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Everything posted by Povuholo

  1. I'm getting Torchlight 2 myself. I loved the first one, it has some of the original Diablo 1/2 devs on the team and it's going to be only 20 dollars on release day. Also it doesn't force you to play online even for single player, and it doesn't forbid mods. :P
  2. I don't think so. Also bounties are regional so if you get into trouble in one city, the guards in the other cities won't know about it.
  3. Cheers! Doesn't look like ice, it's probably the bow from the Bound Bow spell.
  4. It's the strangest thing, I love those literal trailers but I can't stand anything else he does.
  5. I'm sure lots and lots and lots of people will. So I won't. :P
  6. The Tamriel Rebuilt team is still working on creating 'just' the mainland Morrowind landmass for Morrowind. That project has existed since Morrowind's release, over 9 years ago, and it's still going, and still nowhere near finished. Think about that. ;) Not saying a single bad word about TR there though, they're doing a fantastic job with an amazing attention to detail, quality and lore-correctness.
  7. No idea what that says, but nice to see you again. :D See you guys again next year. ;)
  8. It's a beta, I wouldn't worry about performance problems too much.
  9. YARR! It be that day again mateys! Go find me some booties yerr landlubbers! :pirate:
  10. The screens are great, the scans are not. :P Hope to see better ones soon.
  11. You can still move the noses up and down and such, so there's a good amount of customization possible I'd say.
  12. The music composer too. Yeah this new game sounds pretty awful so far.
  13. Basically the main problem is that tons of people come here asking for modding talent for their ambitious projects, especially soon after a new game release, but many of those ideas are just a spur of the moment thing that the leader quickly loses interest in, or he has no modding skills at all and expects other people to do all the work while he only brings ideas, or the project turned out to be way too ambitious (I remember a thread here earlier about a guy who wanted to create the whole of Tamriel) , etc. so the project fails. Which makes people hesitant to join up, because it would be a shame to put effort in a project if there's a good chance that it is never completed. On the other hand it does sound like you know what you're getting into, you have the experience to make it work and you're not making it too big so I hope it works out.
  14. Agreed. With the remarkable exception of Morrowind's Tamriel Rebuilt. :D Also, it's better to do some work on a mod yourself and showing that, before asking all sorts of people for help. That way you can show you're serious about it, and that you have the skills to contribute to actually pull it off. Few people are going to be interested in joining some random guy's team who for all they know might not even have any modding experience. And look at the number of animation mods for Oblivion. Very very small. You're going to have a hard time finding an animator. Besides, you haven't said what you need one for, why does the mod require custom animations? The more you use resources that are already in the original game, the better.
  15. On the plus side, Starbreeze is a pretty good developer. It's a shame they had to use the Syndicate name and turn it into a FPS, but who knows, it might be decent.
  16. The recommended level for Tribunal is 20, it's 30 for Bloodmoon. So you can't really throw characters straight into the expansions. As for classes, there isn't really anything class-specific about the expansions. Works for all characters.
  17. Seriously, I downloaded the three parts from there and it's so much better than the youtube video. Definitely worth getting. http://www.gamersyde.com/download_the_elder_scrolls_v_skyrim_gameplay_demo_part_1-23439_en.html http://www.gamersyde.com/download_the_elder_scrolls_v_skyrim_gameplay_demo_part_2-23440_en.html http://www.gamersyde.com/download_the_elder_scrolls_v_skyrim_gameplay_demo_part_3-23441_en.html
  18. If I'd rate the original Deus Ex a 10 (which is silly of course since no game is perfect), Human Revolution would be a 9.5. It's very very good, but it has some issues. I don't like the way the game handles the energy bars, and I definitely don't like the boss fights. I miss melee weapons. Not a big fan of the CGI cutscenes either. The level design is nice and open, but still not quite as open as some areas from the original game (NSF generator level in Hell's Kitchen). The first game has nothing like HR's city hubs though, which are great. Considering the following things: This game was released 11 years after the original game. It was developed by a completely different developer (Eidos Montreal), under a completely different publisher (Square Enix). It was the first game of this developer. Whereas the first game was released on PC only (with a very much simplified PS2 port later on, and a sequel which had a terrible PC port and tiny levels) HR had a simultaneous multiplatform release, the PC version was still great (lots of graphics/game options, a more suitable UI/HUD for the PC version), and the size of the levels didn't suffer from it. It is a fantastic achievement that this game turned out so good and so true to the original as it did. It could have been really bad.
  19. That's what I've been hearing from many people. Kinda fun, but rather unpolished and a mediocre PC port. Not to mention the disastrous launch where they accidentally uploaded an old dev test build of the game to Steam on release day instead of the finished one, which allowed you to noclip all over the place by pressing Y.
  20. Must watch (no spoilers): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y414Q7vVgYU http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QoFe8hRy42o
  21. Nexus is fine as it is, we don't need some external site to find mods on Nexus in some strange workaround way. And I definitely don't want my mods on there.
  22. Gas grenades can render enemies unconscious completely in Human Revolution, which is kinda nice. No longer hurting just their eyes with the grenades them and then hitting them in the back with a baton one by one. :P There's another grenade for a temporary stun now though. Strange isn't it, how everything in Human Revolution is more modern and powerful compared to the original game, even though it's a prequel. :P If JC Denton's brand new nano augmentations are supposed to be so much better than the old mechanical ones, I wonder what the nano augmentations would've looked like if Deus Ex 1 came out in 2011 instead.... Vindekarr: Did you go in guns blazing everywhere or did you also try the stealthy approach? I found the stealthy approach much more fun, as it was in the first game.
  23. No, and this is kind of a big thing. Other than the takedowns (the ones that play a third person animation and burn energy) there is no melee combat in the game whatsoever. Kinda sucks. Also yeah it's a bit strange that knocked out NPCs never get up, if you come back to a HUB area after a few hours. They can still be woken up by other NPCs if they are found, but never by themselves. Also there are 4 boss fights in the game that can't be avoided. I just had the first and it kinda sucked. Shoot at it until it's dead. No stealth or non lethal options. It seems to be the most frequent issue that comes up in interviews. But those are the only complaints I have about the game. It's running well for me and I haven't run into any bugs.
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