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Everything posted by South8028

  1. I'm not sure if I understood the question correctly. But sweeps for any meshes are easy to do. If you are working in 3d max, then the Unwrap UVW modifier is used. The splines are pre-processed by the UVW map modifier (otherwise bs materials will not be placed on them). In unwrap uvw you simply lay out polygons, laying out all the textures piece by piece for your unwrap. Then go to tools / render uvw templaite and save dds. Make textures based on it and assign a material to them. The first thing I found in English (I have all the videos, unfortunately, only in Russian)
  2. Super. Excellent. I'm going to look for this nif. Yes, I have several tutorials explaining how to run animations with scripts and annotations for havok. I think I'll figure it out eventually. I just have no experience with papyrus (more precisely, I have a psychological rejection for such highly specialized and useless for everything else, except for this game, scripts). But there is also a moment. All animations that run without scripts and do not require any additional actions in ck have bsBehaviorGraphData. Directly in nif. It is in plugins and looks like some kind of patcher. But what exactly and how to patch them is not clear.
  3. looks good, but hard to judge. By the way, there is a point that I wanted to know, because judging by the picture, you know the answer. During the flight animation, at the border of the precombinations of the npc and the player, something is dropped from the mesh. The mesh continues to fly further (disappears for a few seconds and appears further), and the npc and the player fall. If you turn off precombinations, will that change? How to disable precombinations at all?
  4. Clear. Thank you. In the game, how do you start the animation? So are the doors? I can use gamebryo animations as activators, doors, boxes.Nobody knows how to prepare animation of objects and furniture without a nifscope. Almost all animators with whom I spoke sit on LL (they are not interested in anything except aaf) and they use the 2015-2020 max. They have no official tools. Because all the ready-made havok animation packages were made before the official plugins appeared. They can do nothing without nifskop. )
  5. By the way, this is also very interesting. Can you describe in more detail? In general, there is a special modifier in max for creating such an animation (I don't remember exactly the name, but if I need to, I can look), but it makes frame-by-frame textures finished animated 3D model.Shoots every frame of 3D animation, transforming it into a textures. This is mainly used for web animation.
  6. That's for sure. Since I live in the post-Soviet space, I have seen enough of what the abandoned objects of civilization look like after 20-30 years. They look much worse than objects in fo4. ) After 200 years, not a single high-rise building will remain standing, even just. They will all collapse. Even the foundation will not be left from wooden houses. And even bottles of Nuka Cola will be one and a half meters underground, so that only archaeologists can dig them up. )Â There are some excellent documentaries on the subject (what would happen if all humans where to disappear). But FO is 100% fantasy in its own alternative universe. It only has to 'feel' realistic.If you where to take out everything that is wrong about this post-nuclear world, there would be nothing left to play. Â My only problem is that it all looks way to dead for me to even hope there could be a future for mankind in this FO world. So I've been working on the landscape textures to make nature look a bit more alive. yeah. I've seen this movie. But that's not what I mean. I liked the map in nir automata. The game is much easier in terms of meshes and animation. But the style is hundreds of times nicer. If only bethesda could make such maps ... For me, a carefully crafted natural landscape looks many times more expensive than a mixture of retro-futurism and cheap social satire. Beautiful places in games are priceless compared to just a pile of rubbish.Probably the most powerful thing to do for fo4 is to create some fantastic beautiful locations. They are sorely lacking in this game.
  7. That's for sure. Since I live in the post-Soviet space, I have seen enough of what the abandoned objects of civilization look like after 20-30 years. They look much worse than objects in fo4. ) After 200 years, not a single high-rise building will remain standing, even just. They will all collapse. Even the foundation will not be left from wooden houses. And even bottles of Nuka Cola will be one and a half meters underground, so that only archaeologists can dig them up. )
  8. What does texture animation mean? dds animation? Not. There are many 3d animations. They are made using some kind of modifier or tool. So is the light. I can make a ray (imitation of a ray), but I don't know how to make it illuminate, leave a spot of light and shadow. If it was possible to import nif with all the presets in max, then it would be enough to see it once and it would be possible to copy all bethesda's techniques. This applies to everything in general. I think, in general, it is vital to find the ability to import to the official plugins. If there were imports in max 2013, I could do anything.
  9. by politics I meant blm and covid 19. Many mods were removed that made fun of blm and covid 19.
  10. I am mastering the official bethesda tools for 3d max 2013. I make furniture, animated objects, building elements. Now I'm making meshes for a nightclub. But I can't create pouring water, electric lightning, light rays and other effects with standard modifiers and tools. Particle do not work in nif animations, the noise modifier is not supported. Perhaps someone knows the tricks and the right tools to use. https://youtu.be/wLbiz6DEPiU
  11. (Almost) no assets from "other modders".Mostly 3d meshes from a website called "3D warehouse". (Things like furniture, props, ...) Â Â Â What? Who? I mean I know who Columbus is, but I have no idea who that other guy is ... Â Â Oh no, expectations ... :ohmy: If itâs furniture, itâs definitely not interesting to anyone. They delete something and consider only when a complaint comes from other modmakers. It is also removed if there is a hidden political context. The rest does not interest them.Just publish as is, or whatever suits you best.
  12. What kind of third-party meshes, and even more so textures? I have no idea what copyright problems might arise. On the nexus, they systematically lay out meshes of clothes and weapons torn from other games. All the more, no one cares about textures. The Nexus only pays attention to situations when the mod authors themselves prohibit the third-party use of their resources. So if you do not have meshes and textures of other authors who are against their use - no one will care about this.Although, if on your map the monument to Floyd will stand next to the monument to Columbus, it will definitely be removed. Ahaha. )
  13. ÃÂ No kidding.ÃÂ I have a bunch of one-off mods to remove garbage and debris from areas I visit a lot.ÃÂ I get the post-Apocalypse vibe, but 200 years is a LOT longer than people think it is, and nature creeps back in rapidly.ÃÂ Heck, I've lived in my house for 6 years and my gravel driveway is almost invisible since I don't try and keep the grass from growing over it. Yeah. The fo4 map looks like the war was 20 years ago, not 200.
  14. Make a map of something like the Desert Zone from Nir Automata. I think that in 200 years in real life everything would look something like 5,000 years later in Nir automata. Sand will put things in order everywhere and hide debris and bones. I would like such a map. To have more sand and sea, less garbage, rubbish and corpses. ) I'm tired of the garbage map.
  15. I've only seen one person on youtube who played fo4 in 4k. In full hd with your hardware, game should fly. In 2.5k, probably too. But in 4k, the devil only knows. )
  16. I thought everyone wrote about the flaws. Nobody has written about the merits. ) Only ce has such a detailed system for creating custom characters. No other engine has such a flexible and large morph system. Also ce has a workshop. Many games have construction sites, but fo4 has the most beautiful interior renderer of all construction games. With all the shortcomings, after fo4, you don't want to go to build somewhere in another game. In all other games, it is not possible to use medium poly and high poly with 2k-4k textures for construction.
  17. He is good at everything, except for the tools and the description of these tools. Of course, simple mods in the form of adding static meshes; construction site elements, new clothes, creation of new maps and interiors; no more complicated than ue4. But havok is some kind of crap. I would like fo5 to have its own animations and tools with a full description.Fo4 does not have a single mod base. This is a set of custom tools and official tools without a description, where anyone can do useful things 10% of the time, but experiment 90% of the time, or go to a fortuneteller to ask how what works.
  18. well, I write through a translator, so the depth is as Google understands it. ) there are no simple factors. It's just that physically one nif is replaced by another. And I donât want to try to figure it out, to waste time. I don't use nifscope, after max and elrich everything works without nifscope. So it will do and so. At my level, in general, everything needs step-by-step instructions, and not blindly poking around in glitchy, semi-working tools for which there are no descriptions.
  19. Well then, I don't understand anything at all. I don't even want to understand. I like the book by V. Vinge "Depth in the Sky". There was the concept that software evolving and overgrown with code, centuries later, required such a profession as a programmer-archaeologist. This is exactly the kind of profession that is necessary to understand this engine.
  20. door_max - worker. door_nifscope - does not start in the game. I did not find any differences between them. The second one was resaved to nifscope. Also, if not difficult, could not briefly, but "for dummies" describe the process of copying bsconnectpoint to nifskop. I can do them in max, but it is very long for each mesh. It would be easier to copy. At least for static meshes. https://disk.yandex.ru/d/TtOV4U5WQNIBwQ
  21. animated static mesh can be made in any size (even a spaceship). If the nif does not have static meshes, the actor can freely move around it while in flight. All animations are also played relative to the object, and not relative to the ground. In fact, the model behaves like a separate moving world with all the linked meshes, npc and actor. If the parent mesh is static and is on the ground (at any distance from the rest of the meshes, even at the other end of the map), then everything is the same, but inertia is transferred to the actor, npc and physical meshes (they repeat all the movements of the object in space). From such a nif, you can fly out with sharp maneuvers.
  22. Yeah. Thank you. Later after work I will send you to see.
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