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Everything posted by Vamyan

  1. Okay, I've got the basic "how to control a spellcaster" concept figured out, how about some ideas? What does an "Illusion follower" need to do, specifically? When? Under what circumstances?
  2. add (or use) package data that points to the quest marker Condition Function: GetDistance Option (Use Pack Data) checked select package data (probably needs to be some kind of target data) and adjust distance as required. edit: I guess you can just use GetDistance without the package data and select the appropriate ref, but meh... seemed cleaner to me, especially if you already have the data in the package itself as a target.
  3. Progressing apace on new follower healing/buffing AI -- Follower now heals player and should also heal allies! Next up, illusion, and maybe some custom alteration buffs... Ended up going with a combination of scripts/packages so the spellcasting animations and all would play, makes it much less "hacky" than the alternatives, though not quite as "responsive" (may be a bit of delay between needing a heal and getting a heal, but hey, immersion! It takes time to cast this stuff!)
  4. Well, my plans involve a heavily scripted, maybe even 100% scripted AI... I got the basics started with some changes to vanilla spells and those put into form lists to apply at various levels... and then got distracted by other things. I'll be posting updates here as I go I think.
  5. No promises now, but I think I'm going to take this project under my wing. If I manage to get something usable, I'll pass on the code and info to some of the other major follower creators so they can do wonderful things also. Stay tuned!
  6. something like... GlobalVariable Property gAlreadyKilledOnce Auto Spell Property pConversionSpell Auto Event OnDeath(Actor akKiller) if !gAlreadyKilledOnce.GetValue() Resurrect() AddSpell(pConversionSpell) gAlreadyKilledOnce.SetValue(1.0) endif EndEvent or similar... I'd guess. *shrug* good luck. If it doesn't work, don't come looking for me, since I don't know the first thing about spell effects or papyrus scripting. :tongue:
  7. I believe I read the longer answer elsewhere, and it was something like wanting to test the biggest and busiest on it before dumping ALL the traffic on it... if they'd tested the smaller sites, it may not have collapsed under the load skyrim alone would put on it, and then throwing skyrim on would have the possibility of tearing down ALL the sites instead of just one. If it ends up being stable with Skyrim, it can be expected to hold up to the load of the other sites fairly well. It's truly the lesser of two evils.
  8. http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/1194212-sites-are-mind-numbingly-slow/page-2&do=findComment&comment=9922758 tl;dr hard drive failure. they're working on it.
  9. http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/1194212-sites-are-mind-numbingly-slow/page-2#entry9922758
  10. site's down, hard drive failure, Robin is hurling epithets, should be back ASAP.
  11. According to Robin, the Skyrim nexus site is having hard drive issues and there are some colourful epithets being thrown around. It's being worked on...
  12. Yep, me too, the errors have gone away for a while now. Probably 100% down to the outside while they fix the hardware and recover the RAID
  13. Oh, well that's good news (long term) then... at least once the hard drive redundancy issues are fixed, the core cloud system might have a good chance of keeping up. I wish I were a fly on the wall listening in to those "words" that are being had though, that might be an interesting string of epithets being hurled...
  14. Your load balancer cluster is imbalanced by the load of skyrim lovers. Just another bump on the road to smoother systems operation for all! (I hope) That said, I'm beginning to wonder if the cloud balancing system is going to be able to cope with the load of the skyrim nexus, much less all the nexus sites... *crosses fingers* Still hanging in there, and by hanging I mean slamming the server with refreshes just to... uh... help it balance... or something. :D
  15. Could this be why Skyrim Nexus won't load properly for me today? After several tries the main page finally loaded but the "Site News" section failed to load and just showed the spinning loading icon. Clicking on the "Files -> New recently" link resulted in a "504 Gateway Time-out". Other links on SkyrimNexus are painfully slow at the moment, usually ending in a "504 Gateway Time-out" as well. I've checked a few other Nexus sites (FO3 Nexus, FONV Nexus, Morrowind Nexus and Oblivion Nexus) and they all appear to be OK, it's just Skyrim Nexus that's not working properly for me this evening. Oh, and just to be clear, I'm not posting to complain, I'm simply posting as a report that I'm currently experiencing some issues with Skyrim Nexus. I was just about to second this issue, but as I started typing the reply I checked again. Working properly for me now. I think I scared it. [edit] Still amazingly slow though. I hope it's just going to be some tuning and tweaking to get the cloud system working smoothly.
  16. Okay, it's beyond my expertise then, Maybe someone else here has a better idea...
  17. http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/810472-workaround-skyrim-dialogue-bug-fix/ That link should get you straightened out... if that's the actual issue anyway. It sounds like it could be!
  18. Not sure if this is related, and I don't normally deal with the dialogue/voicetype side of things... but you've got a nice fresh out of the oven steaming .seq file for that, right?
  19. no problem, I hope you can get that mod finished up, because I'm thirsty for a nice big rack of venison potion.
  20. I meant the papyrus log the game dumps to a file when you've got papyrus logging enabled in the skyrim.ini file...
  21. so... move the objectplacementmarker to where you want the item to appear before you place the item... unless it's already there in a static location... check your papyrus log to see if you're getting any errors?
  22. oh, you mean this? http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/1175
  23. I hate to beat a dead horse, and this has probably been discussed at some point, but those retail CDs that required steam to activate etc... Is it not possible to have one of those, install off the disc, activate it once on steam, then put steam in offline mode forevermore and maybe even physically remove the majority of steam from the computer and still play the game? I honestly don't know. I bought the steam version, but I know steam can be put into offline mode, where it no longer updates games... but yet somehow still seems to log in, or attempts to, I don't know the details. You know what, never mind. If someone has done that, they've very likely shared the disc and/or the steam account with friends, neighbors, or whatever, making them pirates anyway. BAN 'EM ALL!
  24. I'll just go ahead and assume you're using papyrus somewhere to mod the actor value... I know you mentioned effects, but I've only barely touched on that part of the CK myself. This snippet will probably help point you in the right direction though... you'd want this to execute whenever your effect is applied, there are probably fragments somewhere you could put it into (changing pActorRef to whatever the particular script fragment provides for the target or whatever... maybe akTarget or some other equally hard to guess variable.) (assuming pActorRef is the actor in question) if pActorRef.GetAV("WeaponSpeedMult") == 0.0 pActorRef.SetAV("WeaponSpeedMult",1.0) endif this would need to be executed before your effect actually applies the +.25 or whatever, to ensure that the AV won't go crazy.
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