2 quotes from a book I am reading: "It takes two people to be a doormat. One to walk and once who is WALKED UPON." also: "It isn't what you call me, it's what I answer ot that counts"
Ha!! Ohhh, ohh witchy woman...oh wait..thats the song lyric thread!! I like Myrmaad's post count and all kinds of stuff about her! My husband likes her motorcycle! :P
I like Sarya being secret squirrel and freaking people out. But right now..I REALLY LIKE MYRMAAD FOR MAKING A LITTLE MOVIE FOR ME TEACHING ME HOW TO BEAT VISTA AT ITS GAME!! THANK YOU!
I LIKE IT and it is a great thing to do with my daughter..and it is getting her excited again about playing a real insturment!! You go Josh! If you guys have Xbox then we should do a battle of the bands sometime!!
________________________________________________________________________________ ____________ I like a man that can carefully negotiate the military hierarchy without getting court-martialed or sent on KP duty!