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Status Updates posted by shadowmadnezz

  1. *ban me* its monday isnt it.. lol
  2. there will b an rp jus been bussy this weekend
  3. Ok so which one is coolest lol
  4. c'mon son.. y Am i gonna buy a car from some guy at work soon as he leaves the house the car wont start..? c'mon son.. thats sum bullshyt right there that i gotta jumpstart this car.. lol
  5. lol exaactly! then it will be ok to hide in a cave away from anyform of mankind.. and play with old computers that control satellites with guided lasers ;) Will be very handy in the up outbreak lol
  6. ok.. this time remember not to run away from everyone in the RP and hide in a cave by ur self where no one can RP with you lol
  7. C'mon son.. he was born under that same rock Mazogog. Matter fact all the abandoned orc babies in Orsinium was born underneath that rock. C'mon son.. its the abandoned baby rock.. its a rare location on the map son.. Start actin like you know somethin n get outta here with that bull shyt.. lol I dont even think her name Mazogog.. But C'mon son.. you know who im talking about lol
  8. N I love my keekin n my sneakin. The Khajiit Texture I used was more and more of a problem everytime I loaded it up. tried fixin it.. wasnt workin.. C'mon son.. you know my Keek the sneak Khajiit has to look fly lol. SO I just went with the Next best thing.... (wait for it..) AN ORC! C'mon son... who else would beat the grey prince? His name is Rellian he was born under a rock like Mazogog
  9. C'mon son... you know it aint 4th of July jus yet... unless u sendin messages from the future.. lol
  10. Lol I know right? Danny noticed the blast.. the debris n all that.. so thats gotta count for something right? but we didnt know it was you usin ur high science skill to bomb us lol
  11. Cuz u were in a cave in the middle of no where lmao no one knew where u were IC.
  12. Imma hear back from Roman Legion.. soon as that happens we can start something up. Im still hella busy but ill make time to post in the Rp regularly. still though we gotta make sure ppl stay active in it lol or it will die like my rp -mourns-
  13. Do I know you in real life? No? well why would I want to be your forum friend?! lol jk sure y not. i thought we were aleady cool
  14. Hey! how could that guy say that?! If he wasnt banned.. I'd ban him myself! [gained karma]
  15. Hola mi amigo! so listen up my friend....... Im thinkin of starting an RP......... i know ur a writer and hell its a fun thing to do I know you wanna rp. I know you wanna RP man. C'mon man you know you wanna RP. You wanna RP with us? :)
  16. C'mon son you know I aint name that orc Grork.. lol
  17. You are appreciated.. n ur not even my mama..... lmao C'mon son.. you know I was feelin a lil nostalgic with the whole appreciating status.. C'mon son.. you know I appreciate the nexus too. lol But seriously omg I had to stop Keek the sneak from sneakin... :( I dunno what it was about playing as him but my game would always crash. I made a new character. an Orc. Grork.. The orc. Grork gro-Mork
  18. Ok well if we DO do this... You need to stay active in it! lol
  19. i think a zombie rp wud b cool but yo no se.. we might be the ony ppl rpin it :/
  20. ok so wuts the skinny
  21. You get read dead yet? I'm on that every now n then. Whats ur gamer tag?
  22. lol i use the OBMM when Im installin da mods n all but.. C'mon son.. all u gotta do is jus toss em in the data folder everything else works out itself lmao
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