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Everything posted by South8028

  1. Yes it's a simple helmet like a hat do not need to adapt to bodymorph, finally I achieved to export it with bones (at least contrary to before when I copy the bones of the raiderhelmet03 as ref it cover my model of all the color) it does not crash the CK anymore but it is invisible, I am not sur if the problem is with the model/bones, or the material wha do you think, I would be interest to know if you achieve to make it show up in the CK/game if you want: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/17kPDxY-QHX_7Vmsjz0UHKpjUHx6FLhbZ?usp=sharing (I have also put the diffuse, normal and specular texture of each piece if you need them)  Also other question at first I intended to make it as a helmet divided in 3 pieces that I would later assemble in outfit studio in one mesh but I don't know if that is even working with the fallout engine, and know if I can apply each individual texture in outfit studio (can you apply texture/material in OS ?) Thanks for the help to a random stranger On your link, some textures. Why do I need textures? Throw me a mesh, or meshes of this helmet, preferably in fbx, but you can in any format. You can do it in nif too, just mess with nif more, because I have to export it to fbx for max. If there are several parts, I will link them myself, assign bethesda materials and export immediately to the finished clothing nif, having previously configured it in 3d max on cbbe. Even if it doesn't have uv on it, I'll make you uv from scratch. If necessary, I will immediately configure it in os and make an osd for bs.
  2. I don't know what kind of helmet you make. Is it supposed to repeat facial morphs, or something like that? Because no skinning is required for regular hats, if they do not interact with the body. Just open your helmet in os, import BaseFemaleHead from the characterassets folder. Click on the head mesh setReference. Go to the mesh of the helmet. Click CopyBoneWeight. To prevent the mesh from leaving the head, it must have a pivot of 0/0/0. Weights are not copied during this operation. Only bones are copied. You rig the helmet. Everything. You do not need to copy the weights.Next, remove the Set Reference from the head. Click Set Reference on the helmet. Delete the head. Save the project by choosing paths. Go to bs. Build. Find your project, build it nif. Nothing else is needed for helmets. I don't know how the blender model is exported. I use 3d max, import as nif (whatever, basically I choose pe weapon). The material can be either bsLightingFx or bsEffectFx. I preliminarily pass the model through erich, but it seems that this is not necessary for clothes. Because I once inserted a skyrim body just by reassigning the material. I removed the old bones, tied them to the fo4 bones, and copied the sliders from cbbe. The body was no different from the bodies for fo4. Outfit Studio eats everything, and this super program doesn't care what sources the mesh came from.In general, if you fail. Drop your mesh here (link). I easily, in 5 minutes, adapt it to a game nif.
  3. A full-fledged plug-in, or rather a set of tools (official) in the form of a plug-in is available only for 2013 max. It comes with ck and is located in the tools (bgs Exporter) folder. It contains the havok (hkt) tools needed to handle 90% of the animation and bones operations. For other versions of max, there is only hkt2014, which is completely closed and does not extend (passed from hand to hand). DocClox has been working on bones for the blender for a long time. You should contact him. https://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/user/1042190-docclox/
  4. Yes. Right click on nif / open / creation kit 2.0. Like any animation. You can make them in max, and perhaps now in a blender. I couldn't make normal particles in max. I mean, I made a spray, but it looks in the game so that the animated mesh in the form of a jet of water looked better before.
  5. Import with bones? I mean, a real rig, or just unattached bones?
  6. ÃÃÂ I've never done animated meshes soÃÃÂ I don't know.. and I'm not even sure if it's possible. Tried it like furniture, doesn't work either. The root is tied to the ground. (https://youtu.be/zpeL5tyIv30 It would be incredibly handy if it were possible. I could put together an activator engine with sequences ... Up, down, left, right, stop, and with bs connect point. It would be possible to assemble controlled flying vehicles in the workshop. Gradually build up their elements. Fuselages, fenders, propellers, armchairs, consoles. Any models. I can't figure out such a thing ... If you just start the animation in flight "playidle", it is tightly attached to the flying mesh. The same will happen if you run the animation through aaf. No matter how he maneuvers, the bones are tightly tied to him. But the animation of the furniture is somehow tied to the ground.
  7. I haven't edited vanilla animations because I can't export them to max. But I imported hundreds of my animations and there was no problem. For boxes you can do the same for doors. Two sequences "open" and "close" with two tags of the same name. The quallyty type checkbox is set in the rig, "keyframed" is selected. The object type is anim static. The material is assigned. Exported as pe animation. The nif is passed through elrich. The nifscope is not needed. I only use it to add controllers, extra data and bs connect point. I don't need nifscop for anything else.
  8. I assume you are writing this for other readers as I already said I know how all this works.ÃÃÂ Ah, I see.. ÃÃÂ ÃÃÂ Open skeleton.nif, navigate to your connection point and add the parent COM (just write it there). Now my NPC immediatelly snaps into the right spot and stays there until the vertibird lands. ÃÃÂ It should look like this: ÃÃÂ I'm sorry to trouble you. But could you please explain how to link bs connect point in nifscop? I can just copy the points from another mesh and add them to the extra data list ... The points work in the game, but they don't move with the animated mesh. Could you point out how to insert them so that the points snap to the animated mesh? I can create them in 3d max and animate them with the mesh, but it is long and inconvenient. Is there an option to bind these points to animation in nifscop?https://youtu.be/UMSb1MoWtR8
  9. Can I use a similar method to attach a character to an animated nif? For example, a flying mesh, a floating mesh, or a train? At the moment, the mesh flies with the character only to the boundaries of the loaded area. When loading a new area, the mesh disappears for a second, the character falls, the mesh appears and animates further, but without the character. If I had a way to anchor the character to a transport model, I could launch transport. Or it would be great if there was a way to fly without using furniture, freely move around the flying mesh.Also, on meshes with static animation, I can generate navmesh, unlike furniture. Npc can walk on it and perform animations while the model moves in space. I've already experimented. And inside large interiors, everything flies well together with the npc and the character. If overcome this moment of "loading" the mesh, the vertibird will seem ridiculous nonsense.
  10. I have no patience to animate these bones. I have a general idea of ââhow to do this ... But I want to enjoy creativity, and not engage in masochism. The folks at LL (currently only two people with superhuman patience out of all bone animators) spend many weeks, sometimes months, on each 10-second f*#@ing animation. And this despite the fact that they do not experiment, but know exactly each step. In general, fo4 is not a game in which I want to animate bones.
  11. ÃÂ There's still a load screen.ÃÂ What happens is the load door, in this case looking like an elevator door, moves you to an elevator cell.ÃÂ While you are in that cell the elevator special effects play and then you are moved to the new cell.ÃÂ It looks like an elevator, but it's still a load door.ÃÂ If both ends are in the same location the load is very quick, and seems more like a momentary dimming than the actual fade to black of loading. Everything is smooth in the game. The character enters the elevator, drives and exits in other interiors. The same elevator in Diamond City ... I don't think it's hard to repeat. It just didn't interest me, but I have a train that is easy to animate and a bunch of building elements for a brand new metro. Someday I will make such a door out of a train according to the same principle. It will be possible to hang the train in an autonomous loop with waits for several minutes at the "stations" and between the "stations" to shove the invisible planes of the doors.
  12. Â NPCs do an animation of opening a door, so why not climbing a ladder? Because there is no such animation, it will have to be done from scratch. More precisely, five animations for 2 sequences. You need to make a rope, and animate the bones that climb up, and their reverse down. +4 animations for entering and exiting above and below. If there were such ready-made hkx, then with torment, but, probably, one could use them and assemble such a "door" in a couple of weeks of half-blind poking.
  13. This is my first time hearing about furniture connection points. Are these the points that serve to connect the add-ons of the armor to the bones?.. How to connect them to furniture? https://www.loverslab.com/topic/56300-tutorial-visual-armor-modifications/
  14. But still, the NPC does not "know" that using that furniture is like a "door".You would have to make that animation part of a "door", because NPCS use doors if they want to get from place to place, not furniture. I dropped tutorial of vader666. There's a way to bind idle to sequence annotations via behavior extra data. This is probably just as possible for a type of object like a door. But, if everything is completely assembled in 3d max, then you will have to use a rig, and all havok tools for working with bones that come with packages for bones for 2015 max, but in 2013 max. It will be necessary to project all the ready-made packages for 2013 max and specifically deal with kinematics. In general, the "tree house" will take too much time and effort.
  15. With today's knowledge of havok, this is unrealistic. First, there is no one-piece hkx loop for this kind of animation in mixamo. How do I dock all the furniture idle - rope? Second ... Furniture is not the way to go. It can be assigned to a settler, or an event can be created for such an assignment. But then the settler will climb the tightrope in a loop with no specific meaning ... For sporting purposes? He will not climb along it to a specific place. Will play the exit animation, will be in the same place where he entered the animation. The only thing you can try for the sake of experiment ... is to find third-party animation among mixamo. Not a rope. Some other. One where the bones at the beginning and end of the animation are at a significant height. Make this animation idle to exit. Then, after exiting the furniture animation, the npc can "fall" onto the previously prepared geometry. The height of the main climbing animation, the height of the exit animation, and the height of the treehouse geometry. All three heights must match.
  16. You just need to see how the elevators in Vault 88 and other similar elevators - passages are implemented. The player continues to ride the elevator while the location is loading. Accordingly, you just need to make your own elevator and make interiors in which it will travel in the same way. The interiors in the game are only called interiors. In interiors, you can make at least one more world of any size.
  17. Want to insert cbp bones for clothes. Tissue bones are unpromising because they are not ways to outlast outfit studio. But there is a need for physics, because people have made hundreds of skirts and dresses. I have exoskeletons with a bunch of wires and similar equipment. In general, physics is highly desirable. I already have skeletons with custom bones. But in terms of cbp mechanics and proper skinning, I want to understand how best to insert them for skirts. Experimentally, I have already attached a couple of daughter bones for skirts to the cbp ass bones from zaz (my skeleton.nif has all the bones that ever existed for fo4, including the bones from zaz). I put them in ocbp and they work. But where to insert the rest of the bones, and how to correctly configure them in the ocbp, so that the skirts demonstrate truly realistic physics, .. I'm not sure I know. Of course, I will experiment and achieve what I need, but I will be grateful if there are people who are well versed in skinning, or who know the nuances of setting up cbp.
  18. The biggest problem is this ... Physics mesh collisions do not interact with third-party animations. I do not know how to solve this problem. https://youtu.be/8krhfQZcg0g
  19. Checked it out. I tried to do it on meshes with physics, linked one after another to a static mesh with an connect point on the ceiling. Tried adding both a workshop object and a prop in chemlab. Instant departure. Probably you can't make a bunch of linked meshes with physics. There is only one such object. Accordingly, bones are needed.
  20. https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/20651?tab=images&BH=1 This mod has a physics punching bag. Just a physics mesh to wobble or deflect from impacts and collisions. This is not difficult to do. It is done in the same way as any object with physics, only the bone / bones on which it dangles is added. But it won't interact with animation. Try to put the physics object next to the npc, or the player and play the playidle animation. Will the character interact with these objects during the animation? If so, then making such a punching bag is elementary. If not, then it is difficult to do it. https://disk.yandex.ru/i/Whu66QXsFPJMnQ
  21. https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/38669?tab=files https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/37617 It's easy to create such a mod and mixamo has many great sleep animations. There is a good animation of restless sleep, the actor is funny tossing and turning from side to side. There are many awakening animations for exiting. So that the actor does not jump up, but slowly gets out of bed and comes to his senses. In the first link of the mixamo animation, in the second article on how to make such furniture.
  22. Thanks to the ChuckYufarley tutorial, I finally managed to figure it out with bsConnectPoint. Before that, I saw articles, and they are all delusional, with a bunch of unnecessary, incomprehensible actions. Chuck's copying examples explained much better than the articles about anchor points, even though Chuck didn't say a word about them. )
  23. I'm not that against it, but in fact I understand this less than you. ) You probably did not understand what I meant. We discussed before with Chuck that the animations of modifiers and controllers were not written to nifs. Only simple mesh manipulations were recorded. He said that animations for modifiers, motion controllers and particles should be baked.Usually scripts are used for this, respectively, bethesda used some kind of hkt script or its own for this case. But it turned out that there is an easier way. I described it. For example, you made an animation using the motion/"path constraint" controller, like in this treadmill. This controller is often used to animate tank tracks. If you just save such a nif, the animation on it will not work in the game, because the controller is not supported by the engine. Therefore, you need to bake it. Convert all data to mesh motion. To do this, we export this animation to fbx and then import it back. All data from controllers, modifiers and particles will be converted in data helpers. This animation will now become a normal mesh animation, retaining the manipulation of controllers and modifiers in this normal animation. Accordingly, such an animation will already be recorded in the nif. Which can be seen in my treadmill animation. I apologize again for my English. Poor knowledge of English is my main problem. ) ÃÃÂ > Therefore, you need to bake it. Convert all data to mesh motion. To do this, we export this animation to fbx and then import it back.ÃÃÂ That is interesting. Thanks to TroiKamikaZetan, https://www.reddit.com/r/FalloutMods/comments/hzixj7/fo4since_i_found_the_way_to_create_a_custom/ I was able to export particle effects like Array, Spray, Snow. Maybe baking and exporting to a fbx will make PF Source work too. I am going to try this next. No, it won't. It doesn't work with particles. The particles first need to be transformed into geometry in some way in order for them to turn into animation. Probably from Max's point of view, this is actually just one particle. It is exported to the helper set. In general, particles have their own system in plugins, I'll try to figure it out. I was able to make a super spray, but regular spray doesn't work. More precisely, it appears in the render ck as a set of animated planes the size of its helper. Probably, you need to make a mesh in the form of a "jet" and root a particle on it?
  24. I'm not that against it, but in fact I understand this less than you. ) You probably did not understand what I meant. We discussed before with Chuck that the animations of modifiers and controllers were not written to nifs. Only simple mesh manipulations were recorded. He said that animations for modifiers, motion controllers and particles should be baked.Usually scripts are used for this, respectively, bethesda used some kind of hkt script or its own for this case. But it turned out that there is an easier way. I described it. For example, you made an animation using the motion/"path constraint" controller, like in this treadmill. This controller is often used to animate tank tracks. If you just save such a nif, the animation on it will not work in the game, because the controller is not supported by the engine. Therefore, you need to bake it. Convert all data to mesh motion. To do this, we export this animation to fbx and then import it back. All data from controllers, modifiers and particles will be converted in data helpers. This animation will now become a normal mesh animation, retaining the manipulation of controllers and modifiers in this normal animation. Accordingly, such an animation will already be recorded in the nif. Which can be seen in my treadmill animation. I apologize again for my English. Poor knowledge of English is my main problem. )
  25. That is lovely. I see the waving flag (e.g. FlagWavingMinutemen01.nif) is using bone data and a controller manager. Do you happen to know if that is created using the Havok plugin or something? or is it possible to do with transform animation. I am trying trying to create a windsock but my animation attempts have failed so far  https://airportwindsocks.com/images/categories/011.JPG   I've seen several custom flags with bones. They definitely have havok data. But I don't think it's impossible to make them like the gamebryo sequence. You just need to choose the right controller in the 3d max video tutorials. You can try regular Noise. Snap the mesh to the spline and make it twitch randomly "in the wind". The same method as lightning are made. Then bake in the same way through export / import in fbx and hang on a simple specialIdle sequence.
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