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Everything posted by South8028

  1. Starfield has one problem. The demands on rendering and machining capabilities are too high. ue5 on the old 1080ti is capable of rendering a photorealistic scene of 3-5 billion polygons at 40-60 frames per second. There is a video from 2020 where ue5 processes 16 billion polygons in a scene. ce is not capable of drawing 5 hundred million polygons onto the stage on the most modern video card. ce is good for local scenes with carefully crafted plots and well-designed interiors. Large open worlds are a bad strategy for our beloved engine.If I were making a game about space on CE, I would make something like the movie Pandorum. The world is a giant starship with a large number of interiors with different physics... Controlled civilized zones with gravity, disaster zones; weightlessness, flooded, radiation, frozen with liquid nitrogen, etc. It would turn out to be a survival game and with a good, deep plot, this would become an acceptable world for the possibilities of ce.
  2. In general, I have everything ready. I'll fix the rig a little and make an animation for the cat. I will make animation for houses, animation with objects (animObj)... Balls, mice. https://youtu.be/JnID71o3IoQ?si=Vg-Y16kF5EiAM4C-
  3. That's it, I found the problem, you can do hkx for the cat. Maybe someone will find this little thing useful when creating creatures... In rig.txt, all joints must be written in capital letters. Even if one joint is not CapsLook, it will twist all the bones. This is a test rig for now, I'll make well-controlled rigs and all sorts of fluffy cats. https://disk.yandex.ru/d/5RKZi_XbYX1-yw
  4. Thank you very much, I will definitely use your instructions after I figure out the correct hierarchy of bones in txt. Somewhere an error occurs and when exporting to hkx the bones are deformed. I added all the bones from skeleton.xml in the order in which they are in xml. But hct does not consider this sequence correct.
  5. What animation? What should an actor do? They are poses I use for my Mannequins - These ones from Deuce2416 for instance. I use them in my mod as I have permission,I checked. It is enough to raise the root to a height = 1, there is no shuffling. The animation runs smoothly, without any extraneous sounds. I'll make some animations in my free time. For mannequins? Should they be completely static poses, or should they move somehow? Or should I just import your animations and bring up the root?
  6. I made a cat rig and cat furniture. Now I can make cat animations and export them to hkx. But I'm not sure how to add them to the game, or even just test them in the game. playidle for cat doesn't work. https://disk.yandex.ru/i/IFcpjgKnnwF4dA And also, does anyone have a link to the skeleton.hkx to skeleton.txt converter? Shadeanimator wrote in his pdf that he made such a converter, but did not write where exactly it is located (it is not in the f4ak package). f4ak_hkxpackUI unpacks the skeleton into xml. I copied the bones from there, but the hierarchy of the bones is wrong.
  7. Wouldn't it make more sense to just make the animation without the shuffling? Is this one hkx file, or many? What should an actor do?
  8. We need to wait for ck and what will be there in the tools folder before predicting anything.
  9. It's amazing! I was also thinking something like this https://ipet-au.com/cdn/shop/products/PET-CAT-WT02-GR-99.jpg?v=1615437491 https://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/0376/6478/4520/products/100000057504-l_m-cat-scratch-post-natural-1.jpg?v=1654330925 https://disk.yandex.ru/d/EaGn5joqXWKPhwFor animations you need a rig. I haven't seen a cat rig, so I have to do it myself. Maybe I'll make a rig and animations later. More precisely, if I can do it quickly, Ill do it, but if it takes a long time to set up IK, I wont do it.
  10. Collisions. Physics collisions interact with the physics of the world and have weight. Static and keyframed collisions (animations) do not interact and have no weight.
  11. I don't know, but here is a list of all the materials.https://disk.yandex.ru/i/OxeJJHNV0rbTvQ
  12. I did high heel animations for aaf/naf. Actor z root at height = heel height. These hkx don't have that problem. The actor does not shuffle his feet in frame 1 of the loop. Therefore, this is a problem with the skeleton interacting with collision when playing the loop in the first frame of hkx.
  13. https://disk.yandex.ru/d/k8cv3CxKj5va9g The second house turned out better. Option with and without pompom.
  14. https://disk.yandex.ru/d/b_Ox8WxPy9J3lw But I'm a bad house designer. You can send photos of houses or pillows that are needed. I will do.
  15. https://github.com/hexabits/nifskope/releases
  16. No. I have no idea. I didnt even install Starfield for myself, because Im just not interested in playing and will wait for the official tools. I just asked the person to unpack and send me resources in the form of nif and bones to see what we are dealing with.The person concluded (or he read it somewhere) that Starfield was made on 3ds 2017. But I did not understand why he (or his sources) made such a conclusion.
  17. Thank you for the information. Is there any blender alternative for doing this and based on what you said I don't suppose based on what you said getting the right coordinates is an easy task in Nifskope? Cause I don't have 3Ds max and when I looked it up the program seems fairly costly. "bone whose direction is x,y,z = direction of the light spot." Can you elaborate on this a bit if you don't mind? Global x,y,z in nifskope? Does the rig effect it at all? Because you are adding bsvaluenode to some mesh in Nifscope. Most likely, the coordinates of bsvaluenode will be equal to the coordinates of this mesh to which you added this node (this is not exact, I assume so). Therefore, you should make adjustments to the bsvaluenode coordinates based on the coordinates of the mesh to which the node is added. As you can see, the direction of the knot is not physically visible through the nifscope. Therefore, simple arithmetic remains. Look at the coordinates, angle of the parent mesh and calculate the coordinates of the child node relative to the parent mesh.Previously, before creating a node in 3ds, I hooked bsvaluenode to a helper or mesh, and simply rotated bsvaluenode 90 degrees in z or y. Usually it worked out right away. But complex objects could get confusing, so I'm glad that 3ds makes it easy to set precise directions for nodes by creating them as bones.
  18. https://disk.yandex.ru/i/3krleTz_FkMOhQAs you can see, Starfield uses havok, and accordingly uses hct. For animations, some new version of havok is also used. The files are separated into animation and metadata, but the structure is the same as in hkx. Although, it is obvious that havok is used, just look at the console commands.
  19. BsValueNode is a bone whose direction is x,y,z = direction of the light spot. This bone can be made in 3ds, in the form of a child bone of any mesh, by left-clicking on the bone object Properties/User Defined parameter sgoKeep = 1. If you create bsValueNode in a nifscope, you can suffer for a long time with the correct coordinates and angles. https://disk.yandex.ru/d/ewBoaz4UzfwDDQ
  20. Starfield uses havok, and accordingly you need hct (why some 2012?) In fo4 hct2014. Starfield has some next version of havok, for 3ds 2017-20xx. But this only matters for nif from a collision perspective. nifscop, in principle, never had the ability to create collisions. Collisions fo4 were created in 3ds 2013-2014 with bgs nif exporter installed. nifscop is an excellent tool for editing a finished nif.
  21. As far as I understand, a system of nodes has simply been introduced - links to objects with a mesh extension (regular obj, opens in many 3D editors), something like the old addonnode system only coded in nif nodes, without links to ck. I am sure that tools for working with nif will appear quickly (os, nifscop, analogues). The materials have not changed at all (these are still the same bsLightingFx, bsEffectFx, from fo4) and the physics have not changed at all (these are still the same havok collisions from fo4). Im 90% sure that a new bgs nif exporter will be released from ck, just completed on the basis of bgs exporter fo4 for 3ds 2017-xxx). Somewhere within a year, or in a year. Also, nif with bones (for example skeleton.nif) open in 3ds with nif importer. nif with mesh nodes do not open because the structure has changed.You're just in a hurry. bgs nif exporter for fo4 appeared only 2 years after the release. Beth has always been slow.
  22. Nobody deciphers anything. Either the bgs exporter will have official plugins/tools, like hct for 3ds (or I dont know what the 3ds plugin from bgs will be called), or there wont be any. In fo4, animation only developed because people had time to download hct2014 before Microsoft bought havok. If Microsoft had bought havok a year or two earlier, havok animation for fo4 would not have been possible. Therefore, either there will be official tools, or forget about animations in Starfield. But in general, send me at least one of this animation files, skeleton.nif, skeleton.afx (if you have one).. I can also dig into it and try to repack it into hkx. Maybe it will work out...
  23. At least just a normal rendering window, with a stable frequency of at least 30 fps. The rendering in ck fo4 is unbearable. From my point of view, in principle, only masochists can use it.
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