problems and quests will never be too easy if you start it at a higher level. These are the issues we found in the original game that we meant to fix with our mod: - The game is too easy: The quests introduced in the mod will not hold the player's hand too much: There's no excessive use of quest markers. - Too many pointless vanilla characters: Many NPCs, especially those in villages, were there just to make the places feel less empty. They did not have any personality at all. With this mod they will, as many will be involved in quests and the additional dialogue mod will make them a lot less generic. - Too many pointless vanilla dungeons: There are many dungeons in Oblivion, but the ones that are not involved in quests all feel the same. There is no unique treasure as everything is levelled. With this mod many more dungeons are involved in quests, and it's also possible to find unique items in random dungeons. I've categorized the different parts of the mod for a good overview. Kragenir's Death Quest: The Main Quest The story of the main quest is both serious and humorous. You'll find fairy tale (and other) real life references in the Main Quest, but always with an Elder Scrolls twist and never 'too much' so they do fit in the game. And the problem at hand is no laughing matter! The fairy tale element is the strongest at the start of the main quest, but the further you get the obscurer these references become and I'm sure most people won't even see half of the things in the mod as a reference to something outside the game. The first four quests for the wood elves (which is really the start of the mod proper) are intentionally simple to ease new players into the game. Experienced players may find them rather basic. However we felt it was best to let new players in gently. From quest 5 onwards the quests grow increasingly complex, challenging and in our opinion intriguing. Don't be put off if at first it seems too easy. Because you might not want to do the mod's main quest a second time (Or you don't like the idea of fairy tale/real life references in the game, which the miscellaneous barely have) you'll have the option to refuse the main quest right from the start. Because besides this main quest, the mod offers a lot of miscellaneous quests. Miscellaneous Quests The number of Miscellaneous quests is at least as much as that of the main quest, if not more. This is how we organised it: -Imperial City Quests: There's a new quest for each district of the Imperial City except for the Palace, Prison and Arcane University district. -Village Quests: There's a new quest to be started at every village, except for those in which the inhabitants are killed in a vanilla Oblivion (Meaning the original game without mods.) quest. -Seven Cities quests: There are at least 3 new quests per city, except for the above mentioned Imperial City. -The Documents Quest: Documents found in vanilla Oblivion locations (that are visited during the mod's main quest) may lead to treasures. Note that there are a few miscellaneous quests that require having reached specific points in the mod's main quest of our mod to be obtained. But most of them don't, so you won't miss out on a lot if you skip the main quest. We have thrown in quite a few total surprises as well. Examples of quests: -There's a rumor in the game that Dro'shanji in Bravil has been hearing noises, but when the player would talk to Dro'shanji he had nothing to say about it. Now there's a quest to help him. -There's the skooma dealing Orum gang in Cheydinhal which didn't have any quests attached to them... Until now. -S'drassa, a member of the Leyawiin Mages Guild, is rumored to be working on a cure for Skooma addiction. Why not help him a hand? -Jhared Strongblade, youngest member of the Knights of the Knights of the Thorn, is usually left behind while the other Knights go out to do good. He'd probably love to go dungeon diving with someone a few times. -Thamriel, touched by the gods, made an alarming prophecy concerning the return of a powerful vampire to Cyrodiil. -The Cheydinhal Countess Llathasa Indarys died when she fell from the stairs in the castle. Rumor has it that this was not an accident though, and someone intends to find out the truth. Books & Dialogue Aside from the books, letters and dialogue added for quest purposes, the mod also has also the following: -15 unique 'full size' books. These can be bought in the different book stores of Cyrodiil, or found in some houses. -100 new rumours added to NPC's for more rumour variety. These are not voiced (but they are lipsynched). There's the option to disable them should you want to. -Rural Line Additions: Mostly for all those boring NPC's at wilderness settlements/villages with only a rumour topic. A lot of npc's who don't have anything else to say than the regular rumours topic will get 3 new topics: <Say something about the village/settlement/location>, <Say something about their own background>, and <local rumours>. There's a unique line for each NPC used, so you won't have everyone in Water's Edge for example saying exactly the same thing about it. Each will also get an unique rumour that is specifically for them. So it is something like the less generic NPC's project from morrowind, on a smaller scale. This comes in an optional .esp. (In)compatibility =============== -There are Unique Landscapes compatibility patches on their Nexus page: http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=13834 -Servant of the Dawn is incompatible. Early on in that mod the village of Blankenmarch is destroyed, which will break KDQ's main quest if you haven't advanced to a certain point yet. There's also another serious conflict in Shadows Rest Cavern. -Knights of the White Stallion and Feudal Empire 300 are incompatible. There used to be a compatibility patch for this in the download, but it didn't work for many people. If it did work for you before, you can still get it from the 2.03 download and earlier versions from Nexus. -Challenging Thievery has a small conflict with the 'Clerical Dalliance' quest (Chorrol miscellaneous quest). For some reason Challenging Thievery deletes the vanilla NPC Ariela Doran, which is used during this quest, making it impossible for the player to finish it. -Heart of the Dead has been confirmed compatible, and there shouldn't be conflicts with Integration: The Stranded Light either. -Open Cities and Better Cities are already made compatible without patches. About compatibility with overhaul mods: There are no technical incompatibilities with OOO or FCOM or any such mods with KDQ. The mods do not conflict if you use them at the same time. In fact I'm using OOO+MMM and some other big mods along with KDQ right now. Still, there are some things that may be seen as an issue, which goes for all overhauls that deal with level scaling. KDQ uses a lot of vanilla dungeons in its quests. However KDQ assumes that no dungeon is more difficult than the other because of the vanilla level scaling, it does not take in account what the different overhaul mods do with these dungeons. A potential issue here is that quests that were supposed to be easy could send the player to dungeons containing level 20 NPCs added by OOO or something like that. So it's not really a big issue, but something to keep in mind. More info in the readme. And I'm continuing the tradition of ending the thread with the diary of one of the Knights of The Silver Nose, which you'll obtain at the beginning of the main quest! ;) Larrion's Diary See you in Skyrim! :happy:
  16. A nice symbolic victory I suppose, but now all of us outside the US have to suffer from the whole 'USA F&%$&* YEAH!!!11!!!1 WE RULE!!!" patriotism crap again for weeks. :sad:
  17. I've had that happen sometimes when I entering an interior level while taking damage. Usually getting hit again fixes it.
  18. Which is why I removed him from the records. :P Poor Sitebot. :P
  19. Kolya's SS2Tool has fixes for almost all compatibility issues for System Shock 2 on modern machines, so it should work on any PC. :)
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