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Status Updates posted by shadowmadnezz

  1. C'mon son.. why the nexus gotta turn into Myspace? lol Its all complicated now I gotta get use 2 it :) Nah Terror Train wa sjus bout sum psycho killer on a train lol. I aint seen Hurt Locker. Heard about it, would like 2 check it out sooner or later. I make war flicks when im playin FO3 :) I shud make some vids but my graphics r low.. C'mon son.. why cpu's need upgrades every year? lol
  2. Lol C'mon son.. I know u prolly check the nexus every day before playin oblivion to see if there are any new mods up lol i use 1 do that :) N c'mon son... I hate me some saw... lol how many saws they gonna make son? jigsaw died like 10 times. he had cancer n he still killin ppl? c'mon son.. end that movie hollywood.. lol
  3. C'mon son.. I love me sum b-films too lol. I like horror most of all get a lil bit of everything if ur lucky XD. But newer horror movies.. laaammeee u gotta admit. I love 80's movies lol N c'mon son.. soon as I got enough money to buy an xbox 360 and oblivion.. I quit my job lmao
  5. Pretty random I kno.w.. but I jus gotta say C'MON SON, to someone cuz I got no one else to say C'MON SON to right now.. lol Im watchin sum horror movie called Amusement.. stupid ppl folllowed sum strangers to sum gas statio n now one of em dead/ C'MON SON! What they tryin to die in these movies nowadays?!
  6. C'mon son! u know i was right all u had to do was say so lol but i can't wait to play Diablo III did u ever play PSO? game was sorta like that.. but better IMO lol
  7. C'mon son.. u know the nexus is for meetin new ppl that share u same interest in gamin such as Tes: Gaming entertainment n Fo3. so of course our convo was cool lol n C'mon son.. u know Diablo III aint gonna be as open ended as Oblivion.. prolly wont have mods.. c'mon son the last diablos didn't have mods.. or did they i dunno lol
  8. C'mon son.. I knew ur name when I saw ur profile.. jus like how u know my name is Shadowmadnezz lol but u prolly didnt know that Im a FO, Oblivion Mod junky, currently on a leave of absence to play DA: origins. Im not havin nearly as much fun as i have with oblivion or FO but thegame is bad ass :)
  9. C'MON SON.. u kno the only reason ppl on this nexus site is to use oblivion.. maaaybe even sum fallout 3 mods.. no ones on here to talk bout dragon age or spore.. i mean.. C'MON SON. why we got a spore nexus forum? get outta here wit that *manure* lmao
  10. C'MON SON..... U Know im thinkin bout sum fallout 3... maybe some oblivion mods n thats y im on the nexus.. c'mon son, get outta here wit that cleo *manure* lol wuts up
  11. if ur readin my thougghts what am i thinking right now??
  12. I'll be back writing in no time.. dog killer! lol I understand killing Eulogy, he deserved it.. maybe even bumble as innocent.. young.. defenseless as she was lol but dogmeat?! he was a good dog even in the end.. lol i love it keep it up
  13. back into action i see
  14. wow how u do that
  15. wut did u wanna talk bout? i was sleep lol
  16. 4s my fav number lol
  17. lol prolly not theres enuf adult oriented mods on the site anyways lol
  18. lol vids i wud put up of them wud get me banned :P
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