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Everything posted by Shadowfen

  1. Find the oblivion.ini in your user directory (near the directory where your saved games are) and delete it. Then try running Oblivion again to see if there is any change.
  2. You need to download it.Here is one place: TES4Edit
  3. Your problem is with "UAC Redirection" - googling this will give you lots of details, but essentially TES CS wants to write files to the Oblivion Data directory (currently in the UAC protected "Programing Files (x86)" directory). The operating system does not want the program to be able to write there so it invisibly writes them to another directory instead. The CS itself doesn't know that - it sees the files because the operating system is lying to it. When you change (i.e. turn off) UAC protection for the Oblivion directory, the redirection no longer happens so when CS opens up it is looking in the "real" Oblivion data directory - not the other directory where your files had been saved before. Look in your user directory "user\AppData". You will probably see Local, LocalLow, and Roaming directories in there. Underneath one (or more) of those, you will see an Oblivion directory that should have your files in it. Move them to the real Oblivion directory where they belong. Turn off protection on your real Oblivion directory, or else you will have to keep doing this over and over again as you fight your computers security system just to be able to install mods properly. This is the reason that we commonly recommend that Win7/Vista users install Oblivion in some directory other than the default location - generally recommending c:\Games\Oblvion. That gets it out from under the control of the UAC and prevents many headaches. :teehee:
  4. It was not clear to me from reading so I'll ask - are the NPCref and creatureref that you used in your scripts reference names or reference ids or reference variables? I've done the kinds of things that you are trying, but I pretty much always use named references and reference names in the scripts. Always had problems with using refids and have wondered if maybe I could assign the refid to a reference variable and make it work that way - but I've never tried it.
  5. The source of the item is not always the one who touched it last (i.e. moved it). You can use TES4Edit to find out every mod that modifies an item so you can tell who moved it last.
  6. Is there no surefire way to make sure I don't get this thing for a 3rd time? :confused: You didn't get it a second time. This is still the first time. The people you paid to remove it failed to find one of the hidden copies of the virus in your system and it managed to restore itself. It's very tricky sometimes making sure you get absolutely everything out when removing something like this... And with some (thankfully uncommon) infections, the only remedy is to reformat your harddrive and reinstall from scratch. You should have a firewall and antivirus (better than the Windows stuff), but the truth is that viruses can still get through them if you are unlucky.
  7. Get MalwareBytes' Anti-Malware from the linked website - the free version is excellent or you can pay for it and get scheduled scans and automatic update. (The free one you have to click a button to look for updates.) I've used it on a number of computer viruses successfully, and it is safe enough for a non-computer professional to use. :thumbsup: Also you might check out the forums that MalwareBytes has on their site where you can look for help in fixing your system. (I am not affiliated with MalwareBytes in any way other than as a satisfied user.) Yes, these antivirus security malware are very common, so you should never download, execute, or click on the advertising for such programs unless you know the company is reputable or can get other independent assurance that the company is legit. (Google the company or software name to see if it is reported as good software or is mentioned a lot in "Help, I'm infected" messages.) And even then, only download security software directly from the company/organization website - not from any of the popular download "anything" websites or torrents that you might find the free/community/open source programs on. Hackers will download security software themselves from the company, modify it into malware and upload it to the generic download sites to catch the unwary.
  8. You've got conflicts between UL and some of your other mods. Search for the appropriate UL patches (or UL patch compilation) and install what you need. Some mods do not have UL patches - for those you either live with the land rips, or fix them yourself.
  9. You would have to do it individually with each nif file - altering the hardcoded path to the path you want using a tool such as NifScope to edit the nif file with...
  10. How many of you who are having the 50% install fail problem are running on win vista or win7 with oblivion installed in c:\Program Files or c:\Program Files (x86) and the UAC on? Have you tried running the installer as Admin?
  11. No. Don't do that. The two patches are not compatible! If you plan on installing Shivering Isles (SI), your procedure is: 1. Install Oblivion 2. Install Shivering Isles. 3. Install Shivering Isles Official Patch. 4. Install anything else. If you don't plan on installing SI then your procedure is: 1. Install Oblivion 2. Install Oblivion Official Patch 3. Install anything that is not Shivering Isles If after this you want to install SI your procedure is: 1. Uninstall Oblivion 2. Follow the first set of instructions above.
  12. I follow this thread with interest because I'm one of the win7 users that is not having the problems that you are experiencing. Mention of turning off the tablet reminds me of a reported bug with oblivion crashing when the system was set up with a joystick and problem went away when the joystick was disabled. My recollection of details is fuzzy because I don't have a joystick either - but it might be something that you want to check into...
  13. I run Oblivion and TESCS on windows 7 64 bit with few more problems than I had on win XP. Both programs are buggy but I've managed to work around them to do what I've needed to do including creating and editing AI packages. I've heard that Vista users have more severe problems that can't be worked around.
  14. You really might want to mention what those issues are ... We're not mindreaders - at least not over the internet.:geek:
  15. MR and Spell Tomes do not have a bsa. Horse armor has both a DLCHorseArmor.esp and .bsa.
  16. No, there's not really an OR for packages as you mean (I think) or'ing whole packages together. In order for it to work you'd have to experiment (or map out and calculate) placement of your objects and distances for thresholds, but even then if you have overlap - it will choose the first in the list. You could add a bit of randomness to it with a quest variable value to dynamically change your overlap resolution - maybe have activators that change the value of the variable; then use the variable value as a part of your AI conditions.
  17. For another #3 option, I recommend the Fast Exit OBSE plugin instead of Clean Quit.
  18. How about multiple AI packages - one for each of the objects, with a within distance condition? Add all of the packages and the actor should go down the list and choose the first one that works. I'd probably have the one at the end of the list not have a within distance condition so that it would be the default fallback if the actor is not within proper range of any of them.
  19. I just run the setup for the DLC. If it is asking you to run oblivion after it finishes installing - say no. You are going to have to play with your load order because one of your other mods is mucking with the world that VileLair expects - most likely deleting (rather than disabling) some vanilla resource that VileLair is trying to use. VileLair will have to be moved to higher in the load order than whichever mod is doing that. This is where I recommend that you use BOSS to adjust your load order. After that, you can then launch Oblivion. EDIT: Oh, for the pink sky - pink is typically the indicator for a missing texture (not a mesh).
  20. I'm not sure what you mean. I have all esps disabled, and I rebuild the bashed patch to include all of the files which it sees as mergeable. I fixed the vilja problem by removing a vilja associated mod that it was trying to merge without having the core vilja esp activated. However, it now crashes to desktop half a second after startup with the patch enabled. With the patch disabled it is stable. I have my Wrye Bash report here: = Check Mods This is a report on your currently active/merged mods. === Active Mod Files: ++ Harvest [Flora] - DLCVileLair.esp [Version 3.0.0] 14 Bashed Patch, 0.esp Missing Master: DLCVileLair.esp It says I'm missing Vile Lair, which I have paid for but cannot install (running windows 7 x64). I'm not sure which file requires that as a master or if that's even the reason it C2Ds. Any ideas? The merged mod from Harvest [Flora] above is why you need DLCVileLair,esp. By the way, I am running win7 x64 with DLCVileLair perfectly happily. It's very likely that you had a load order issue between it and one of your other mods. Acquire and use BOSS (Better Oblivion Sorting Software) to help out with your load order problems.
  21. Yup. An exterior land/society mod with lots of quests and cool stuff. :biggrin: Windfall
  22. You are correct that it comes from Windfall. You seem to have contracted Hyreechus' Folly I would guess. It has turned you into a zombie... There is a cure in Hyreechus' lab - some of the experimental potions.
  23. You both are almost right. :biggrin: The latest version is v1.2.0416. What version does your oblivion report when you start it up?
  24. You need a better graphics card. Intel 945GM express is not going to work with the TESCS.
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