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Everything posted by MarkusTay

  1. So I downloaded a mod that redid a lot of NPCs like the concept art, and when looking at Porter Gage without his eyepatch, I realized that there was nothing at all wrong with his eye! I then looked around, and realized there is no mod that would show blindness/damage in just one eye. How has no-one thought of this before? How has no quest-modder not wanted a damaged-looking NPC? Either just 'missing and closed', or perhaps something more gruesome, like how in horror movies, etc., it shows skin grown over the eye (I mean we have RADIATION - we should have MUTATIONS). So this seems minor, but think of what else can be done along these lines - BOTH eyes skinned-over, other facial damage, like a hair-lip, or something like Jonah Hex? Think of all the fun we could have if we could apply horror-type facial 'makeup' to our PCs and NPCs! Perhaps even something that makes it look like we are 'turning ghoul'. We have mods that replace limbs with bionics, so why not expand on the concept that everyone should be a little bit damaged? We need an arseface!
  2. I actually get this a LOT. Nexus/Vortex pops-up a list of mods I haven't endorsed yet, and when I choose any of them, it tells me I haven't downloaded it yet. Conclusion: Nexus/Vortex is bipolar.
  3. Going to the Bethesda site and doing ANYTHING causes the game to 'update' (ie., loads unwanted and unneeded content), which makes MO's loose their mind, since they are not allowed to 'handle' Bethesda-created files in any way (other than just run them, which also includes reassigning ID's dynamically). Thus, your IDs get borked and the game won't run. Or, in other words, going to the Bethesda site breaks the seventh seal on the gates of hell, and the gremlins come pouring forth. Either way, same ending. Eternal damnation and all that. I have no idea why the unofficial patch won't install - have you tried verifying your files on Steam? Since they've added new content (according to you), that means they've added another ID#, and if the Unofficial patch was the first non-Beth file in your load order (as its supposed to be), it could be that was the one that got bumped, and why it won't reload. The MO's just can't handle those files - they are "managed outside the mod organizer". I add and subtract mods ALL the time, midway through my play-throughs. Its only when I tried to add or subtract Beth-content that I've had problems. Your mileage may vary.
  4. When I had this problem, I had to reinstall everything. It SUCKED. Big time. The best I was able to figure, somehow my mods got reordered and the ID's changed, and the game couldn't figure it out. Normally you can add or subtract mods and the IDs change dynamically, and the game (MO) keeps chugging along. but for whatever reason, when this bug pops up, the game just can't see the mods anymore. It has to reload them each time (and I am 90% certain it has to do with Bethesda updates - they just had another within the last few days... CC content like usual). This makes sense in that those Bethesda game files (esm's and CC content) are the only ones that the MO can't change dynamically, so when they change on Beth's end, our saves get screwed in the process.
  5. Weirdly, i happen to have had a similar problem earlier today - somehow i slipped into 'no AI' mode (as if I used the TAI command on myself). I couldn't use my workbenches, and most NPcs would not interact with me. So I toggled it OFF, and then back ON, and after that, everything worked fine. Not sure what happened - as you can see by the order the game said I already had AI turned on, but for whatever reason turning it off and then back on fixed my problem. I am having another strange problem I haven't seen before elsewhere (Preston and the gang just won't leave the museum), and now i have to wonder if the two problems are somehow related. I did find out something that may be somewhat relevant to your situation - Carla WILL go to Sanctuary after you meet her, regardless if you've met Preston and the survivors in Concord. This is the first time I ignored the MM quest at the beginning and got a lot of other stuff done first, and I encountered quite a bit of dialogue I never heard before (some from unexpected sources, like Abernathy). Of course, when I finally did get around to doing the MM quest, it won't complete. Figures. Anyhow, try the TAI thing (select yourself first). In the same way that sometimes TCL does, you become hard/impossible to 'see' by certain NPCs (and in my case, the workbenches - the WS worked just fine, though). Oh! I almost forgot - here's the part that sounds the most like it is related to your problem. Right around the time my game glitched (without me being aware), I had 'discovered' the Cambridge Crater, and was receiving rads (as per usual). I then moved away from that area... and continued to get rads. LOTS of them... like I was still standing right inside the damn crater. I had to keep taking radaway and stimpaks. Then I noticed Codsworth was ignoring me when I ordered him to do something, and I had a weird problem of a settler I woke-up having her eyes closed while interacting with me (but she wouldn't speak either... it was creepy). I finally figured out what was going on by toggling the AI on my character, and the rads stopped, the woman opened her eyes and started talking, and Codsworth was my buddy again. BUT HERES THE THING - it was as if I was in two places at once; some of me was able to interact with stuff (the part I guess I control directly without input from the game), and the part of me that IS controlled by the game was somehow still back in the crater, getting rads. That might be relevant to what is happening to you now (although why it would happen on a fresh install is beyond me - thats worst-case-scenario stuff right there). As bad as I've borked my games in the past, reinstalling always fixed things. So time for a stupid question - when you reinstalled everything, you also erased the text files on the 'C' drive, right? The ones the ini(s) was in? I guess you can save your Saves, but you should definitely let the game create new ini files in case they got corrupted. And then, of course, you have to add those two lines to the custom ini like always. Good luck.
  6. I find it hard to believe no-one's done a tutorial on how to make something AWKCR-compatible. Or at the very least, be able to explain to me how that's done. Oh well.
  7. I'm really not understanding whats so hard about just typing in bat <whatever> while standing in front of the WS, and then just dumping everything in there. Seems like a lot less hassle to me than trying to mod the game. In my case, I only do this until I start to get all my settlements connected through provisioners, and then after that, I don't need to run the bat files anymore. Since I don't always grab all the settlements in the same order, or set them up the same way (or even have the same settlements, since i use a lot of mods that give me extra), I have no way of knowing ahead of time which settlements I would want pre-stocked. Thus, I just run the bat file until i'm built-up enough not to need it. But, everyone plays differently, so good luck.
  8. I would download a mod like that - one that added a few more 'distribution centers' (safehouses) to the Railroad, and a few more military installations for the BoS. The institute is tricky, because they are supposed to be covert (even more so than the RR). They already have that mayorial bunker, so that could be one. Maybe that Subway station Glory goes with you to? There are always two synths hangin' around outside of that anyway. And then there is Arcjet - perhaps the synths could move back in after you and Danse are done? Still, all the synth locales would have to be interior cells, I would imagine. Actually, Fort Hagen is another like that - you'd think the BoS would want that (heck, the first time you see them is from the roof of the place), but the institute had control over it. That could be something - the RR settlements would be fairly uncontested, out-of-the-way places (which suits their purposes), but the BoS and Inst. should have common targets - ones you could take for one side or the other (it could be set up like how it is in Nuka World - once one faction has too many you have to take sides). Hell, even the CoA control more settlements than the RR, BoS, or Inst. individually!
  9. A 'zone of ownership' sounds pretty interesting, but I doubt the old FO engine could handle something like that. I'm sure there is legacy code in there from Skyrim for AoE's, but none of that could affect static items (AFAIK). Perhaps an AoE that has aggression turned on if any item within it is inspected/opened/taken? You wouldn't get that 'red item' effect, but it might work. that way, you could walk up and speak to them, but you better not touch anything (even just opening a door could spook them). I agree - I would love for someone to do something along these lines. I hate killing scavengers, but most of them force me to. Especially when I find them in a fire-fight with someone else and I just saved their arses. NOW, if that can be done, I'd love it even more to take this a step further - somehow make it so that when you help one side in one of those random encounter shoot-outs, the side you helped is thankful (so long as you didn't accidentally hit any of them - I also find it weird that you can kill one of the scavs, but the others don't give a s*** and just carry on... so long as you don't approach them). In that way, if I save a gunner, or even some raiders from robots or whatever (except the rust devils - they suck LOL), they should put up their hands and yell 'truce" or some crap, and be thankful. I save gunners from CoA (they're another group who behave far too randomly), or raiders from ghouls, and the first thing they do is turn on me. hell, just today I helped a behemoth fight-off three deathclaws (near that power-station), and did he attack me? No, he walked away still green. Damn behemoths got more class than gunners, scavs, or raiders. (of course, I was sniping, and he probably didn't detect me, but still...)
  10. Just what the title says. I have some clothing items added by mods that I can't add ballistic Weave to, or really do anything to - they don't even show-up when I open the armor workbench. I know its a bit more work then just changing a texture or mesh, since I would be trying to get a modded item to work within the framework of another mod. However, I see tons of patches all over the place making things work with AWKCR, so I have to assume there is a set of instructions somewhere... maybe.... hopefully? Also, I use a LOT of patches that do this for the many outfit mods I use - there is usually a patch available for most of them. But I am not really talking about those - some of my larger quest mods have clothing items added that the author(s) got permission to use (from other mods), but it doesn't have the AWKCR, and the only way to do that would be to either find the mod (which might not have even been on the Nexus), install that, and then install the patch for that... which is a whole lot of extra ESP's I don't need. It would just be a lot less 'bloat' if I could just hack the mod the item came in. And of course, if I can do this, then I can start working on incorporating those patches into all those mods, and free up a ton more esp slots. At least, that's the plan.
  11. I at one time would have thought this might be impossible, HOWEVER, I use Harness Wardrobe, and the author had help from someone else write a script that injected a randomizer into the leveled lists, so that whenever a raider spawned with a harness, a 'call' would go out and the texture would be randomized. Thus, it can be done - the author of that mod is calyps, but the person who did the scripting for them was RustyXXL. Although clothing works differently than static items on many levels, just the fact that the game can assign a type of (vanilla) outfit, and THEN a script can randomize the style of that particular outfit, means that this should also be able to be done. It would take some serious coding, but whenever the game 'calls' for a texture for a pack of cigarettes (or carton), that bit of code needs to be diverted to the randomizer first, and if it can be done for outfits, its theoretically possible for just about anything else. EDIT: Really nice work on the packs and cartons, BTW. I would love to see this happen (I'd use it).
  12. Just doing the first few RR quests again today, and I noticed something. I've noted it before, but I think each time I play-through it gets more glaring. Doctor Carrington is an actual DOCTOR - he heals you. He is a MEDICAL doctor. Tinker Tom is the 'Nutty Professor' - the guy who INVENTS THINGS. So why the hell does the first quest - Tradecraft - have you retrieving 'Doctor Carrington's Prototype' (which just looks like a Railroad Stealthboy). I think that is a HUGE lore blunder. Personally, if it were me, I would have had it that you had to retrieve the P.A.M. AI unit. It was originally in a computer (if you read the terminals it says so), and the gov't later put it in an assaultron. So what if after the bombs dropped it was put back into the computer, or in storage, OR the assaultron that it was in was destroyed... WHATEVER. And Doctor Carrington and Tinker Tom were working together on trying to retrieve it without damaging it (either from the comp, storage, or the broken bot) when the attack came. Since you don't interact with P.A.M. until after this mission is done, it would have made perfect sense, and been more lore-friendly (because NOTHING ever comes of that stupid prototype - it was just a MacGuffin you have to get to be in the Railroad. it would have been SO much better if it actually meant something. But like so much of Bethesda's story-telling, it was all completely pointless. Also in that same (first) mission, Deacon tells you Glory won't run missions involving destroying other synths, even gen1's and gen2's. Yet, the only time she teams up with you, she has absolutely no problem blowing them away (she does make an off-hand comment' - "it has to be done" - but that is it). She is literally shooting apart two of them before you even arrive.
  13. I just read your last post, and THAT problem sounds familiar to me... I think I've had that, and it turned out to be something simple. I can't recall what - sorry. You aren't in tcl mode, right? Are you in the correct faction?
  14. This game behaves oddly, and having the exact same mods doesn't always do the exact same things in another play-through. My biggest problem is my menus (I have a LOT of settlement -object mods), and I lose menus all the time. I have two different play-throughs going at the same time right now, and my menus are in a different order on both. The only difference is that on one I'm Nate, and the other, Nora, otherwise same exact set of mods. NOW, I did install many of these mods during my Nora play-through, before I started the Nate one, so in the one game they were all there 'from the beginning', and in the other, I added them over time. Thus, that could be the problem here (if you did the same). There are quite a few mods I have learned to add-in after certain quests were done (usually the first parts of the main quest, and anything having to do with the Mechanist, which is already buggy as heck in vanilla). Trashcan Carla is a very specific problem - I think the fact that she WON'T talk to you, but other vendors will is very telling. Even if you haven't done Sanctuary/Minutemen stuff, she'll still trade with you and give you directions. The ONLY time she will refuse to talk to you is if you robbed her, and I think therein lies our first clue: Did you kill something/someone you shouldn't have, or did something you created (like a turret) do so? I notice some mods effect things that you wouldn't think would (In my case, CW rabbits & squirrels tends to 'throw off' many settlement attacks - the bad guys head the wrong way chasing the damn things!) Also, both Piper and Carla are connected to the main storyline, albeit indirectly, so there is something there in the main story that is getting broken and the game can't figure it out. Have you tried using console commands to directly take control of Sanctuary/the Workshop? Thats about the only thing I can think of. Does Dogmeat work correctly? He's another one that gets easily glitched by mods.
  15. If you're making a request like this, you really should link a pic, or link to the trailer you mentioned, so folks understand what it is you think is cool-enough to warrant their time. So for now, I've done the leg-work for you - Trailer Image Looks like it would fit the FO lore, and it doesn't look all that hard to make (this coming from a guy who's two attempts at modding failed miserably LOL). It looks like you can just reskin the flight helmet, and attach one of the filters from a gasmask to one side.
  16. If you can mod him into a (land)shark, then you could just strap a frickin' laser to his head!
  17. If you are on PC, you can use the CC command setcommandstate 1 to order someone out of power armor outside of a settlement. Actually, MY BAD - i think that only works to order them INTO power armor (there is no dialogue - just 'point & click'). You'd need to use callfunction "actor.switchtopowerarmor" instead (everything in italics). That should work anywhere, if I'm not mistaken. I lost my very first suit of power armor doing the Finch Farm quest - that lil' bastard I just saved got into my armor when a bloatfly showed up, and nothing i did would remove him (I was on Xbox back then). I came back later, and he was out of it, but I never found it. I should have just killed him in the Ironworks.
  18. You could always install Robot Home Defence and use THOSE Mr.Handy's for your crops. I mean, something has to be taking care of them in an 'automated system'. and crating a self-using planter is a LOT of work for a modder (and interesting mental exercise, though). For example (part of this thought process), a planter that comes with it's own 'mini-Mr.Handy' would be kind of neat (mini, because each planter would have its own, otherwise just use the vanilla system and planters with the aforementioned robots). The harder method would be to attach Mr.Handy arms to a planter (and lights, etc.), but that is a lot of work for very little payoff. EDIT: now you have me thinking - I have been considering RHD (mentioned above), and it would be super-simple to use the CC 'setscale' command to change their size. I may play with this (not make an actual mod, but have tiny Mr.Handy's doing my crops in my player-homes).
  19. So how come no-one has made Bender, or any of the other bots from Futurama? Goodneighbor needs some Gangsta-bots! :tongue: Seriously, I am very surprised so few robot mods have come out. I really thought there would be some sort of 'Automatron overhaul' by now. At the very least, many more vanilla-bots could have been added to it (like the different model protectrons, Miss Nanny's (I really need a bot saying "Punish the child" floating around!), etc. Hell, for the protectrons they'd just be reskins! And YES, I AM AWARE of Robot Home Defence, but that's whole separate system - I'd rather see someone try to merge that into the automatron stuff (plus, that is no longer supported/being worked on).
  20. Saucy settlers has a few that are similar. The patched three-piece suit even has the tie. You'd probably want the non-replacer version, though. There are garters in other mods (I tend to use the one from the Steampunk Lady mod), and those glasses are close-enough to the fashionable glasses (vanilla). Hmmmmm... just realized she ain't got no pants. NICE A labcoat would work, but you wouldn't get the tie, and it certainly won't be that short. There are some mods with separate bottoms/tops, but none of the tops are going to be long-enough. I am surprised no-one has made separate ties (or have they?) If someone were to do this mod, I would suggest a variety of 'shirt only' variations (different textures, same mesh), mostly based upon the vanilla ones.
  21. No two people are running the same game - we all have VERY different versions of Fallout 4, including people (on PC) who don't use mods (because every computer is different). Consoles are more static, but there could still be some differences. However, they don't matter for this argument. The best thing to do if you want to mod is LEARN TO MOD - even just a little. I've made some big boo-boos, but I am getting the hang of it. Mostly I just play with the ini files, so as to free up more esp's. In other words, everyone should treat their game as if they were cooking a gourmet meal - don't just learn what to throw into from the recipe, learn what each thing does, why you need it (or don't), and how you can tweak the heck out of it so it is PERFECT FOR YOU... and only you (still using the analogy, screw your guests - they should enjoy your fine taste LOL). That is what you are doing - you are fine-tuning Fallout 4 to be YOUR Fallout 4, and yours alone. Because everything you are doing simply isn't going to work for everyone else... plus you'd have to get a BOATLOAD of permissions. But what you do with other peple's mods in the privacy of your own home is YOUR business, so have fun. I use a bunch of those mods as well, and have had some problems (finally got a texture to work right after a month of living with the pinkness), and I have yet to fire-up an editing tool... I can only imagine the nightmare I'm in for with conflicts (I do get CTD's, but I think most of them are memory-leakage from a particular mod I've yet to get around to patching - I don't start getting the problem until after several hours of play). Loads of ammo... don't even get me started. SM Redux forced me to use that... keeping track of ammo used to be so simple. On the bright side, it is hella more immersive. In a masochistic sort of way, I am looking forward to when I can 'dig in' and get my hands dirty, 'blending' mods like you are doing. After my last two bad experiences (the second of which caused my game to implode), I am still trying to grow a pair before I try to load another self-created esp/mod. So I guess I am a little bit jealous you're already at that point, but at the same time, I'm kinda-sorta glad i'm not there yet. Its a double-edged sword. Cheers
  22. I like it, but the problem I foresee with it is that if this mod already existed, you would plan for it, even if subconsciously. For example, I usually get my defenses up to around 500, because I REALLY hate having to go rushing back to my settlements to help them (not that it actually helps much - it follows the Law of Diminishing Returns). Thus, if this mod existed and I knew about it, I 'might' only build 200 defense instead. I would also be less inclined to decorate much, since I know I am eventually going to go in there and blast the place apart. However, I know that wouldn't be true for everyone; my son used to play a prison sim wherein you built the 'perfect prison', and then you would play a prisoner trying to break out, so this would be along the same lines and would appeal to some folks. It sounds interesting, regardless.
  23. So I haven't really seen too many of these - mods that change base voices. One that I use is for Tine DeLuca. The thing is, these are only 'necessary' when a modder plans to add stuff to a vanilla NPC, and normally they'll only do so if its a 'lesser' NPC (like the aforementioned Tina DeLuca). However, i see quite few mods that will change the sex of an NPC... but not the voice. I am very surprised that there aren't a lot more mods that change the voice files for NPCs. Another big problem is that mods like Unique NPCs and Orphans-otC add child-traders, but there is no 'lines' for children trading (well, there is - that one little girl with the robot, but thus far modders haven't thought to use those files). Those mods use ADULT voices for the kids, and its really OFF. Throws the whole immersion out the window (newer versions of said mods just leave the voices out altogether, which isn't really better, IMO). So no-one in the entire modding community knows any kids that are willing to 'be in a video game'? Just take the standard script all settlers have and re-do it with a kid reading the lines. How hard can it be? (I will probably take a crack at this myself this summer) So instead of "I saw a deathclaw once", we can hear them complain about how much their feet and back hurts. Hmmmm... maybe not really an improvement. LOL (I'm thinking some old lines from the adult scripts, mixed with some new ones that are kid-specific). in fact, ideally, I'd like to see at least two of each child-type; 'nice' and 'jerky' versions of girl, boy, ghoul boy, and ghoul girl (which isn't even in the vanilla game). For example, the 'jerky' version of the child-trader could say, "and don't even think of ripping me off 'cause I'm a kid... there's a sniper in that tree over there with a bead on your head if you get any funny ideas". That sort of thing. Or a cute little girl (looking all sweet and innocent) who says something like, "You aren't gonna steal from me, are ya' mister?", and then her expression changes to something very dark and is followed up by, "because I can show you the necklace made of teeth from the last twenty people who tried that". Actually, one set of files for each kid would work, and then their nice/jerky dialogue would depend on the PC's dialogue choices. Moving on from sex-swaps and children, there are other reasons besides just adding more quests/whatever to an existing NPC. Mama Murphy is another - several mods will make her younger, but you still get that crotchity old voice. I personally wouldn't change her, but I am surprised no-one's done a younger voice-over for her. And the Longs - who among us aren't sick to death of those two? A less miserable, whiny ***** Jun, and a less douchy Marcie would be nice. I realize that there are mods out there to just shut them up, but once again, not very immersive. I use the extra NPCs mod from TotC and it adds in 50 new NPCs with full dialogue, most of which I can recruit for my settlements. Its like a godsend having them - FINALLY, I get settlers who say other things besides complaining all the time (So the farm's not much? Why don't you go back to living under a rock then, you ungrateful wretch?). I KNOW Graygarden is run by robots. I HAVE been to that settlement run by ghouls. If you don't like Goodneighbor, just keep it to yourself. How about some new voice-acting for fallout, folks?
  24. Okay, it turns out she was a synth all along, and NOT the new settler (I got her mixed up with another). She had equipment I put on her, so she must have already been there. Strange thing is, she didn't turn on me/the settlement when the Institute attacked, like the other one did. In fact, she even bad-mouthed the institute LOL. But that wasn't the problem, because i was able to replicate it two more times without those settlers being synths - that was just a coincidence. The first one was 'unassigned' to a settlement (an old bug that crops-up from time to time - settlers become 'unassigned' for some reason). Thus, I had thought that trying to change the inventory on a settler that wasn't assigned to any settlement somehow confused the game and killed the settler. Nice theory... but WRONG. Because i tried it on another (male this time) settler who was one of the originals to show up, and he was definitely assigned to the settlement (and a job), and he also died. it doesn't happen with everyone, but it did happen with three so far (the synth I left dead - the other two I resurrected with CC and they work fine now). I think it happens because of Tina's Cookie Apocalypse. I installed that because there was some stuff in it I wanted (its an 'all or nothing' compilation), but now something in there is causing my settlers to die if I try to change their gear. It could also be my fault, because some of the features of that mod I don't understand at all, and since the original mods they were from were all removed, there is no way of finding out how to make them function correctly. I can't be positive, but the moment I made a change to that last one, a cookie (YES, you read that right) appeared in the settlers inventory, which means THAT MOD considered THAT PERSON dead, because that spawn is from that mod - it added the cookie to the inventory, even though the NPC was still standing there trading with me (presumably because 'time is frozen' while trading). Resurrecting the settlers resets them, and fixes the problem, so I can live with it, but if anyone has any ideas about what is happening here I'd love to hear it.
  25. So here I am in Sanctuary, just chillin' and buildin'. Same ol' same ol'. Its anew play-through and there are a bunch of new settlers, so I am working on equipping them all (they had just barely survived a big Institute attack, which was why I was back there). Dead synths all over the place, including my 'bartender' (I knew she was synth, because I have a mod that outlines synths in a different color). Anyway, it took me a LONG time to find her body, so I could give her stuff to someone else. That's where it gets weird - her 'replacement' (a new settler) showed up a little while later, while I was crafting armor/weapons. Another female, so I made her the new bartender (after all, I needed one, right?). Funny thing is, when I clicked on her to give her new gear, she said, "the Institute and their synths will learn not to mess with us again", which I found funny, because SHE wasn't even there for the attack (just the generic speech all settlers give after such an attack, so I didn't think much of it). HOWEVER, after I gave her the new outfit (the outfit the old bartender synth was wearing, because it had ballistic weave in it), SHE DIED!!! She just went, "ahh!" and keeled over dead, and none of the other settlers even reacted to it (because usually when you accidentally kill one, they all get mad). And on her I found a synth component. o_O Unfortunately, I had turned my 'highlighting' off, so I don't know if she showed up as a synth before I changed her clothes, but I've never seen anyone die just from me dressing them before. I tried several times, because I thought it was just a one-time glitch, but every single time I changed her outfit she died. Has anyone ever encountered this phenomena before? Is that an automatic thing? If a synth infiltrator dies in your settlement, the very next settler to come is a new synth infiltrator? Just weird. And regardless, why does changing her clothes kill her?
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