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Everything posted by KnorKater

  1. Sent. Thank you, but it only took about 15min or so, I think. :)
  2. Deactivate all mods and look if it goes back to normal. If not, validate file integrity via Steam. (https://support.steampowered.com/kb_article.php?ref=2037-QEUH-3335)
  3. Looks like it's part of Picturesque Presets for LooksMenu. Look at the hair in the upper middle in the first image.
  4. That's for the mods to decide.^^ Thank you very much! *gives you Bratwurst and Sauerkraut in exchange for the pint and cookies*
  5. Well, if the only thing you want is a shorter player and a taller Hancock, you can always ask in the mod request area if someone makes you a mod like this. I went and made one for you now, tho. I attached the .esp to this post. Is this how you want it, or do you want an even smaller player/taller Hancock? Default height is in the middle of those two. Hancock is no at 1.05 and the player at 0.95 (0.91 in the esp). Default is 1.0 You can even get a smurf, if you want one.
  6. -deleted- (how do I delete my own posts here?^^'')
  7. I think 0Theara also earned a Kudos for taking the time to make that little tutorial. :)
  8. Shot into the blue: Maybe some conflicts that arose through the updates of the mods? If you're missing the default concrete structures, deactivate all mods, load your save and see if they reappeared. If so, then activate a couple of mods and load again. That way, you can find out which mod is causing the problem.
  9. Do you know how to install mods manually? Moving archives or folders containing a mod into the Data directory won't work. You need to extract the archive, and move all the stuff inside those extracted folders into the Data directory. But I think it's easier to show you what I mean: Wrong: "Data\Mod.zip" Wrong: "Data\Mod Extracted\mod.esp" "Data\Mod Extracted\textures\" "Data\Mod Extracted\meshes\" "Data\Mod Extracted\sounds\" Correct: "Data\mod.esp" "Data\textures\" "Data\meshes\" "Data\sounds\" Some mods have optional files in additional folders. You have to pick those you want and also move them to the same directory.
  10. I don't know about in game, but you can alter a character's appearence (including hight, etc) in the CK: As for an ingame solution, I have no clue about scripting. Would it be possible to clone the player character, or apply his appearence to an NPC? Then you could just alter your character through the ingame function and give it some other NPC.
  11. Thank you very much for the offer! Beware, tho, it's about that ship fom my other thread, and I need to finish stitching the holes, first. I'll pm you when it's ready for adding a collision, and I'll totally understand it if you change your mind and outright decline it.
  12. Thank you for the reply. :) I doubt there's anyone who'd be willing to make a collision for that thing, so I guess I'm gonna stick to cobbling it together from pre-existing ones until I find some way to do it properly.
  13. I got rid of the most annoying ones after syncronizing object and UV selection before deleting vertices in Blender. There is still a small one appearing after converting the BSTriShape to a BSMeshLODTriShape in NifSkope (the object has the same property in the original file), so I refrain from doing so for now. The normals seem alright in Blender, and that part doesn't use any smooting.
  14. Unfortunately didn't help, but thank you for the suggestion. :smile: I don't know what that is, but thank you for pointing me in a direction. Hopefully that will help.
  15. I still have some keys from old HumbleBundles (and other bundle sites). Don't expect AAA games here, but there are a couple of gems. I'm giving them away for free, so don't worry and just write a comment if you want one. I'll send you the key via pm. You can activate them by opening Steam, clicking on Games in the top left of the screen, and then on Activate a Product on Steam. Only for mod authors (as in "you must have released mods on the Nexus"): o BioShock Infinite o Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor - Game of the Year Edition For everyone: o 8infinity o Action Henk o BlackSmith HIT o Bone: Out From Boneville o Cat On A Diet o Copoka o Fly O'Clock o Frederic: Evil Strikes Back o Frederic: Resurrection of Music o Frederic: Resurrection of Music Director's Cut o Freedom Planet o Gunmetal Arcadia Zero o Hector: Badge of Carnage - Full Series o HoPiKo o Iesabel o Kimmy o LiEat o Millie o Minion Masters o Neon Chrome o Prophour23 o Puzzle Agent 1 o Poker Night 2 o Risky Rescue o Roll'd o Sinless o Sparkle ZERO o Sparkle 2 Evo o Sparkle 3 Genesis o Surfingers o Teddy Floppy Ear - Kayaking o Teddy Floppy Ear - Mountain Adventure o Teddy Floppy Ear - The Race o The Dolls - Reborn o The Dweller o The Final Take o Timberman o Western Press o Z o Zombillie o Another World – 20th Anniversary Edition o Beholder o Disciples Sacred Lands Gold o Hacknet o Hotline Miami 2 - Wrong Number o Husk o Lethal League o Mother Russia Bleeds o Okhlos o Poker Night at the Inventory o Project CARS o Project Highrise o Puzzle Agent 2 o Reus o Sam & Max - Season 1 o Sam & Max - Season 2 o SteamWorld Heist o The Escapists (+several DLC) o The Mahjong Huntress o The Wolf Among Us o THOTH o Worms
  16. There's a huge broken down ship in Fallout 4, and I'm in the process of fixing it. Originally it consisted of three parts, but I combined those in NifSkope. So far, everything worked fine. I was able to import them into Blender and from there back into the game. But now that I started fixing all the holes and broken down beams, I ran into an issue I can't figure out myself. I removed some beams inside the ship, and everything looked fine in Blender and NifSkope, but using it inside the game results in a weird texture issue. Here's a screenshot of the Creation Kit preview. Looks the same in game: This is what it looks like in Blender and NifSkope: It looks like there are textures attached to some of the coordinates where the removed beams were, but there are no vertices of them left, and they weren't connected to other parts of the mesh. I can, hower, copy the unaltered node from the original file via NifSkope and the problem is gone, so the file itself was converted and saved correctly. I think I'm missing something here. Something I must do when deleting parts of textured meshes, I just have no clue what exactly. Looking at the UV Map in Blender didn't help. I'd really appreciate it, if someone could help me with this. :-/
  17. Awesome! Thank you for posting the solution (and the Kudos). :smile:
  18. Alright. Which OS are you using? Win10? Let's hope the updates aren't to blame. If it still doesn't work, that's where I'd look next. In that case have a look into the update history and post the KB numbers of the last updates here. Maybe we can find something out.
  19. Which versions did you try? Was there a windows update since the last time it worked? There is only one relevant registry entry NifSkope creates. Just open regedit, press F3, and search for "niftools". There should only be one entry that looks like the screenshot here. You can just delete it, if you really want to try it out. Shouldn't cause any issues. In fact, I just deleted it myself, and NifSkope just created it again the next time I started it (with the default config, of course). If you want to be on the safe side, right click on it and then on export. If something goes wrong, just run the exported file to add it again. If that doesn't work, you could create a new user account under windows and see if it's running there, and maybe troubleshoot from that point forward. PS: It would be awesome if you'd tell us if it helped you, in case other people run into the same issue. :smile:
  20. Awesome. :) Would you mind providing information on how you managed to fix it, here? For anyone who might have the same issue in the future. That would be really great. :)
  21. "It's as if the game is loading while I'm walking around." - because that is exactly what it does. It's called texture streaming, loading ever larger textures the closer you are to an object. "I heard that RAM used as VRAM will always be slower than actual VRAM" - yes, when it comes to graphics. The VRAM is directly on your graphic card, while the normal RAM sits on your mother board. This means that information needs more time to travel. It's not much for small amounts, but it accumulates to a significant value. Anyhow, under normal circumstances you should never have to disable this feature, since the extra space comes in handy at times. Better have a bit more of slower memory available than run out of it. The card will prefer using its own memory anyway, unless it's filled. The problem you're refering to is called hitching, and is quite comming, unfortunately. What texture mods are you using? You should avoid anything larger than 2k with your amount of VRAM. Does this still occur with no mods installed? Is your game installed on an HDD or SSD? And did you revert the changes you made before trying something else? Most don't do anything anyway and some are more likely to cause even more problems. Personally, I got rid of this by running borderless window mode and setting shadow quality to medium (and not using any driver tweaks). PS: "my F4 uses about 10-12 GB of RAM" That's really a whole lot. I'm using ~230 mods and my game rarely uses 5GB or RAM. But then I don't use anything that adds higher quality textures.
  22. Well, do you have any mods installed, or is this a vanilla game problem for you? In the latter case it would be helpful to know your system specs (CPU, GPU, SSD or HDD, RAM, OS).
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