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Everything posted by LordSn0w

  1. Which one looks better and which one is better for performance
  2. Which one looks better and which one is better for performance
  3. I already have Rangers of Skyrim, hunting guild, and immwrsive detection. I see mods with scopes and other cool mods like that. I'm doing a pure archer character and wanted to know all the best mods for an archery character.
  4. What about TAZ? Mmoxreview said it has good performance. Can I use it? http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/61826/?tab=1&navtag=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.nexusmods.com%2Fskyrim%2Fajax%2Fmoddescription%2F%3Fid%3D61826%26preview%3D&pUp=1
  5. Game of Thrones mod or MERP to come back (RIP)
  6. Instead of joining paathurnax and the good guys, you can join Alduin and wreck havoc on skyrim.
  7. EDIT: sorry for the duplicate, my internet is messed up
  8. Not sure how hard it is to make one but could someone make it or help me make it?
  9. Also are you asking for a follower or savegame
  10. I'm thinking better females by Bella with either cbbe or unpb but I can try something else if you think it would work better
  11. I'll try it to make one, can you give me a list of character texture mods you'd like me to use?
  12. Looking for someone that's willing to co-make a follower with me, planning on making it fully voiced with its own questline. PM me if your interested. Here is the savegame for the follower I'm planning on making: http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/42664
  13. Disregard first post, was looking in the wrong places. But does anyone know how close they are or can give me an estimated % or something?
  14. Anyone know how skywind is going? I've seen some dev videos and stuff but a lot of it is kinda old. Does anyone know how close they are to being done?
  15. Thanks. And can install the mod I showed in the first post or do I have to install sweetfx original first from the sweetfx site, like you have to do with enb?
  16. In response to post #22565039. #22567124, #22588299, #22596629, #22615569, #22622824 are all replies on the same post. Their other games are good and some are really good but nothing gets close to tes or fallout for me
  17. I really hope it's elder scrolls 6 but if it isn't at least fallout 4 would be good. I hope it's not one of their other games or just eso.
  18. It works well, I tried the 2k version but it was a little too laggy so sticked with 1k. Everything is fine except my skyrim is, well, looks like skyrim, bleak lol. I suspect the sweetfx will fix this tho once I figure out how to install it. I've messed up skse and some other things so think I'll just totally restart everything again to fix all the bugs.
  19. How do I install this mod? http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/23364/?tab=1&navtag=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.nexusmods.com%2Fskyrim%2Fajax%2Fmoddescription%2F%3Fid%3D23364%26preview%3D&pUp=1
  20. Thanks, it does look better than grass fields.
  21. Thx I'll try it out. Think if I only use amidianborn armors and weapons it will be ok, they are only ones I care about.
  22. Your right, enb isn't worth it. I think I'll try using 1k tamriel reloaded see if it works well. But if not, do you think these mods will work for me: grass fields (not a must but I like the look of open fields better), W.A.T.E.R, climates of tamriel, supreme storms, amidianborn weapons/armors/unique items, ELFX, JK's skyrim low res version.
  23. I made a profile on MO with only Realvision, CoT, Supreme Storms, ELFX, and Moonpath to Elsywer installed and I had good fps and no crashing or freezing....
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