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Everything posted by Flowerguy360

  1. +1. Runs on Cells instead of Cores would be great.
  2. Chryslus Corvega from FNV. Would be better suited here to use same sort of system as power armor does now. Ooohh.... And modding of car parts!
  3. I would like to see a Jetpack independent of P.A. that runs on Cells instead of Cores, personally. It would also be cool to see a stealth suit that does the same (Hazmat that can be worn with armor components, including a jetpack as per above if so desired). :)
  4. Inspired by this mod: http://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/mods/37708/? Synopsis: Quest Mod that gives the player & random encounters a functional vehicle by hijacking the power armor code. As this is a request, I am not trying to tell anyone how to do this. If you do it, it's your mod. You're the author and can do whatever you please. Below is only my request/suggestion on how one might go about this (and I am by no means an expert)... The Vehicles: The PC should have the option to build/restore one of four models: - a motorcycle, a corvega, a truck, or... a vertibird. Each of these should have a built-in container (dependent on size of vehicle) and cost fuel (Fusion Cores) to use. It should have a frame and different parts that can be destroyed (and repaired at a garage station). There should only be one of each model/frame available in-game for the player to use, each with an associated quest line. Fast Travel should not be available without a vehicle (on the flip-side, resource management should be much, much easier with a container you can take with you once you have one). You cannot drive while wearing power armor (though an option to throw a suit in the trunk would be hella nice - all I can think to do would be to store parts in the trunk and spawn/unspawn the frame as if it were a vendor; this should not be a motorcycle option, though). Random Encounters: Much like Raiders in power armor, it should also be possible to run into raiders who have some kind of vehicle (why is the PC the only one who would think of restoring an old bike so he doesn't have to huff it everywhere?). Like the raiders in power armor, if you kill one in a vehicle you cannot take the frame of that vehicle, but you may be able to harvest damaged parts (Obviously there should be some way to keep the PC from trying to swap power armor parts for car parts and vice versa). Damage from being hit by a car should be similar to melee, with the "Strength" variable determined by vehicle size/model, and encounters should have script added to have them attempt to run enemies down, and have them stick to roads (mostly). This is all I can think of at the moment. Thoughts? EDIT: Formatting.
  5. The "Picket Fences" magazine in-game is supposed to open up new building options when you find them. It would be nice to see a mod that expands options like we have seen so far, but ties it to the magazine and increases the number of mags in the world (once we have the CK, of course).
  6. http://vignette1.wikia.nocookie.net/fallout/images/e/e9/PoliceCyberdog.png/revision/latest?cb=20110721161642 Cybermutt port could be fun, too: http://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/mods/52174/?
  7. Not sure I'm a fan of the mechanics of this. I am hoping to see a port of the Daughters of Ares (with a male variant, too, please) mod to FO4 from FO:NV, though. :) Something similar allowing you to play a ghoul by adding textures in place of scars/blemishes and using the ghoul assets for the body in a mod would be nice, too (and the ghoul perk!). :)
  8. I just did this mission, and without adding any spoilers I think it would be fantastic if there was some reward for siding with the party who doesn't want to share. It would also be an uber mobile settlement (with building limitations in place, a la Home Plate). Immersion breaking? Maybe. But pretty darn cool, nonetheless. :)
  9. I feel like combining both of these at the same time with Power Armor would be a bit over-powered. I would, however, love to see them combined with, say, the Hazmat Suit, and throw on some Combat Armor to cover the arms/legs so it has some damage protection. Give it a Fusion Core, too, so there is a cost for using it. That would be a neat suit (IMHO). Not that I am against this mod in and of itself - after all, it is all about personalizing your game. :) Just my .02. ^_^
  10. See subject. Anyone else think it's weird that these seem to be completely lacking from FO4? With the synths and some of the newer robots we seem to be moving more toward a modern scifi setting and away from the 50's scifi schtick. :(
  11. The original Fallout games had options such as these (and I think FO3 did, too, to a lesser degree), where you could go and pay caps to have a SPECIAL stat increased (and in the first games it offered Perks, if I recall correctly - which would be better). If this were implemented again (and I am not against it), I would like to see some sort of aesthetic added to reflect the cybernetic changes made to your appearance. This is something that was missing in the last game wherein it was available. I am, however, against doing anything even remotely related to Shadowrun. This is Fallout. (And as an aside, Essence has to do with magic casting abilities, as the more tech you implant the less "human" you become. Again; not a Fallout trait.) **SPOILER** I have not found the Institute yet, but I am hopeful that the game allows me to recycle Kellogg's spare parts... ^_^
  12. +1 to the idea of a jetpack independent of Power Armor usage. :)
  13. Did not know what this was. Now that I do? Yes, please.
  14. I literally *just* posted in another thread about this being a good idea for Curie before I saw this. :D
  15. Maybe there is an Assaultron companion later in the game, but if there is I have not gotten to it yet. That being said... I cannot see Codsworth as an Assaultron. I think such a mod would be immersion-breaking given that he is supposed to be a Mr. Handy at the outset, and the british accent just doesn't flow with something like that for me (not trying to knock your idea here, as you will see in a moment). ***((SMALL SPOILER)))*** I can, however, see such a mod as this being an amazingly good fit for Curie. She is also a Mr. Handy model (Miss Nanny, I think, specifically) with the same french accent as you will with other female personalities on the same model. I can totally see this working with an Assaultron, and it wouldn't be nearly as immersion breaking, as mention of her being a Mr. Handy/Ms. Nanny is only made in passing if you dig through the scientific research logs (which could actually likely be changed with a mod, too, for a hardcore modder...?). Any way, I love the idea of an Assaultron companion - just not Codsworth. I like it even more with the prospect of it being Curie. But I suppose that's just my opinion. Thanks for the idea! :)
  16. Follow-up thought: This could also probably work to play as a Synth (similar to Nick V.) if the same changes (or additions) were made to the body and face textures.
  17. Even with the Enclave basically being killed off, you would think there would be some of these suits scattered about here and there. So this is my (probably simple to do, really) request: Could we please get a mod to add Hellfire Armor back into the game? Preferably as some part of the loot table where you might get it instead of X-01 parts (without removing X-01). Something to consider, and probably would happen eventually any way. Thanks! ^_^
  18. Yes. You might also consider taking a look at the Chinese Stealth Suit from FO3 for inspiration, or maybe some of the Combat Armor assets already in-game. It would be interesting to see some other "homebrew" power armor variants besides the Raider ones, like maybe with Flight Helmets and Goggles (or gas mask) thrown over combat armor limb pieces and a power armor torso core. Really, I think the key would simply be to make the Frame piece more feminine in form. The rest would follow. On an unrelated note, has anyone else noticed that the Enclave's Hellfire Armor isn't available in FO4? You would think there would be something out there, even with the Enclave essentially being kaput.
  19. See subject. I'm really not sure this mod would even be possible, but ideally it would allow you to drop a workshop wherever you wanted to (or just about) and build a settlement there (say the work zone was centered around the workshop).
  20. When looking at Skyrim mods, I recall seeing many attempts at creating a "Play as a Draugr" mods that were always only partially successful. This approach should fix that problem as well as add some customization, if I am not mistaken - and could easily be ported over to Skyrim. Instead of approaching it as changing the player's race (though I think the creation of a Player_Character_Race would be necessary for this, so as not to turn all NPCs into weird half-ghouls), we take this from the ground up; in the character creation editor. Under Blemishes and Scars we add several new layers of different "ghoulish" new textures. Same thing for eyes - a nice murky variety of eyes of different colors. Under skin tone, we add a couple of "ghoulish" skin tones - say something greenish and something yellowish with a LOT of wrinkles (for decaying flesh). Or do a complete body retexture using the existing game content for ghouls. And unlock the ghoul perk in the Perks tree. Voila! Your character is now a ghoul. I would have to load up FO3 and FO:NV to see about portability to those games, but the principle remains the same: just add individual textures as options in chargen and a new body texture and you should be good (along with some mechanical game content, of course).
  21. Those explosive collars would work well for this. I love this idea! :) If only I had the first clue how to implement it. :(
  22. Have you considered touching base with the maker of the Moonlight Tales mod about this? I, for one, would love to see this, too (though without the tie to orsimer characters, because as mentioned above lycanthropy is not so much a racial trait as a mystical one). :)
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