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Everything posted by Lisnpuppy

  1. You really should check out the movie (the French original, not Point...Return). I never watched the series; after having seen the original movie, I knew I'd be horribly disappointed by the TV treatment. Why not use Nikita's format? PC kills a member of the Legion, gets arrested or beaten down, wakes up in prison to the 'offer they can't refuse'. Would require some modification of two scripts; the script that starts the DB questline (so that if the PC's first murder is a Legion trooper, it starts THIS mod, not DB), and the script for completion of Permanent Retirement (after knocking off Adamus Phillida, again starts this questline). That seem do-able? I am sure it is...but honestly I just havent done enough of this to know HOW for sure to do it. I like the idea but I am so worried about touching anything vanilla. I have all these ideas but I need to narrow it down. I want to make this interesting..but at the same time keep it simple...as the more simple it is the faster it goes. It seems to be a delecate balance. And right now my Oblivion is on the fritz. Stoopid me had issues and forgot to export my load order before I decided to reset my mods...now I cant get Oblivion to run. EEEKK!
  2. Some of these ideas sound interesting..however I have questions (Human..I didnt watch the movie but I was shamefully addicted to the cheesy show) 1-how do you present all this background information? How much do average players wish to hear people yammer at them and/or read background stuff. So tell me how to present this stuff in a very small way. 2- I WILL HAVE NOTHING TO DO WITH THE MAIN QUEST PER SE. It will be to easy too screw it up...and honestly I dont play the main quest anymore. (I actually have a save game with it finished so I dont have to work it anymore if I dont want to) I actually have come to hate it. Now obviously the story ties in..but as far as any interaction with the main quest itself or characters in the main quest....sorry! Not gonna happen. 3-armor--I am planning to use the star wars with some modifications. I also wish to include a belt and goggles with nite eye (the Dwemer Goggles to be exact) remember I want this to look "Oblivion-y" As far as when you get the armor. Not unlike the DB armor there will be enchantments that will help the player..and you should have armor for your job. So you will get the set toward the beginning. However at the end of the quests...you will get anohter set..it will look the same but have much different enchantment and no bad enchantments. I plan to put (and I am still debating about the bounty thing..quest will take place in cities, maybe castles...I think it would be a hinderance to the extreme) but it will have enchantments which harm your personality and speechcraft..and I mean really harm it. Obviously with some of the things we are discussing OBSE will be necessary. As far as this mods quicckness in being made...well I am assuming that Examinis and I will be working on this all alone...and the fewer of us the longer it will take. AS I said I do have a learning curve. So again if you or anyone you know can help...even if it is teaching me HOW to do something if you dont have time to help exactly..that would be good also!!
  3. I just wonder..if this is secret..why you will wear your armor around town anyway? I must think
  4. There might be a way..once the player is n this faction..to make the Imperial faction dislike them..make their disposition fall to like 20. They wont attack them but dont like them? I need to read up.
  5. I was wondering why my ears were burning. ha ha Black Horse Operatives it is. :) The chess piece is a neat idea but I am not sure how I would go about it ingame. There are chess pieces out there though. Dezi..I am shocked that you think that I can be so easily swayed...ha ha ha
  6. I like that I have a bucket beside my computer so I can puke from the lovefest going on in the last few post.. :biggrin: :biggrin: :biggrin: :biggrin:
  7. a merchant or a chest that has like 5 in it and doesnt respawn for like 5 days or something.
  8. Yes..and I like the idea of that person maybe not being a villian in the sense that they are truely evil..but maybe ther personal feelings and now power has gone to their head. Make it difficult to hate them....be sorry for their downfall....and then the ultimate choice will be to kill then or redeem them? Just tossing it out there. Underground hideout and a tunnel out sounds good. I also would like to make use of rooftops in this mod. I love the planks and stuff in the thieve's highway....I also love the vine arrows in the thieves arsenal. I see BlackOps types as going over as well as under, in disquise, hiding in plain site, etc, etc. Maybe have to get hired into a noble household as a servant? etc, etc. I still like the 1st star wars armor the best. I want mask not hood (though of course you can wear what you want.) I plan to retexture a bow and a dagger but not a sword. Also would like to script something like the thieves arsenal blackjack where it just knocks people out. This is another way of working it without collateral damage. I love the thieves arsenal stuff as it gives you so many options for sneaky. :)
  9. I like it....i like having the Black Horse in each (or outside) each town...I think right outside would be best..then no interference with like better city etc. I like the Black Horse front. I like a tunneling connection system which I dont think would be that hard (Examinis? Hard?) I like the idea of getting your "orders" in different places...maybe you dont even know who the "Main Man/Woman" calling the shots is? That would be neat. OK... what about Black Centaurs? Black Centauri?
  10. We will do our best..we can use any help we can get (also Aaron...this is the reason I need a new siggy!)
  11. Some great names guys...LIS is funny..(and my ego would LOVE that) but Dezi is right. I do really like the Black Horse Couier thing as a front. There could be a set of clothes that looks normal that you would wear in and out and maybe around town as your front...then you'd have your armor for missions. There is only one thing of importance semi-quest wise in there. I think I have/had a mod that did something to the upstairs but not the basement. I am not however fond of Black Horse Group...I like the Black Horse part...but maybe the "official-secret" name could be like Black Horse Knights or something? Black Horse ShadowWalkers....etc But a connection from the sewers should be possible...though it may interfere with other mods. Though I plan to add NPCs of the BlackOps people...they will PROBABLY NOT being doing missions with you. They will have their own dialogue of thier missions they may help you...but they wont be going with. I also plan to retexture a nice bow for this. :) I CAN do that already. :)
  12. I would really like both light and heavy armor to look basically the same..with maybe some kind of breastplate added to the heavy. I like the initial star wars picture and that is what I am working on or asking people to help. A few modifications and I think that I have a mesh that would fit without making a new one need be. I plan the colors to be Black, a very, very dark red for accents, and a dark grey Today and over the weekend I plan to make a tentative outline of quest so we can get a general idea of how this will go. I propbably wont tell it all to you guys as that may spoil the fun :) Also I was trying to think of a name for the BlackOps themselves....as that is not very Oblivion friendly...we have thought of some rank names already but not the main name...here is my thoughts Imperial ShadowDragons Imperial Ghost Knights Any other ideas?
  13. I agree. Maybe on section combat..then a stealth section where you cant kill but have to obtain something....so that the player can see that they are ready and it is "training" will ask examinis
  14. Maybe a initiation quest? like say... you have to defeat a -X- amount of enemies to get in? Or perhaps track a thieves guild member? Completely slaughter a small settlement with many mythic dawn agents? SAS style assault course training, I say. Defeat some really powerful bear or something, steal something from a mock up fort and some other stuff that I haven't yet thought of. That is maybe an idea...a way to see if the PC is ready..have a mock "training" cave and i the PC can not performed the specified task then he has to come back later when his skills improve?
  15. My, my..take a little nap and come back to your thread and all kind of things are missed! ha ha Both my male and female characters both wear utilitiy belts...so the already are out there. I love them as they are armored and I can enchant them. They also look like something a stealth character should have. I had though about including one that was slighty enchanted with some stuff and maybe a feather spell? Anyway....someone tell me what armor or clothing I have seen that has those wrapped pant bootoms like in the Jedi picture? I love some of these ideas....honestly I think the introduction into this should be dependent more on a sneak skill than infamy vs fame. I think a good sneak skill will be needed to complete this quest. We also have discussed if you get tossed in jail a NPC that comes automatically and springs you out. I think a way to decrease your infamy may be a neat options. And I know you guys want to still pick an evil path...but I think we need to stick to a more liner questline....at least in the 1th version of this. I want this to be an awesome quest and I do not want to make it so complicated initially that I can not get it done. Quest scripting isnt easy and if I end up doing it myself then I will need to keep it simple enough that I wont wish to slit my own throat. However after the initial release is done then a possible addition may be to add the option to have more choices down the road. Now an idea about when you get approached....I think it would be cool that you are just..beebopping around town one day then you get wacked in the back of the head...you wake up in a cell with people offering you a "position"
  16. It will be balck and other dark colors. Honestly I am leaning toward the StarWars look also. However I am not opposed to making a heavy armor version for those who do not like light armor. :) Thanks for the plug in the image share by the way Forsaken! I appreciate it! Now I think we have discussed why exactly I dont feel our quest should involve the Blades. Just remember the Blades serve the EMPEROR not the EMPIRE. There is a subtle but important difference. After all..when the Oblivion crisis is over they are pretty much out of a job! :) Now I need you guys to help me find some people to help do quest scripting. How fast this mod comes out is dependent entirely on my ability to get help and/or my learning curve... So start asking and start learning! ha ha :)
  17. The impression I get is that the blades are the emperors personal bodyguard and informers. The emperor is dead. There had to be inside help. Now it is being handled by the council who has no connection to the Blades anyway. So it must be a legion operation. Also we are trying very hard to stay away from main quest things. We wish to add to not rescript what is there. It is much less..painful that way? :) We also want to increase the general legion presence in Cyrodiil all over also. So the PC is the one who will be tapped to help in the BlackOps (for lack of a better name) in service of the Empire. I personally believe the Blades are too close to all this and they will be a point of investigation also. Please keep your ideas coming though...we need them! :)
  18. too bad for you..she takes great shots and does excellent effects on them.
  19. he isnt always nude....and I do scenic shots. :)
  20. <shhh..its a secret!!> ha ha I like that people figure out things...but I must say it isnt always true..look at Mavrosh' shots.
  21. I have no problem with Star Wars friend! I was Darth Vader for Halloween when I was 8. The only girl Darth I know. It is pretty cool looking.
  22. I understand what you are saying Dezi....but these are the equivalent of our Special Forces....do you think the US Military doesnt do these things? Anyway...it is ment to be "good guy" as it IS govenment sactioned and is a alternative to the DB quest (which is bad guy)...it will increase your fame not infamy...it is role playing. I personally do not saction government murder...even when it will solve any number of issues...but I love the DB quest...in Oblivion I have no trouble killing someone for thier clothes... in real life...I have never even hit someone (in anger anyway) However this is a mod just to give more outlet for the legion..more presence...and hopefully a really fun quest when its done. I understand that and I knew what I was trying to convey would not be seen as what I meant. forget the whole RL thing. I have trouble with a mod that limits you to being a "good" character. while I understand that there are those that like to RP that way,I don't. I'm not against the mod,don't take what I'm saying the wrong way( I know you won't) but others will. all I can say is what I said..no promises I am uneasy about limiting availability of the mod to the infamy (as someone suggested) though some people have done this (LHammons did with his Lost Paladin mod) Bethesda does it with KOTN. I want anyone to be able to play it. However from a RP standpoint...a person who RP a good character..that maybe avoids the DB and Thieves Guild quest..this would be an option. My characters usually have equal infamy and fame....I cheat if a mod makes one or the other a pre-requisit. I really dont roleplay. But I know people that do. I happen to really like assassin type quest. I just think its funt o sneak up and put a arrow between someones eyes...issues for me? Maybe. LOL
  23. I understand what you are saying Dezi....but these are the equivalent of our Special Forces....do you think the US Military doesnt do these things? Anyway...it is ment to be "good guy" as it IS govenment sactioned and is a alternative to the DB quest (which is bad guy)...it will increase your fame not infamy...it is role playing. I personally do not saction government murder...even when it will solve any number of issues...but I love the DB quest...in Oblivion I have no trouble killing someone for thier clothes... in real life...I have never even hit someone (in anger anyway) However this is a mod just to give more outlet for the legion..more presence...and hopefully a really fun quest when its done.
  24. Good???? Taking a life even in the name of your government leaves you far from good. all my characters walk the fine line between whats right and whats wrong. what about a non combatant that stumbels upon your talking a life,and you kill to keep yourself safe and the deed a mystery. wheres the good in that. I would have no qualms about talking out someone that might jeopardise my own safety. If your going to be a team of assassins,you can't look at good or bad, only what helps you achieve a goal. a person with a conscience has no place as an assassin period! It's for king and country, not right from wrong! Yes King and country...but the good is the sense that it is just not whoever has the money gets your murdering services. I am not saying government sactioned killing is more honorable in real life...but in Oblivion like this is the whiter shadeof pale. And are you going to help or not Dezi? <smirk>
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