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Everything posted by AlienSlof

  1. Probably because most people come here for the mods, perhaps?
  2. This probably needs to be asked in the Vortex section, really.
  3. Hahahaha, me too! I'm way old! I remember my family not even having a TV or a phone of any sort! If we wanted to do some gaming, we went outside or pulled the toy box out! Here I was thinking I was last old fart who didn't own a mobile phone! Hate the things, though I can also see good uses for them too. Keeping social media off them for starters! The number of times I've been bumped into by people walking along, eyes on screen instead of looking where they're going! I'd wave my walking stick at you young 'ins if I still needed it! Being bionic is great!
  4. I feel the same! Plus, I'd be forever comparing it to No Man's Sky which I play a LOT and is an excellent game!
  5. No drama, just dog talk. If you like dogs or have a favourite breed, this is the place! My dog has learned to catch feathers in mid-air! She loves feathers. When we see a bird I tell her it's covered in dog toys! She has never shown interest in dog toys themselves, but feathers are plentiful and free!
  6. The forums are extremely slow for me right now and have been for the past few days. I use Firefox. I don't know if this is related, but it's taking a long time to browse them!
  7. Aha - that probably explains why the forum became very slow for me earlier while browsing. I've had the verify me as human thing since then too (even though I'm an alien!) At least I know why now.
  8. What on earth are all these about? How does that even work?
  9. Not 100% sure, but could be this one: https://www.nexusmods.com/baldursgate3/mods/11310
  10. Yeah, you can probably copy this text and paste it into a new topic in the Skyrim section to save yourself typing it all out again.
  11. Judging by the fact you can't get ANY mods working for whatever game that you never actually mention, then perhaps reading a few readme files first for those mods is in order. Not to mention that the unpunctuated run-on, badly spelled sentences are hard to follow! If nothing is working, that's on you not installing them properly, not the fault of the respective modders. Ranting at them or threatening the site owner won't get you any help either.
  12. Funnily, part of my poodle's pedigree name is Precious in French! She answers to Korra though. My Preciousssss...
  13. And they have no idea how to do horses!
  14. Exactly my point - if he reacted aggressively to any offers of help, then it's no wonder he was being ignored (which seemed to be his main grievance at that point.). He'd clearly burnt more than a few who tried to assist him.
  15. After reading this, I'm kind of glad I never finished formulating a reply on his Minecraft help topic. Sounds like no matter what help he'd been given, he would have just shot it down aggressively. Sadly, people like that can't be helped. In the rant that earned him the ban, he complained that he was always being ignored. Perhaps that was why. No one wants to spend time helping a person just to be shot down for the effort.
  16. With the next BG3 patch, they're introducing a photo mode which will probably do just what you're asking. Due out in September I think.
  17. Tail docking and ear cropping are illegal in the UK - thankfully. Likewise declawing cats. Horrible practises that should be stopped. Some dogs, like French Bulldogs are often born tailless though.
  18. Another rare British dog breed is the Bedlington Terrier: Normally their wool is trimmed to look very lamb-like. I've only ever met one and she was lovely. The back isn't actually as arched as this looks, it's done through trimming the fur in this way to look more extreme.
  19. I think this person is just a bit dim... ...and likely hasn't ever read the rules. If he had, he would know that piracy is not tolerated here. Perhaps it is not frowned upon so much on other, less reputable gaming sites.
  20. I was just about to formulate a reply with some tips for surviving in Minecraft, along with some commands for changing game modes within one playthrough, but whoops, gone. I felt for him when he lost his dog recently too. However, that chap really needs to find a therapist or something as he moaned on and on and on about lots of different things and sounded very depressed. The cost of living got him down, as it does me from time to time, and sadly, being in America, he wouldn't be able to find help for free, most likely. Folks on a gaming and modding forum are not therapists, though, and that was how he was treating us. Perhaps he didn't get any replies to some stuff because we can't help him. Life was giving him a bum deal for sure, but ranting and getting angry with us to the point of insults is not the way to deal with it. I was both sad and relieved in a way to see him go. Perhaps now he will look for help in the correct places.
  21. It is a pointer, yes - sometimes called a Turkish pointer. I just love their funny noses! Apparently their sense of smell is enhanced because of it.
  22. They're lovely looking dogs, but never seen one in the flesh here in the UK. I love blue eyes on dogs - or odd eyes! Probably the rarest dogs I've seen while out and about were a clumber spaniel (now an endangered breed of british gundog and the biggest of the spaniels) and a wire-haired french bulldog (who is an absolute little sweetie and my dog loves him to bits!). He has such a funny, fuzzy face! I enjoy looking through rare breed lists, my favourite being the Turkish dog breed with a split nose: Tarsus Catalburun
  23. Yep, really that simple!
  24. I clicked on the post and copied what was in the bar at top.
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