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Status Updates posted by shadowmadnezz

  1. Imma bout to get ready for work! n when I get back........ imma play me sum obliivion. U know about Otakon right?
  2. I don't like games I suck at.... lol Halo 3 is one of em. But the Halo: Reach may be another story that game is pretty cool
  3. see i knew you wouldn't leave
  4. hates the feel of ice cold water against his naked body
  5. C'mon son.. you know I know lil bout modding. lol all i do is throw everything in the data folder n hope it works.. and if im lucky.. I might jus be able to play it for a few minutes before it crashes to the desktop ;) C'mon son.. you kno how I roll
  6. C'mon son.. you know I got two jobs right now n i barely come on the nexus other than to Dl some mods for Oblivion.. C'mon son, why did I jus have to reinstall oblivion after the game crashed again? lol why I gotta DL so many mods? SO I gotta do a C'mon son.. to my self.. C'mon son.. why I DL so many mods, then delete the entire texture folder thinkin it would work? lol C'mon son.. i messed up :(
  7. lol think of a Khajiit saying it... K'mooonnnn sunn... get out of here with that bulll shiiit..."
  8. lol i know right? but C'mon son.. y it take ed lover so long to update C'mon son... hes been months since i heard about C'mon son... and he only updated it 2 times since then... C'mon son... famous people need to do more idiotic stuff so Ed lover can put em on C'mon son... lol C'mon son.. I love how he says it
  9. i been on nexus a while jus for mods its been liiiiiiiiiikkkeeeeeeeeee...... a few months i been active on the forum side. was usually 2 busy playin games n usin mods 2 talk about em . i didnt even kno thre was a community really lol. jus though everyone was here for dlin the mods
  10. died n went to true blood heaven..
  11. yup yup! 23 years of madnezz...............
  12. C'mon son... you know all you needed to do was go to www.C'mon son.. online . com@ your the lazy one. C'mon son.. how hard is it to putt hat in ur search bar? lol http://cmonsononline.com/
  13. C'mon son.. you know I'm a lazy cheap male without a father lol. Speakin of lazy cheap bastards. did you see the new C'mon son? lol
  14. Yah dont seem that hard.. But C'mon son.. you know its hard to do if you only got 2gb of space on your computer...
  15. I was able to play though finally :) dunno if I can make any videos just yet. but keek can definetly sneak :)
  16. C'mon son.. you know I been busy and didnt get a chance to make a fraps. Cuz my computers Hard Drive is full as craps. I have no space :( You should see the sad look on keek the sneaks Khajiit Face :( lol
  17. Just play the game man. write bout how u play n what makes it enjoyable for u :)
  18. Ill try n read some of it this weekend :) durring the week while i work, the free time i get is used 2 sleep and play games to keep my sanity intact. :S Sheogorath has cursed me.. or maybe its a gift
  19. I really enjoyed writing it thou, and I love the characters, Imma use them insomething else that isn't related 2 fallout. :) SO do you have a fic up?
  20. Lol when ever it storms really bad its like an oblivion gate has opened. Then I rejoice when it dies down, knowing that someone has shut the vile thing :) N thx glad u liked what u read of Reilly's Rejects. I dont have much time to write as I use to, since I'm not working part time anymore. SO That may be all im putting into that FO story for the time being.
  21. I got slapped and everything.. but of course you wouldn't believe me.. Your not real! infact.. they all aren't real! WHERE AM i?! HAVE i GONE MAD?!?! BY THE NINE WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON HERE?!
  22. Keek the Khajiit must be Keek The Sneak! C'mon son.. you know keek has to sneak. theres no other Skill that rhymes with Keek, just sneak.
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