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Everything posted by South8028

  1. It is not clear what goes on in the heads of adult children. If there were huge bonuses, there would probably be murders among the authors. It's a shame that vtaw left. An outstanding author, a very hardworking person. He is one of those authors who made me want to master 3D.
  2. Thanks for the explanation. No, I don't want to use bs7 simply because I think it's unnecessary specifically for fo4. This is not a game where you expect photorealism, and no amount of textures will change that (for now, maybe one day after an engine update, that will change). The difference between not bad and a little better is not of much value to me. Also, I make models in 3ds and bs7 is inconvenient for me, since bgs shaders in 3ds do not support bs7. I don't want to make separate textures for 3ds.
  3. I still don’t understand... does ba2 speed up resource reading, or slow it down? If it slows down, then maybe it makes sense to get rid of the archives altogether and unpack everything?
  4. I don't know exactly how the smoking animation is loaded. A regular furniture animation has an exit hkx... The animObjUnequip annotation (which unloads the AnimObject) is in this separate hkx. Since smoking has an independent exit from the loop, the annotation is probably in the last frames of the hkx smoking itself. Then, as LarannKiar correctly noted, this is due to a bug in the havok engine (disabling animation before it is completed), and not with the animation itself.
  5. hkx and animObject can be generic if they fit the new mesh. But each new static is still furniture and must be reassembled in ck and text data generated. It's tiring. If you need variability, then the easiest thing would be to create one universal mixer - furniture. The faucet will be furniture, separate from the sink. It will attach to the sink using bsConnectPoint. The sink will be a separate object, with any number of materials and shapes. https://disk.yandex.ru/d/TYY0Qyvi_Tj2kw
  6. I will try... See... In vanilla, effects for character scenes (like furniture) are called from havok. This is done using annotations. Annotations are correspondingly tied to the havok animation root. I use 3ds so I can make objects and animations myself. But even if you don't have 3ds, you can use hkxPack. It is in the f4ak package on the nexus. hkxPack allows you to unpack any hkx into xml, and make edits, for example, add annotations for calling animObj (animated water nif in your case). All you need is accordingly... 1 animation havok (character washes hands). 2. Static nif of the water tap itself. 3. Animated water nif. The animObject called using the havok annotation must be placed in ck (look for an example in the screenshot). The mesh itself, or emitter (if it is particles) should be physically located where it is relative to the static bottom of your faucet. It must be skinned on the bone (if it is stationary relative to the character, you can use the Root bone). If these are particles, you need to add niStringExtraData to the nif root in the nifscope and enter the name of the bone in StringData (this is an alternative binding to the animObject character, for example, for gamebryo animations). Anyway, I made an example for you, you can use it. Havok animations already contain all the annotations. There is a washbasin sink, an animated water nif for animObj, a marker for furniture, screenshots with explanations. You just need to collect it all in ck. https://disk.yandex.ru/d/XKdbzUH6wERoWA Next you should use this tutorial to create furniture. https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/41209
  7. Just 3 hkx for animated furniture. Input, Loop, Output. 1. Entrance animation: character bends down, opens the tap, Anotation AnimObjLoad. *name AnimObject from ck with nif water. Nif can contain a mesh with uv animation of water, or it can be a superspray where bsEffectFx material is assigned to the particles. The next frame contains annotation AnimObjDraw. *same name animObject from ck. 2. Animation of the cycle. The character washes his hands. 3. The character closes the tap. Annotation animObjUnequip. This unloads AnimObject of water. Nif of water can be cast on fixed bones, or on several bones and also animated, like a moving stream of water. If it's a superspray, the easiest thing to do is add NiStringExtraData to the nif and add the name of the bone to the StringData.
  8. Examples of running audio descriptors in nif. The sound is positioned in the SoundNode space. SoundNode can be copied in nifscop, or created in 3ds (as a child bone). Sounds do not need to be looped in ck. The animation sequence itself is looped, or not looped at will. You can place any number of handles along the timeline in one sequence. You can, for example, voice the work of an entire plant in one sequence. I had no need to do this, but I am sure that one nif can accommodate any number of SoundNodes and all sounds will be positioned as indicated at the end of the tags SoundNode01, 02, etc. https://disk.yandex.ru/d/hDAbzoy46egj-A
  9. Perhaps there are no C++ libraries, or some conflict with other libraries. I don't know. Many fo4 tools are finicky. I also suffer with the hkxPack utility, which systematically stops working for unknown reasons, or can suddenly start working, although I haven’t reinstalled anything.
  10. I did this for a long time, ~3 years ago, for the Singing Settlers mod. I used some modified version from a Russian site with a shell. I don't remember which runalip I used, but maybe this one. It is also stated here that runalip does not work with a processor less than 8 threads/4 cores. https://gamer-mods.ru/load/igrovoj_soft/igrovoj_soft/runalip/315-1-0-14743#new-vv-com
  11. For faces, dxt5 (bs3) format without alpha channel. Otherwise, brown face errors may occur periodically.
  12. Maybe for obstacles you should use a collision with the Ladder material (there are many different collisions of stairs for different materials)? I know that npcs are not able to use steps with other types of collisions, they do not see navmesh if the material of the step collision is for example metal or wood.
  13. Somewhere in the early topics (about a year and a half ago), Chuck wrote something about creating helpers for doors and stairs. Or gave a link to the manual. I don't remember. NPCs pass through my doors, but I don't do anything special. I just make a collision with the passage, and they go through it. But the autodoor script works everywhere for me, the doors in front of the npc open automatically. They do not see those doors where autodoor does not work (I do not have such doors). I don't know why this is so.
  14. I use the old Photoshop plugin nvidea d3d 64bit for D textures, formats dxt1 (regular normals), dxt3 (alpha channel), dxt5 (transparent surfaces for bsLightingFx). Intel Texture Works plugin for N,S. bs5 format. I started out using bs7 but decided against it. The weight of bs7 is not proportional to the quality of the textures and when building large settlements using a large number of textures, bs7 crashes fps. Photorealism in fo4 is, in principle, impossible to achieve in any way, because the shaders are what they are... A plastic, rough image. I don't see the point in bs7. But, of course, this is just my subjective attitude. If you love bs7 you should definitely use it. If I use your mod, I'll just repackage your bs7 to dxt1.
  15. I want to make an quad for extreme maneuvers. To animate the instrument panel, I need footage of displays that can be turned into uv animation. I spent a long time looking for a video from which I could tear out such a display, but I didn’t find anything. Perhaps someone plays flight simulators and can recommend a game with good instrument panel animation. Then I can shoot a video from fraps, parse it into frames and insert it into the model. https://disk.yandex.ru/d/nQnhrpnhouMv_A
  16. It's probably better to minimize the meshes. Why do you need a head? Ear and finger. + some super gadget from the trash heap... Fingerprint scanner. + static bounty hunter quest. Spawns an npc in the map area, a marker for the area where to look for this npc. Killing an npc, removing his ear and finger to present to the customer. Or an institute quest, searching for escaped synths... You can even make an animated gadget for removing the chip from a synth's head.
  17. You don't need to replace any vanilla files. You need to create your own furniture, your own entrance, loop, exit animations for this furniture. In these animations, adjust the camera position you need, add the necessary annotations, create a marker (if necessary) and add your furniture to the sk (2nd link - a lesson on how to do this). I don't know any other ways. Sorry.
  18. I don’t really understand you, but if you want to change the camera position, or the animation itself, then you should probably make new hkx with your own animation? For custom animation you need 3 hkx files. Input, Loop, Output. The marker does not affect the camera or animation. This is a regular static mesh of the rig, baked into the desired frame via resetXform. The bsEffectFx material is assigned to the mesh and exported to a static nif. The marker is used to conveniently adjust the position of the actor in ck, but the marker does not contain any animation data. To know how to do this you need this https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/16694 and this https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/41209
  19. Send nif, or a link to nif with textures, preferably. I'll make you a collision and export it to nif.
  20. https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/76482/ Perhaps these should do the trick. I'm using old d3d nvidea plugins from 2014. Specifically those that used bgs in fo4. I don't know where you can download them from today. If these don't work, I'll throw mine on a file hosting service.
  21. BGS didn't use the Intel format for D textures. They used Nvidea. I use the vanilla format because it weighs less than bs7 without sacrificing quality. More precisely, fo4 shaders are not able to convey the difference in quality between bs7 and dxt1. Accordingly, bs7 does not make any sense for fo4.
  22. I don't know anything about xbox. In vanilla for PC, the texture formats are... D - nvidea dxt1 (regular normal), dxt3 (alpha channel), dxt5 (interpolated alpha channel for translucent surfaces). N,S - intel bs5 8bpp. Green channel - medium, yellow - shine, red - matte.I can also add that the N texture is inverted. Not blue, but yellow, the relief, accordingly, is also inverted.
  23. The USSR had atomic bullets made from Californie-252. A charge of 8 grams annihilated the tank. A charge Fat Man in the game would demolish an entire Boston neighborhood, and survivors in the area would die from radiation sickness, because the decay of Californie-252 releases 3 times more neutrons. The ammunition did not go to the troops because it was very difficult to store. Each cartridge generated 5 watts of heat constantly. When self-heating, the ammunition failed and the entire armory turned into one large nuclear bomb.
  24. If I were putting together something for fo4 + 3ds + photoshop today, based on a very modest budget, I would take a Ryzen 7 5800x, 32GB of RAM, rtx 2080ti. I buy everything on Ali and for my region such an assembly would cost no more than ~600-700$. Price varies by country... Tax Fees. You can also take the old server from Ali. For example ryzen threadripper 1920x-1950x. Motherboard + 1920x + 64GB of RAM is ~$700.
  25. It seems to me that the player only cares whether it is interesting for him to play or not. What is turned in which direction is beyond the attention of everyone except the perfectionist author.
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