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Everything posted by Flowerguy360

  1. This could actually make for an interesting companion mod, if the model for Proctor Ingram is actually missing legs. One could set up a unique companion using that mesh, and maybe put in a quest where you have to find said companion a power armor frame to recruit them. Maybe they are a beggar (former Raider) in Diamond City when you meet them, and they're using a wheelchair. I realize this isn't a prosthetic, but it is a fun way to bring in a disabled character into the game. As for prosthetics, I would take a gander at the cybernetics mod. It isn't my flavor (I would want to use something with new models that incorporate Gen 1 or 2 Synth limbs, instead of a power armor overlay), but it may scratch your itch. My $0.02.
  2. Hey There, So I am trying to create a Giddyup Buttercup Companion using the existing model/mesh from the game. I have stretched it and (mostly) gotten it so that it should be able to work with the RadStag skeleton (I will have to modify the skeleton, though, probably, which will be another problem). The problem I am running into right at the moment, though, is getting the blocks to match up. I have searched the wiki exhaustively, and youtube, and I cannot seem to find the information I need to convert the Blocks from the Giddyup Mesh to the Blocks from the RadStag Mesh. I am running Nifskope 2.0 Pre-Alpha 5 (every other version I have tried crashes on my system as soon as I try to Open or Import anything, even in Compatibility Mode). I have found guides/tutorials, but either the options they mention do not seem to be there, or (like with expanding Children) doesn't seem to allow me to edit it for that particular Block. Any help to make it so that I can put the resized/reshaped model into the game and gauge its Wonkiness Level would be greatly appreciated. Thanks! :)
  3. It is not a cargo ship, but... http://fallout.wikia.com/wiki/Wreck_of_the_USS_Riptide If you empty out the shipping containers you could easily turn this into a viable settlement... ...once you've cleared it of its occupants. :)
  4. I would love to see the robots from Robco Certified brought over to Automatron for parts, along with Gen 1 & 2 Synths. Seriously? Who doesn't want a safe on RoboBrain treads as a traveling companion? Or a stove that spits out rads? And I don't even know what that thing is, on the first picture on the left, to the furthest left IN the picture. But it looks ominous. As for mods on Synth parts, just make the Synth Armor (for that particular slot) an optional add-on, and of course separate the Synth Arms from the Synth hands so you can throw on a Protectron Claw, instead, if you'd like. Otherwise Synth hands could just hold any weapons you equip them with as a companion. And lastly? I would really, really like to see Liberty Prime brought down to scale so we can use his head/torso/arms/legs/voice, too. The assets are there, if TalkieToaster chooses to share them (or take something like this on). And this would be a great way to not only turn the DLC into something even more amazing, but to also show Bethesda "how it's done," as it were.
  5. If it would make it easier in terms of handling the terrain/animations, etc... Have you considered making it a hover-bike? Give it thrusters instead of tires, like Mr. Handy or the Eyebots, and just put some tire-sized buffers around the thrusters (horizontally, like in Back to the Future when the tires turned sideways). With glowmaps instead of tires. I love the idea of a regular post-apocalyptic hog, too. I don't know if my suggestion would be any easier or better, but if it helps at all I'm glad I said it. :) Who knows? Maybe once you get it working you might decide to make multiple models. The Commonwealth needs you. :p
  6. Eureka! :p The power armor coding barely works for power armor. Bethesda cut a mounted MG because they set it up to use some power armor elements and its f'ing horrible. It just doesn't work. The vertibirds work by being animals that add the player as an armor addon. That's right, vertibirds are animals. Power armor themselves are a race, they can sometimes come to life on their own which is terrifiying. Both are exhaustively coded to work. There's a few things in fallout 4 that are surprising how much of the game files they take up. Power armor is easily 5% of the game. The scripts that tell all the people in diamond city what to do during different quests and times of day/year are another 5% of the game. The entire main quest is maybe 5% This makes me sad. What I was thinking of was basically copy/paste and modify, but it sounds like that isn't an option here. Even so, one has to wonder (as above) whether or not it might be possible to do with the Vertibird code on a different model. Or, even, take the horse code from Skyrim and apply it to the Giddyup Buttercup display at Atomatoys. *nod self* Really, I have no concept of how things are coded in the game, and am only barely scratching the surface of modding, myself. So anything I say can be taken with a healthy grain of salt, and I am well aware of that. But, that being said? It was not a bad idea conceptually. I mean, look at how much fun Automatron is. Doing that with vehicles? HELL. YES. Still... :sad face: But thanks for at least letting me know it isn't viable. :)
  7. I have suggested this a few times, now. I think the Power Armor code would work well, too. It would take a lot of work this way, but it would be worth it. 1.) Copy Power Armor code. 2.) Create Car Frames. Scatter a handful through the world. 3.) Create Modular Parts and a Garage Workbench w/Parts Recipes. 4.) Animate and script. It has never made sense to me that in the Fallout Apocalypse, we have Robots, Power Armor, Vertibirds, and Plasma Rifles, but no one ever stops to think... "Gee, I wonder if I can get that car to start."
  8. Scrap Dead Things. It isn't an incinerator and it isn't a burial mod, but you can scrap them for sensible parts in your settlements, and it gets rid of the bodies.
  9. While many agree that the Jetpack should not burn AP, I am with the OP on this one: It should still run on something. My suggestion has always been Fusion Cells, but that's just me. It makes the most sense IMO because it isn't as costly as a Fusion Core, but the principle is the same. It would also make more sense in terms of how a jetpack might be usable without power armor, as well.
  10. Scrap Dead Things lets you scrap bodies in settlements. Closest thing available right now, so far as I know. http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/6497/?
  11. I lack the experience and expertise to do this, but one thing I have been looking at as a consideration was a mod for cybernetic limb replacement at some point (probably waaaayyyy down the line). What I was considering was going in and chopping up parts from the models for Liberty Prime and Gen1 Synths. Then putting those same limbs on the character body. This would require multiple steps, where you could replace just one arm, both arms, one leg, one leg and one arm, etc. Each would iteration would require its own body model, and whether you used the model variation from Liberty Prime or from a Synth could be based on where you had the augmentation done. I was also thinking of adding in an artificial spine, and maybe if there were a retexture for the head for a brain implant, these could be additional options. These would, naturally require some Faction affiliation. For Liberty Prime Limb Replacement, you would be aligned with the Brotherhood. For Synth Limb Replacement, you would have to be aligned with either the Railroad or Institute. To gain the Reflexes (Spine) or Brain Implants, you would have to have ... acquired the implants, through that one part of the story where you kill that one guy in that Fort. This would all also require some scripting, not only for the quest and faction affiliation aspects, but also with making the game know which body model to use. Oh! And as a neat side-feature? What if you could pay to have your Companions be Augmented? And no, that mod doesn't scratch that itch. I applaud the author's efforts, but my sentiments have always been that cybernetics are a permanent part of your body. That is not what that mod does. Any how, this is something I've been thinking about for a while. Hopefully some day... :/
  12. Words cannot adequately express my complete and utter agreement with what you've just said. But as you've said, too; it has always been glossed over, probably for that very reason. And that fact is something I cannot actually agree with. Just because it is something sensitive, and rightfully so, does not mean it should be ignored. Quite the opposite. I think recognizing it for the ugly thing that it was is key to making sure it never happens again, even if that recognition is just in a video game. I guess what I'm trying to say is that ignoring it completely is just as much a disservice to the suffering of the people who endured it as it would be to handle it indelicately - if not moreso. I know the Chinese Internment Camps never happened. But the Japanese ones did. And that deserves to be respected - both with acknowledgement and with decency. So, yeah. I really cannot agree more.
  13. Just to be clear, this is what I'm talking about: This is from the NV mod ST Robot Race, which uses this as a race instead of power armor. But taking a look at this and the Robot Armor introduced in Automatron... well, hard not to make a comparison (for me, at least).
  14. Since you are doing this (and it looks pretty awesome, btw!), I thought I'd share what came to mind almost as soon as I saw the title (and it's kinda dark, but I suppose it ought to be): Japanese Internment Camps. I'm not sure if it is a part of the Fallout lore or not, but it seems logical from the thematic basis that these very well could have been a thing in Pre-War Fallout America. So, if you want a good, immersive way to fit these things into the game, might I also suggest a new Location Mod to complement this one? It could include a few small side-quests and a potential settlement area with a bunch of NPCs of Asian lineage, and Asian ghoul NPCs. It could also be a fun tie-in with the Yangtze sub (maybe this could be the "transport" to an island where an internment camp was). Any way, I just thought I'd share. No harm, either way. Good luck with the mod! :)
  15. This uses the same model as the others, but has had the scale on it set to be larger. Thank you, though. :)
  16. I would still like to see the Robot Armor (Sentry version) turned into Power Armor. It would also be cool to see a football helmet over a gas mask with metal plates for a PA helmet with metal plates like from old trash cans and other debris that has been rigged onto a Power Armor frame. Wasteland Power Armor. How about the NCR? We have the Ranger Armor, which was based on Riot Gear. Why can't we see how that would look, minus the trench, stuck on a frame? Really, the power armor is the frame. The other stuff is just armor that's attached to it with different mods. Even with the lore, there is no reason some Post-War home-brew versions would not exist as salvage. In fact, it would be very likely, and the fact that all we have so far is Raider Armor is not particularly realistic (as realistic as power armor can be, any way). Instead of introducing T-60, I feel that Bethesda should have gone back and re-examined some very under-represented sets from old canon, like the Vault-Tec Power Armor or Athena. But that's just my opinion. And on a completely unrelated note, am I the only one who finds the general shape of Assaultrons to be more of a step toward standard future sci-fi and less 50's-ish style tech? EDIT: Also... http://www.gameartisans.org/user_uploads/challenges/ga_challenge/comicon-challenge-2014/sergeyromanenko-54647-comicon-challenge-2014-additional-image-1-1395243801.jpg That needs to happen. *nod self*
  17. I agree with the idea of putting this into a third dot of Local Leader. As has already been said, supply lines only allow you to share scrap between settlements. Essentially, you can draw on all of your junk from multiple settlements if they are connected. You cannot draw on all of your inventory. And, really, you ought to be able to. I don't even want to imagine how much more of a pain this must be in Survival Mode (though I will be finding out in my next playthrough). Any way, long story short... +1. THOUSAND. This is badly needed.
  18. Look on Youtube for old Skyrim tutorials. There is an abundance of those, and most things still apply from the old CK. Also note that creature companions and bipedal are not the same thing. The tutorials for the new CK will come. For now we just have to use what's available.
  19. Actually, the original model is about half the size. I have scaled it up. I am now working in Nifskope to try and give it the same general properties as Dogmeat (copying the nif data, basically), then I have to figure out if it is possible to adjust the skeleton to make it fit the model so the animations don't come out all wonky. This also means the textures are all stretched out, so will have to be redone, as well. I also need to figure out how to permanently rotate the model to face forward without changing the Transform data. As it is, when you load it up you see the top of the horse's back. This is a problem when the skeleton is aligned to work like every other model in the game: facing forward. If there is an experienced modder who knows about modeling and rigging who would like to help and who is reading this, I would love to hear from you. Thanks. :smile:
  20. It is illegal to transfer assets from one game to another. You can do original work or use existing game assets, but you cannot port them over. Additionally, Bethesda and the Nexus do not allow it. Many have been banned for doing so (I cannot speak to prosecution). Something to bear in mind.
  21. I have been trying not to reveal, but this is what my past few threads in the help sections have been about. I am having troubles due to attempting to convert the model from an object into a creature, but I am getting there. :smile: Short and Sweet: I've been working on this since the CK came out.
  22. So... I think I may have solved the skeleton issue. I did some import/export tricks that added a LOT of missing data to the mesh. I'm not sure, though. See, I wasn't 100% sure before if I'd actually added the companion to the world, as I hadn't actually seen it in-game when I went to test. And I still have this problem. It's invisible. From what I can see in Nifskope my textures are all messed up now. They were not before, but it is textured and I don't know why the companion would be invisible. Other underlying issues: CTD on Save near companion. Loading in Nifskope, every creature I see is already facing forward. This mesh has always loaded facing up with its spine toward me. Like I'm looking at the top of a dog. I need to add weights. This is something I can figure out; trying to get it visible first. Plus side? There has been definite progress, and at least two aspects of the mod so far that I was worried about have both exceeded expectations. But I figure the invisible companion problem is probably something more common than what I was trying to do before. And I am guessing the CTD on Save is a modeling issue. Help, please?
  23. I've been trying to do it with Blender, but having never used the program before I'm having trouble telling up from down, even with the tutorials (which are off-topic, but good for learning it as a whole). A friend on the nexus here suggested I try Outfit/Bodyslide to fix the blocks. I didn't know copying the skeleton over was an option, too. I'm at work at the moment, but as soon as I get home I am going to give it a go. Thanks! :D
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