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Everything posted by StormWolf01

  1. @Blinx, It's also the very first time that the character goes into first person view. By Force. So I'm thinking that it may be something to do with a mod that affects 1st person animations or whatnot. But you are correct. There are a lot of activators, and scripts that fire off at that point! As well as when you pick up the pip-boy in the vault. There's a reason why that loading screen on the pip is so slow... it's like in the elevators. It's to distract the player from all the stuff being loaded and activated! The trip up the elevator and the blurriness just after exiting the vault... same thing. @Tdog- Good luck! I hope that it doesn't take too long to find out which mod(s) is/are the culprit(s). And yeah, I know what you mean about not having a lot of time. Too much real life, not enough gaming time for me too! :laugh: Uh... yeah... bethesda games have their own set of headaches... er I mean... way of doing things! And Thanks! Happy New Year to you too! And to you Blinx buddy!
  2. Hi Aiyatani! First off, congrats on getting the game on PC. As somebody who also got addicted to this game on a PS4, the move to PC is a really big one. I am however, extremely sad to hear that you are having these kinds of problems! Especially on an unmodded game! That said, this game is not what you would call a stable game. :wallbash: That's not to say that "Oh... the game is crashy, we just deal with it". Not saying that, at all. There's definitely things that we can do to try to help. However, even on a healthy version of this game, it does crash now and then. :mad: Knowing what the system specs for your PC would definitely help us out. If you find the This PC icon on your desktop, and Right click it, then choose Properties. That will give us a basic overview of what kind of machine you have. On the screen with that info there is a button that says Copy. You can then right click and choose paste, or use CTRL and the V keys at the same time to paste the information into a post. ------------------ When I first started playing this game on PC, I was running it on a very, very potato laptop. I made a TON of .ini settings to help the little guy handle the game. Let me jump over to that laptop, look thru the .ini files to make sure none of the entries are mod specific, and I'll upload them for you.
  3. Hey Blaze! Ok, a youtube channel that I'm currently watching has experienced the exact same thing that you're talking about. Adjust the audio settings, CTD. They've published their list of installed mods so I'll show you what they have installed, so you can see if you have any of the same. UGH that's messy. I'm so sorry. The forum software didn't put it in list form like I'd copied it! I dunno if that'll help you out or not Stryker, but maybe? Edit: Here's a link to the video that I'm watching now. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3iY4ZePF7-g&list=PL3itm4Cj7SBCrkLyn3xIM7qKl0bF0q59_&index=66Click on Show More link under the video, and that's where they have their installed mods listed.
  4. As for the Technicalities of it. Since Fallout4 is one of those games that uses different game models for the heads, hands, body (and possibly feet?) each of those models are textured separately. Bethesda took it one step further, and applied separate texture areas to the head model. The face texture adds/removes age from the looks of the character. Then there's a texture for the top of the head (which is usually not afflicted by brown face bug, I think) and then another one again, for the back of the neck (Yes, I've seen JUST that one get hit by brownface bug. It's ugly as hell!) People wonder, why the hell did Beth overcomplicate it like that? The best GUESSES that I can come up with, is that there may be texture files that work with the vanilla hairstyles. To cover up imperfections in the meshes, since they don't always line up correctly with the shape/size of the head. It could also be for characters that have no hair (bald).
  5. heyas RG! Ok, so I am assuming that you mean looksmenu presets, since you're talking about adding the tattoos and body settings. The good news, is that those presets are saved as files that we can edit. Using nothing more than just plain old notepad :) The sorta no news, is that you have to know how to do it, and what to look for. The bad news, is that in many of those presets, what is what... is not labeled. For instance: The settings for the nose, is not labeled "nose". As for your body preset. The vanilla information from the Body Triangle is saved. Any modifications that you make to the sliders (CBBE, TWB, other body slide mods) will be saved. However, information from the preset body that you are using, will NOT be saved. So... if you are using a bodyslide mod that does not also apply to the NPCs in your game... those will not be applied via a LM preset. Only the slider work that you have done, in game. Which could result in the full settings that you are using, not transferring over. I have not worked with a preset that includes tattoos, so I cannot just post some screenshots of showing you what to delete. However, if you want to upload the preset that you're wanting to use, I can DL it, delete what needs to be removed from the file, and then upload it up for you. ;) To find the files for the presets, you need to go into your Fallout4 folder. They are located in Fallout4/Data/F4SE/Plugins/F4EE/Presets Now... the one thing that I do have to mention tho. You'll need to have a bit of patience. I'm moving to another state tomorrow, so it may be a few days before I have a chance to work on your file :confused:
  6. It's interesting that you bring that up Blinx. I've been watching a series where the players have their mod list, posted with their videos. Brown Face Fix Is listed in their load order. At LEAST every 4th episode or so, ONE of those toons has brownface. :dry: Not helpful, but gonna say it anyway. Bethesda did a real TIHS job with their textures! Did you know... the textures for the 10mm pistol are actually green? WTF is their green affection, with this game? For me, the very few occasions that I get hit with it, are when I go indoors. Interior lighting, combined with whatever effects (fog!) tend to be my bane. (And yes, interior lighting in this game sucks too!)
  7. The character creation menu ("CharGen") is quite complex (animations, behavior files, interface, calling functions of the native game code, etc.) so if you have a lot of mods, unfortunately, it can be anything. You can try this: - rearrange your load order: just rearrange it randomly (only for testing). Start a new game to see if it helped. - if it didn't work: disable all your mods, start a new game, then - if it works: enable your mods (one or two at a time) to find the culprit mod - if it doesn't work: open your Fallout4/Data/Interface folder and look for a file named "LooksMenu.swf". If you have one, rename it so the game won't load it. Try to start a new game. - if that didn't work either: open your Fallout4/Data/Meshes folder and look for the folder "Animations". Rename the folder so the game won't load anything from it. Try to start a new game. - if that didn't work either: check to see if you need to update F4SE (if you have F4SE at all). - if that didn't work either: rename the folders Fallout4/Data/Interface and Fallout4/Data/Meshes (if you have such folders), so the game won't load their content. Try to start a new game. - if that didn't work either: then you may need to use the Papyrus log and some custom debug scripts.. The only thing that I want to add to LarannKiar's advice... is to make a backup of your load order FIRST. (That's gonna vary, on how to do it, depending on how you install your mods, and which installer you use.) Making a lot of changes to your load order can mess up your savegames. So if the test that Larann recommended, does not solve the problem on your test character, you do NOT want to play your regular characters on the re-organized load order, you want to play them on the old one that you had before.
  8. Awesome find Blinx! Yes, that's the mod that I was referring to! :thumbsup: Ok, released 2016. Older (but still really good) mod. Not sure when f4se was first released, so the method the author used, may have been what was only available, at the time. :unsure: :confused: If I understand correctly, what you are referring to about the size. Dude, I worked for Amazon. You're giving me massive flashbacks of having a 27" package and the robots only bringing me 24" boxes!! GAH! :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: I guess it would kinda depend on the complexity of the system. If it was done via scripting, and didn't involve having to go into the world maps to replace or place stuff... size of the package ur trying to stuff into the box (yes, I phrased it exactly like that for a reason! :laugh: :laugh: ) would take some serious dedication to the idea. It would be cool! But it wouild take a LOT of looking up references for the scripts. Weight on the other hand... is already assigned. (Just don't use 0 weight mods). and would be a lot easier. Something along the lines of On Additem container Get containerweight Get itemweight If containerweight >125 send message: "This box is too full you cannot place that item in it." Else if containerweight <125 additem container. Along those lines, I seriously doubt that's the way any modern scripting language is being used. 125 being the weight the container can hold for the general idea... because.... Ultima Online. :laugh:
  9. Heya Tdog! VERY sorry for not seeing this sooner! :( Ok, so there are some scripted activators there in the bathroom during creation. One of them, being right there by the tub. I would try moving the f4se mods out of your data folder, and see if that gets you past that point, on a new character. If that's the problem, I'd check to see if any of those mods can be updated. Otherwise I would guess that you have a mod conflict somewhere in your load order.
  10. This reminds me of the good ol' Ultima Online days. When your containers and bank would only hold x amount of weight. I was kinda thinking that it might be possible to go along the route that a lot of modern MMO's do, by giving you item slots within the container. X amount of slots, per container size. But I really don't see that as being easy to make game controller friendly :sad: If implemented, this would only affect vanilla containers tho. Not ones added by mods. And the modder would have to be sure to include both the containers out in the world, and the ones added via workshop. I remember that there was a mod that upgraded some of the non-used vaultech containers. I don't remember when it was released but the modder had to literally go through ALL the vaults, and place those containers in the world manually. It could probly be accomplished via script tho. And that method wouldn't require such a high level of tedium.
  11. Aye. That was some lazy shtuff on Beth's part. Originally it was meant to be in the vanilla game as the "assault rifle". Similar to what the previous games had. Parts of it, are listed in the original files. However, they decided instead to go with that absolute monstrosity of bashed together machinegun parts instead. :sick: :pinch: And since they'd already made up the models, they decided to go ahead and use them. Agreed. It most definitely does NOT fit with the "western" theme for Nuka World, but I am glad they brought it into the game. Also 45-70 to go hardcore :D
  12. Heyas Dubbyk! Welcome back to the addiction! :D Well... as of right now, we don't know what the "next gen" update is going to entail. :( So as of now, everything on that is pretty much conjecture. If you were modding prior to November 19, 2019, the .162 and .163 updates changed the compatibility of mods with older versions of the game. Those mods have to be updated from having a version number of .95 to 1.0 (not difficult at all.) Sim Settlements has gone to 2.0 and is much, much more complex. Still quite popular tho! MMM? What is? Raider Overhaul is still around, and has been popular, however, there are others that do similar. And those are equally popular. Straight .esl files are kinda problematic. Especially If they're used as patches. They don't follow the load order. The game loads them as the game loads them. You'll see why that's a problem. So what we're doing now, is flagging .esp files, as .esl files. AKA Esp-lite files. That still allows user control, of placing them were we want them in the LO, but they're flagged as .esl files, so they go off the .esl system, not the LO hard limit. However... any flagged .esp that has more than I THINK it's 1020 formID's in it, can potentially cause save game corruption. As that's the limit for formIDs, anything more than that will spill over, and would require a separate flagged (Esp-Lite) file. I have heard, but cannot confirm... that .esp lite patches, have to go with .esp lite files, if they're patches. Again, I have only heard that, haven't tested it, and cannot confirm it. But if true the required file that it's using as a master, would also have to be flagged. You can find all kinds of tutes on how to flag .esp files. As for the community itself. Well. Nexus isn't exactly the hub that it was a few years ago. :( This happened, that happened, such and such happened... a lot of the modders have gone to discords, patreon, their own sites, alternate sites, etc etc. And some of them took their mods with them. So some of the mods aren't available here anymore. Or the older versions are still here, but the updated versions aren't. :(
  13. Ok sorry, you two got a bit over my head, or past my ADHD level :laugh: By the way, you can call me Storm, or Wolf, both of ya. But definitely no need for the 01 in my name. That's just cuz somebody else already took the name without it (the 01) :laugh: What you were saying about putting an effect on a projectile, and an OMOD possibly overwriting it. I do know that it can be done on a projectile, with other effects on the weapon. For instance with Wacky Weapons (on bethesda.net) you can in-game over-ride the projectile to use say.... a plasma rifle shooting a gauss gun blast, with further in-game modification of using 45 ammo in the weapon. ECO https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/55503 can also accomplish this, but with vanilla or mod weapons, not just the weapons from that particular mod (WackyWeaponsWorkshop). BUT ECO accomplishes it via scripts, by adding additional modification slots to said weapon. That system works EXTREMELY well. And the overrides still takes priority over other effects/stuff on the gear. Eh. Sorry. Rambling. The two problems with having it on the projectile, that I can see right off the bat, is that for mod weapons, it would have to be patched to any non-vanilla projectile/projectile name. The second might be possible conflicts with other mods that edit the vanilla projectiles (Which there are tons of). That (extremely cool!) mod that was released a couple years ago that prevents ash/goo piles. Reverts them to burning sets of bones instead. (Can't remember the NAME!! :sad: :sad: (Adhs sucks a rat's behind! :verymad: :verymad: So does CRS! ) It's base entirely on the projectile, and has to be patched to work with mod weapons that don't use the vanilla projectile/projectile name. As is the Cover Penetration Framework. Also on the projectile. However. It's also been made as an addition to ECO, so it applies then to the weapon instead. That's funny as all hell! VERY useful and interesting fact! [Edit] Hm. Could the fire/freezing immunity be put directly on the player, the way that perks are? Say by an automatic script, a magazine, or an ingestible?
  14. Hi Tdog. Welcome to the forums! Just sorry that you came in, with problems like THIS! :( The problems that you experienced prior to having the failure and having the PC reset were most likely corrupt save games. I had the exact same problem after making some pretty big load order changes. (Which is most likely also the cause of your corrupted saves). This was after I moved the game and all my files over to a new (to me) computer. So I thought it was something wrong with the system. Tried reinstalling the game, several times. Reverted windows, several times. Still same prob with the crashing. Til I pretty much removed every file from my save games folder, and started over with a new character. The point that you are at now, where you say the game won't even work. Please elaborate. 1) How are you starting up the game? What .exe file are you clicking on to start it? Do you play using F4se? Will it play the intros? Do you try to start it, and it does nothing? Please give us details, and we'll troubleshoot what's going on there ;)
  15. I found a pretty good tute on the sneak meter. How to build it up and whatnot. For testing the results, or trying to accomplish the problem in the first place. https://www.carls-fallout-4-guide.com/sneaking.php I also found a mod that ups the detection penalty for the radio. As that might be able to give you some idea of what to look for with the light. https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/23214 Tho yeah. Blinx is most likely correct that the radio doesn't affect it. I did a lot of checking different sources. And everybody says that it's verified that 3 and NV did not, and they have not noticed it, in 4. I myself have Never used the radio while crouching, aside from the quest to kill the courser, with all the gunners about. And after that first shot, they all know I'm somewhere around there anyway. (Yes, I do used silenced weaps). So I really can't tell if that *Beep Beep Beep* is giving me away or not. Even when turning it off. They've already gone into alert mode, so..... Vibes! You're Xbox, right? Or Xbox and PS4? If you also play PS4 could install that mod I was talking about, and report if the light still gives you away, please? https://mods.bethesda.net/en/fallout4/mod-detail/4090081
  16. :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: LOL if you really wanna put emphasis on it, you stretch out the first syllable. Like "Baaaa KA!" LOL In my case, it's Let's hear it for too many comics as a kid, and then anime in the 80's :D Yeah, I share your sentiment there. It's also too bad that it doesn't work on the player. Oh the stuff I could do!
  17. OOOO! Very interesting idea! I totally hadn't thought about that! :thumbsup: I think... bullet time now has a settings menu or a holotape to make adjustments. Such as AP cost, amount of time distortion, all that jazz. Either that, or there's a MCM modification to add it. Cheat Terminal https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/13285 has a setting that lets you go in and adjust your jump height. Anything over 3x tho, and you WILL take fall damage. Just a warning there. :wink: Cheat Terminal can also give you infinate AP. So if you need to, you can get away from the problem of the AP drain. This. This is actually Why I recommended bullet time, instead of trying to accomplish this in VATS. Another issue with attempting to try something like this, during VATS, is VATS' cinematic mode. You would need to disable that, or when trying to force a pose on the character, will most likely induce a game crash. I know, that mods that have tried to accomplish that... allow the player to move... during the cinematic have had that problem with inducing a crash, or canceling the cinematic. This mod has accomplished that. As well as a lot of other things, like taking out the kill cam. https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/1064 And it's modular so you can only use the parts of it that you want to. I play tested this quite a while back, and everything Does work. Mostly. Using the mod, Vats lost targets after 3. Meaning if I targeted 5 raiders, it would go ahead and shoot the first 3, then just go dumb, and exit the VATS sequence. Watching it with all the plugins installed, was hella impressive. After I did my targeting... it was just BAM BAM BAM, ALL FALL DOWN. Cut the time that it would have taken down to about a second. Very impressive. But... thats the opposite of what you're looking for, Chances. So yeah, only parts of it you'd want to incorporate. This one would also be helpful. https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/22494 Removes the green tint from Vats. Not the target highlight, but all the other color visual effects. It's been part of my LO for QUITE some time. :thumbsup:
  18. Heyas Chances! I think, what you are looking for is called Bullet Time. https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/9325 This mod allows you to use a hotkey to slow things down. Way down. Like taking Jet on steroids! The only problem that I can see tho, is that it's used by hotkey. So if you took your finger off the key to enter in console commands to set a pose.... that would most likely blow the effect :( There is also VAFS. Which is another way of slowing down time. https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/15875 Tho I'm actually pretty unfamiliar with it, so I really don't know how it works, so I don't know how well it would suit you for what you're looking for. :(
  19. Ok Third thought. I just remembered this. Elemental damage resistance was never implemented into the game. It's there. In the files. You can attach it to armor/clothing/cheat rings/accessories/etc. But the devs never made it work. The only functioning resistances are: Normal, Energy, Radiation, (and about 80% positive on this last one) Poison. I dunno if this is relevant to the project that you're working on right now. But I definitely thought that it was worth mentioning. Cuz they may not have made those damage types work, either.
  20. Heyas Qrsr! Oh, you've got a fun project going on here! Very interesting! My first two thoughts.... You may missed an attachment. For weapons, some of the attachments (Listed in Object Modification) also contain damage type. I was just looking through the Flamer attachments, and the Plasma Tank, also has damage type listed... as an example. There ARE other attachments also listing it as energy damage, tho this is the one that I had open, in Xedit. Those would also be needed to be updated. And that's not gonna be fun. :sad: While I was looking for files like that, at least with the flamer, some of it's parts are mixed in, under generic names :sad: My second thought... it's possible the game may not be putting in the changes to the weapon, because of savegame data. Are you using a weapon that is already included in your savegame that you're using for the testing? Or are you using one that you're spawning/creating after loading the save? If the former, try this: Take said weapon to the workbench, remove all the modifications to it, so that you only have it as a base weapon. Hard save. Load up from that new hard save, and then upgrade the weapon and test.
  21. Heyas Xxyxzz!! :D Hmmm. Ok I myself have not ever had this one happen either. Not by accident, at least. There is a mod available on the PS4 on Bethesda.net that would make it possible to replicate tho. Which I have used, back in the day. What the author of the mod did, was make an item that when worn, would increase the PC's Stealth Meter to such a high level that nothing that adds penalties to the meter, would drop it to a level where NPC's detection ability would be higher than the PC's Stealth Meter. IE: PC stealth meter vs NPC detection rating, SM Always wins. How a player would be able to do to possibly replicate a similar situation: Full agility of 10/10+ Full Stealth levels for the Perk, acquire all the stealth boosting magazines, travel alone... no companions/no dog, wear the lightest armor possible, that consists of Muffled and shadowed modifications, and ummmm.... uuuuummmmm..... what am I forgetting here? I swear I think there is something else! Brain not picking it up tho!! :wacko: OH! Slowed movements and cover! ANYWAYS! Yes, it's possible to create a situation where the PC's stealth meter has so many bonueses applied to it.... that they're pretty much 99% undetectable. By creating a loadout where they have the most bonuses available, and have the fewest penalties possible, applied against them. That said: UNFORTUNATELY... I don't know how the detection rating system is calculated. :sad: Just a wild guess, for trying to fix it, would be to find out where the penalty for the flashlight/pipboy light is located, create an override for it, and increase the penalty. Same with the radio, just to be thorough. I don't know for sure it that alone would work.... especially since I have never had that bug either.... but that's what I'm thinking of would be a place to start.
  22. Alexant - Ok the Spell Perk Item Distributor mod that Blinx provides is the one that he's referring to, that does what I was talking about with the batch files. I'm just gonna refer to it as SPID, to make for less typing :laugh: What IT does, is takes the same approach as using batch files, but from a different angle. Via Scripts. (Ok, ok yes... bat files ARE also scripts, but much less complicated ones!) Where instead of creating a simple text file to drop into your root game folder, this mod has a custom file that you make in one of it's folders. The biggest difference is that THIS mod can instantly add what it's been scripted to add, to NPCs over a specified spectrum. Unlike using bat files via console command which requires you to find the NPC, open the console, click on them, run the bat file, and then exit again. If you already understand the FormID system that FO4 uses, this could be a really cool tool. Makes me think of a few things that would be really cool to use it for. The question that I have, personally... is with Baka Framework. I have no idea why, but I've been very hesitant to install it. For starter.... why did the creator call it "Stupid idiot" in Japanese?
  23. Heyas Alexant! Welcome to the forums! Ok for what you are trying to do. These are the two mods that I would recommend. Tho the 2nd one would take some work on your part, and some very simple text editing. https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/59687 is the first mod. You dress the mannequin up in the attire/gear you want the NPC to have, and then zap them with the zapper. :D Or you can do so via batch files. Here are some that are already made. https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/7295 Essentially what you'd need to do is look up the ID numbers for the items/gear that you want to have, and replace some of the ID's in the scripts. It's really Not hard at all, you just have to know find out what the ID's are.
  24. Oof. Triple posting. :rolleyes: Ok if neither of those work. Here's something to try. I don't think it will work, but it's worth a shot. When Nora gives her spiel about the salesman at the door. Go over, open the door, facing out towards the street. Open the console using the tilde ~ key (It's right next to the 1 key, top row, far left.) Copy this: 000ABF9E moveto.player When the console is open, tap CTRL and the V key at the same time to paste that into the console, then tap your enter key, and exit the console with the tilde key again. That should move the rep to your location at the door. (If I got his ID number right, but I DO know that's NOT the one for the ghoul version of him!) I dunno if that will trigger his dialog or not tho. If not, theres a way to trigger quests via the console. Tho I dunno how to look up quest's ID's :(
  25. Ok sorry for double posting, but this I really gotta ask, as I thought about it, and it made me all kinds of curious!!! if he stands there for too long, without initiating the SPECIAL UI..... Do the bombs still drop???
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