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Everything posted by Flowerguy360

  1. I would suggest a simple script that basically spawns a bike for Companions to ride when you're mounted, and despawns when you are not. Same animations and what-not should apply. I'd go further and say mounting requires a check to see if you are in an Indoor cell or Outdoor, and not permit the bike indoors. Same for Companions. Which brings me to other tangential thoughts: Do you have a HUD like when in Power Armor or on the Vertibird? Will there be a mounted weapon option for the HUD? Or does it force 3rd person perspective? And, lastly, what are the odds of adding this vehicle to the leveled lists so that we can have Raiders on bikes who attack you, or chase you down, too? :)
  2. Well it would have to be the actual face, otherwise it defeats the purpose of having animated facial expressions. The only way to do this (that I know of) would be to change the follower's race and use the mesh as an armoraddon. With Fallout 4's CK, that is going to come with at least one bug of not being able to change their appearance in SLM and only in the CK. I don't know if what I am fighting right now is a CK bug, but I am also dealing with a follower's equippable inventory being frozen. So, if you do this, please let me know if you can still make them equip/unequip items and whether or not they show up visually. Thanks. :)
  3. Heya, I was wondering if anyone knew about a bug for making custom companions that freezes their equipment (not their inventory) and makes it disappear (visually only). I'm wondering if this isn't something I've done wrong in the ArmorAddons. What I have made is a custom race to alter Curie's appearance, including her head. Picture almost like so: I can't show anything more current, as it contains nudity. The picture above is actually pre-mod, but you can see what I'm doing. Since it is a custom race, you cannot edit her appearance outside of the CK (this is not a bug in the mod, but a bug in the CK for Fallout 4). I'm just really, really hoping that this is not also the case for being able to equip/unequip her. I'm up for any pointers. I would like to get this released soon. Thanks in advance. :smile:
  4. Hey There, So, first, let me throw the downloadable link at you. That link will let you take what I have done so far and hopefully you can tell me what I am doing wrong. I have made two versions of the Giddyup Buttercup Companion: One using Dogmeat's NIF information and Skeleton, and the other using the RadStag NIF information and Skeleton. The link above contains all of the files involved for both versions in their respective Data directories. The Dogmeat version does not crash the CK, and it renders in the CK, but with the wrong texture. If I load my game into a different cell than Buttercup, and then enter the open world cell near Buttercup, I get a CTD. If I load my game into the same cell where Buttercup spawns, I do not get a CTD, but Buttercup is invisible. The RadStag version crashes the CK when I try to do anything that involves changing the model. I also get a CTD when I try to load my game. This is the more problematic version, but I think it would also be the most immersive/accurate one for a robotic horse. I still get my main menu screen with both versions. Obviously I've done something wrong in the NIF. My best guess is that there are remaining NiNode references to SubTriShapes that are no longer there, or that there is simply a compatibility issue with the skeletons. This is my first mod. I know nothing of NifSkope. I have been using tutorials extensively, and I think as far as these things go my NIFs are pretty clean. But following directions does not give the clarity of understanding. I am hopeful that this is where you come in. Any help at all would be greatly appreciated. Thank you. Addendum: With Invisible Buttercup, the Talk option displays but nothing happens upon attempting to use it, and while Buttercup does aid you in battle if nearby, I do not believe it follows you. I have placed the Giddyup Buttercup Companion at the Slog, at the end of the road from Saugus Ironworks where you load from Fast Traveling to the Slog.
  5. I believe what you are looking for is a little-known and greatly under-valued mod called Waterworks (Water works?). Do a search. I could be mistaken, but it's worth a peek.
  6. https://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/4063590-going-to-make-a-motorcycle-mod/
  7. So this would be an odd project that would require a lot of development, but I was thinking of a new group for the Commonwealth: The Mad Marionettes. The Mad Marionettes would be a group of escaped Synth Raiders who use robots for spare body parts. So one Mad Marionette may attack you and have a Right Sentry Arm instead of a right human arm. Another may have replaced their left foot with a wheel. Yet another one may be humanoid from the waist up, but be floating on a Mr. Handy thruster with an extra assortment of weapons. Not only would this make for some interesting encounters, but this would also be a great basis for some quest mods (really, any of the factions would be interested in hunting them), among a variety of other possible options (cybernetics mods, automatron for gen1/2 companions, and others). The real challenge here would be all the modeling work that would be necessary to give a healthy degree of variety to the Marionettes. But I think it would certainly be interesting. What do you think?
  8. Just wondering if there is anyone out there with the inclination and ability to make a mini-Liberty Prime that is buildable using Automatron's Robot Workbench. This would include being able to just use parts, like the legs, torso, head, or arms, with other robot parts. I think this would be a wonderful addition. And, as others have asked, so would Gen 1 Synth parts. But Liberty? Liberty would simply be Prime. :) Or at least Optimus. <.<
  9. I would like to see a new mashup model for flying vehicles, personally. The Junkyard Chopper: Like, take a car and cut off the top of its carriage. Put a wooden platform there, instead, and some kind of thruster on the back (probably from a plane). Up top you have a single Vertibird propeller that has been welded to the vehicle. And of course a mechanism for steering, altitude, etc. I would imagine you could put a slaver cage or something at the back, too, for cargo and/or prisoners. This is how I see the inhabitants of the Wasteland getting flying vehicles again, rather than fully restoring crashed Vertibirds all the time, if at all. Most people would not have the technical expertise for that, but they might be able to figure out how to make the individual parts work and go from there. But this would take an exorbitant amount of work in terms of development.
  10. How about adding more copies of the Broadsider to Supes? Obviously this would entail adding an alternative reward for the USS Constitution quest if you side with the respective party involved (trying not to add spoiler here).
  11. It looks like what you've done is pretty similar to what I had in mind (per your statement). What I was suggesting is a tent you can drop anywhere (in or out of settlements). Once dropped, you can "Zone" into it (ie, it has a loading screen), because you are entering a different cell. Inside, you have a container of some kind and a sleeping bag. Maybe a few other odds and ends. Something in-between Camping Sites and Basement Living. It seems like the only thing really different is my suggestion that it should be an Interior Cell, but really an Exterior would be more realistic (even if that means no protection from rad storms). Really, though, this would still solve soooo many issues, especially in Survival Mode. And I really like that yours includes an Inventory Sorter. So when will you port it over? Eh? Eh?! :p Just kidding... mostly. <.< Really, though - at the very least, thanks for the reply. :)
  12. Going to give this a little bump. Maybe people DO NOT remember the Haven Bag. I'm unsure. Given what it does and the way that Survival Mode works, I can't see how there would be any lack of interest in something that could immersively take care of... Saving Sleeping Hunger/Thirst Carry Weight Storage Weather Crafting ...all in one easy solution. Never mind how convenient it would still be even for regular gaming mode.
  13. Hey There, So, I would like to make myself available to do some voice acting for mods (not the least of which would be some of my own I am planning on once I'm done working through the basic Blender tutorials). Before doing so, however, I was just hoping to get some information from those who have done voice acting for mods (or professionally), as to what kind of equipment is cheapest and works best, as well as software, and of course any general tips that folks might like to provide. I am not looking to do this for money, but rather for fun. Please share your thoughts. Thanks! :) -D
  14. Do you remember the Haven Bag mod from Skyrim? How about Haven Bag Campsite? My suggestion is a simple port of that mod, for Fallout 4. You make camp (yes, we have mods for camping). But this camp includes a Storage Trunk. This Storage Trunk is actually a container in its own cell in the game. It never resets. You do not have to fast travel to it. Its inventory is constant. And it goes wherever you go. Since so many people have demanded Unified Storage among the settlements, I thought this might be a more fun suggestion. Wherever you go, you can use the Action: Make Camp. Drop down your tent. Zone into your tent for access to Crafting, Storage, and protection from the weather. So many problems solved in such a simple way. We need this.
  15. Fallout is actually based on some of Harlan Ellison's writings. Since you are older, you may remember the film A Boy And His Dog (I think that was the title, any way), starring Don Johnson (Ya know, the guy from Miami Vice in the 80's). The scifi twist you speak of is part of the throwback to 50's culture that we get from the alternate timeline the Fallout universe takes place in. Look it all up. It's a good read.
  16. Make ferals follow the rad storms across the map. Areas with ferals respawn. Every storm has a random horde of ferals this way, that just kind of grows as it rolls across the Commonwealth. *shudder* I kind of love it.
  17. Actually, one thing I have noticed with Fallout 4 (as opposed to earlier editions) is the surprising availability of different super mutant armors. It gives me stomach fuzzies. The one thing I have never been happy with in the Fallout series has been the lack of customization options in character generation in terms of race. I have always hoped for some kind of Alternate Start where you had different possible backgrounds, depending on what you chose. So, for example, in Fallout 4 - say you chose to play a ghoul; following the death of your spouse, the Vault was left open and flooded with radiation. Everyone in cryo died but you, because you became a ghoul, instead. Or, if you chose to play a super mutant; After the death of your spouse, the Vault was left open. You, the surviving staff of Vault 111, and the other survivors in Cryo were taken by super mutants to some FEV vats and transformed. The others died, or turned into something... else. But you didn't. Sure, you aren't who you were. But that just means it will be easier to kill the sons of bitches who took your son. Obviously such choices would have a huge impact on the factions associated with the player character, too. And this would dramatically change many aspects of gameplay. But the amount of work this would require? I don't see it happening any time soon, if ever. :(
  18. Are you talking about the Craftable Vertibirds mod? Because I know of no other vehicle mods that are completed at this time.
  19. There is a similar mod to this for Skyrim, I think it was called Realistic Needs, on that Other Site with the adult content mods. I have not looked, but I would be surprised if there is not something like this already in the works over there.
  20. Dev Aveza Needs controller support. Original scripts from Dwemer Skyship. I know nothing about scripting. But... is this something that could be ported over and controller support added to? Or is that what the Vertibird mod is? If there is a way to do it in the air, there must be a way to do it on land, right? Maybe using new models and building it in Automatron... ?
  21. +1. I love this idea. If you've got high enough Charisma to pacify enemies, it should really work better than it does. This would be a great benefit to that. I would say, offer up a new dialogue choice to pacified enemies of Dog Race to let you give them Meat. Any kind of meat. After that, you can send them to a Settlement of your choice where they are basically like the Junkyard Dog. This should only be an option for the domesticated dogs, since feral and vicious mongrels are obviously not domesticated. Great idea! :)
  22. His sister, Francis Horrigan (female supies look just like the males), given the same suit. She leads a strike team that was sent to scout the Commonwealth in search of the Institute after they discovered and killed an escaped Synth in Chicago, in the hopes of procuring an alliance - and, if not, procure their technology by any means available. This would be lore friendly and iconic as a good starting point for the kind of thing you're suggesting.
  23. A heavily modified, special edition, Giddyup Buttercup instead of a RadStag. <.<
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