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Everything posted by Midicow

  1. @ #3, Do you ride on tri-cycles and bash zombies over the head with crazy makeshift weaponry?
  2. It's probably doable. Could remake morrowind areas as well, like the current Tamriel rebuilt mod for oblivion. Add in Elswyer (sp) and all those other regions and you could easily quadruple the playable area of the skyrim engine. Just is a _lot_ of effort, and runs into various issues, is all.
  3. Sounds neat but, even if it IS from a breed of sapient/sentient dragon, a lone hatchling is going to grow up mostly feral. There would have to be some sort of guidance at least? Dwemer version of claptrap? Actual Parents? Foster parents of definitely not dragon species? Could get raised by the greybeards I guess.
  4. Hopefully you'd also want to an unarmored skill and perk tree as well. For those werewolf-dragon-monks that will eventually be wandering around Skyrim, supposedly. Edit: nude.
  5. Well if you're going with the newborn alternate storyline route rather than full grown or shout power then yeah. You'd probably have the earlier parts of the main quest comprise of accomplishing tasks and growing in level to a degree with a number of fade to black aging sequences in-between, unless you particularly want to spend 60+ in-game years wandering about pre-dragon invasion Skyrim. Then you'd introduce some modified version of the main quest, I'd assume, once a certain point had been reached.
  6. I'd actually be fine with just Arladris's werewolf the awakening ported over to skyrim. http://tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=35360
  7. Sounds ambitious, and I hope you manage to make it!
  8. Apparently some forms of polymorph spells exist to some degree lore wise, accidental perhaps. In winterhold there's rather short series of interactions with a character which involve 'testing' spells on the player. Mechanics-wise the player gets forced to third person and turned invisible and their camera gets oriented towards a nearby spot, where the mage summons in succession a horse, a skyrim cow, and a dog, before putting the camera back and turning the player back to visible. Story-wise, the npc is attempting to cast a particular spell that is too difficult for them, and is instead polymorphing you into various animals by accident. Wouldn't be a stretch of the imagination to assume that dragons would have some grasp on this type of magic.
  9. There's a nexus mod manager that supposedly supports oblivion, the fallouts, and skyrim. It's a buggy beta though.
  10. I just want a bigger library an a checklist of books I already have. Collecting books in Skyrim can be a pain. >_>
  11. I'm just afraid this will be oblivion all over again, and beth releases a number of dlcs while they delay the kit for month(s). Gotta love that modders just got fed up of waiting and designed their own version of the kit, then were making advanced esp/esm mods long before oblivion's kit came out.
  12. Someone will figure it out. Might have to wait for script extender though.
  13. Simple as that. When holding a key, it would be nice to have intractable objects nearby gain a glowing aura, and items that can be picked up gain a separate colored aura + floating text overhead. It would really help your average kleptomaniac. Even further down the road it would be nice to be able to mouse over an item in the world with the crosshair/(or lack of crosshair) to see a popup displaying a short stat summary, and perhaps who it's owned by.
  14. I believe that it is alluded to in an easter egg that the adoring fan was really a dark brotherhood assasin in disguise and acting, and that they followed the grand champion into the forest and then slit their throat, leaving them for the bears to eat.
  15. Hmm, if we have the player start off as dragon, what exactly would be the questline involving it, or after? Since the player is a dragon, or Dovah, the main quest would be entirely different. Simple. They caught the dragon illegally crossing the border, and trussed them up to a tiny wagon-cart to have a conversation with a remorseful nord and a wrong-place wrong-time horse thief.
  16. One major problem with this that I can see is, prior to obtaining said permanent on/off version, one could possibly find themselves 500+meters above the ground without a slowfall mechanic. Without hope as well, for it doesn't seem possible to use shouts while falling. TLDR: Splat.
  17. J'zargo flinging lightning bolts atop your aflamin' with fury air dive?
  18. In my not so credible opinion, unless you mean this as a sandboxy exploration tool, you'd want it somewhere in the progression of the main story for it to be a useful skill. Or at least independent from the main story, to be gotten when the player is actually strong enough to handle whatever is involved. Then as you progress the main story (or in strength) you run into the ability to unlock its potential further. As a side note, I'd like to mention that your faithful adventuring companion of choice should probably require a dragon saddle. Possibly some mounted combat involved as well. Heck just give them an extraordinarily long spear and stuff a dragon underneath a giant tree and you've got most non-historical norse mythology.
  19. I support the on off and no daily limit, mostly because if you choose to use the werewolf form as a valid combat option, you're kinda hit or miss on dungeons. Its hard wobbling around in third person sometimes and kinda hard to manipulate locks or traps or the like while wolv'in about. It's just a bit annoying to transform into a werewolf, only to run into a locked door and have to derp about for a few minutes waiting for it to wear off, yeah?
  20. I'm just annoyed that them darn dragons won't let me swat em down with my whacky stick and flap overhead half the time instead. Also they get around so easy. Even had a dragon completely run away from me and fly off into the distance.. :< Some flappy wings would really help getting *down* from the seven thousand blasted steps once you actually get up there. If this mod were ever made I'd expect there to be three levels it, the first level for the first word mastery.. second word mastery.. etc. First word might be temp change into random dragon type, second word might be longer duration, and third word mastery would be just on/off toggle with no duration and element choice. Alternatively, a one-time element decision. Speculation aside though, I expect even if you're holding a basket of flowers when you approach a guard, they're not going to be to happy with your big scaley-ness. Much like werewolves. So.. maybe a quest where you go about talking to official people of the various holds? Make it well known that the power of the dragonborn allows that sort of transformation and perhaps oil some noble's coffers or perform some noble questy goodness in order to avoid screams of "DRAGON!!!" and flying arrows. You'd also probably act like a dragon magnet, seeing as lore-wise the dragons are practically cannibals when it comes to killing each-other and absorbing powers. They'd probably come even more often for a chance to dine on your shouty powers. The whole concept is kinda op'd though. Dragons have a lot of armour and health and generally strong attacks. You'd probably attract the attention of organizations similar to the silver weapon users. (I forgot the actual name for some reason. Silver something or other) They'd probably want to make things out of your hide, and would be well-prepared to do so by force. I also expect you'd have difficulty using this shout indoors and in the non-outdoor cities. Due to being fat.
  21. Actually I'm pretty sure some Stormcloak made a crack about kitties to my khajiit and I shoved a mace into his face, and another stormcloak (not the maced one), fled a little while complaining about being routed or yielding or whatnot. Pretty sure they already do react to other friendly npcs getting bested to some minor degree.. the only problem is that they're coded to resume combat almost immediately.
  22. @Jim_uk Sadly I tend to run into the actual bugs that nobody knows a flying f*** how to fix, that tend t either be something obscure and difficult to track down yet extremely simple to fix or plain as day and extremely hard to fix.
  23. I know that it was designed as it is now for convenience sake but it's a little odd to solve puzzles that are apparently beyond your average Skyrim bandit (even though they're just pictorial pattern matching), and then waltz into undisturbed tombs full of cobwebs and restless undead.. only to find semi-recently lit torches and candles. Magical, unending torches. Get a couple thousand unending magical candles together and you can solve energy crisis! Also some areas appear to have no light source whatsoever, yet are lit bright. Anyone planning on renovating dungeons to be more consistent? Either they're well maintained, or someone visits them every so often, or they're some undiscovered Nordic ruin of ancient power. Not all three. I guess give the ability for the player to light and douse sources as well?
  24. That makes more sense. Sounds like scaleform really is a step up from oblivion modding though. I'd at least expect possibilities ranging from augmented skyrim-reality to interactive minigames triggered by usage.
  25. How are you immersed if you walk away from the computer? Unless you particularly enjoy watching a character do a few animations over and over ad'infinim till you can afford that fancy item. Come to think of it, there are probably a few of those in fallout 3 and nv. :X
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