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Status Updates posted by shadowmadnezz

  1. It does though man. One time I took a peak inside, they were undressing. Real talk :)
  2. C'mon son.. why it so hard to install Khajiit mods n play as Keek the Sneak?
  3. I played that for a while. was fun, but i jus didnt have the time to get into such a story to fully injoy it at the time. maybe later down the line ill play it. You got Xbox Live??
  4. playing that red dead redemption brother :) How you doing? Im busy lately I dont got much time 2 post as much as I use 2. Im on every now n then though. like a ghost. Never know what hit the nexus
  5. Jus went thru the nexus n downloaded half of the oblivion mods they got... now... its time to actually PLAY the game finally lol. I gotta make Keek.. the Sneak. So he can sneak. Soon as the videos done.. you can take a peak. at Keek. as he sneaks.
  6. She could blast me with magic anyday
  7. Zang has... a nice ass :/
  8. imm do his voice too. "Ello dar! my name is Keek. I like to sneak. So they Call me keek the sneak :P"
  9. C'mon son.. you know that was the longest of the vids, and da best one lol :) I still didnt even get around to making my vid. Its gonna be awesome. Its gonna have my bad ass Character in it, brought back from the dead! YOU KNOW EM! YOU LOVE EM! THAT INSANE....... DEEERRRAAANNNGGEEDDD KHAJIIT! KEEK THE SNEAK!!! lol C'mon son.. you know there wud be a Khajiit named Keek that sneaks
  10. LOl C'mon son... you know red guards can't play drums XD cool vid i almost forgot it was oblivion with all the stuff in it lol
  11. Well man just do you :) I'm sure you read over the rules n all that. So aslong as your rp knowhow is on point you're welcome :) You're still going to go with the supermutant ambush right? Maybe jus have that outside the town. We hear the gunshots and help you out. BAM ur apart of the crew
  12. this song is goin' hard
  13. Yes of course you are lol. Its been progressing slower than I anticipated but its all good. maybe you want to jump in sooner?
  14. C'mon son.. you know your makin me want to play some modern warfare 2 right now.. seeing how you got the bling perk for your weapon and all lol
  15. lol c'mon son.. you know your about to blow your self up with that thing.. c'mon son.. stop messing with the munitions and fight some insurgents lol
  16. The wheres the shadowy madness? lol
  17. C'mon son.. you know you shouldn't be sayinf you love riding the big ones.. get outta here with that bull shysh lol
  18. its pulsating.. lol
  19. stay strong brother and keep up the good work :)
  20. i wonder where anton is
  21. I knew that lil ginger inside of u would come out eventually... lol jk
  22. c'mon son.. u know im playin sum borderlands lol
  23. C'mon son, u know that the nexus only allows me have 4 s tars cuz thats my favorite number! Guess what game I started playing last night?
  24. lol ur gonna hate me
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