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Everything posted by Lisnpuppy

  1. (I am sick also! Flu or something my little germ-carrier daughter brought home) The Goddess glared at him. "You threw Spam and slushballs at me...YOU got my hair WET!" She hissed...."DO you have ANY idea how long this takes to dry?" "Never let it be said I am not generous and forgiving. However if I feed you I will expect a favor of my asking in return.." The Goddess smiles a little smile.... "What will it be Child? Honey Baked Spam, Honey and Peanut Butter or a honey snow cone?"
  2. The Goddess feels a presence... She looks down to see Gman021 looking pitiful and hopeful all at once. Cute as it was, he could not be so easily forgiven... "I don't see any boot licking..."
  3. Without looking the Goddess reached up her hand, and snapped the honey jar out of the air like an overly-paid Golden Glove winner. <sniff sniff> Sweet nector filled her nose, only enticing her Spam-filled senses. Her joyous laughter filled Doom's heart with...horror? Glee? Confusion? "Decisions, decisions..." the Goddess pondered..."Peanut Butter and Honey sandwich, Honey-Baked Spam or a honey snowcone?" Fortunately for the Goddess she could multi-task like only a Goddess could....
  4. The Goddess looked around, bemused by her lusterous Spam-smelling hair. But her anger was not abated. She felt an eddy in the space-time pool...or a Marcus in the pool. She rose into the air, hair flying spreading the heat of an infinity of Span -filled fry pans into the world. Light and heat went everywhere..warming those without clothes in the Goddess's gentle love... and showing the holes in which furry little beaties hid..cowardly... The Goddess smiled with half her face, licked her hair and prepared for battle.
  5. "AGH!!" The Goddess roars! "Don't get the Spam wet..or my hair!!!" She felt her rage burn at Gman021's trechery...the rage melting slush balls, cooking Spam and drying her hair all at once!!! "If my hair smells like the delicious Spam only then I will forgive you..." She calls after Gman as he makes away with her banana split.
  6. As the Goddess sat down to her meal of Spam, banana splits, and something with bones in it...she felt as if she were forgettting something....
  7. Run to the Hills....Run for your life...
  8. (OK I know I dont belong here but I cant resist) And GODDESS came down and said unto them, "Boys,Boys....forget thyselves and bow down to your GODDESS, lick thy boots and pray for thy own mercy..." OK I will leave you alone! Har
  9. 646: You will soon learn that even with Oblivion your computer is still just one, expensive porn machine
  10. Hey everyone. I am sorta new so I hope I am not jumping in to late here with the resurrection of a dead thread (its been a week?) I have no technical knowledge but wish to learn modding. I may have asked some premature questions but have been nicely told where to start looking for tutorials and such. I do see that a great many modders are getting a bit angry with life. People will (unfortunately) always take advantage of a kind soul. However as a new person it is hard to know what/who/where to ask even when you read forums and tutorials. I dont understand to what most people refer most of the time (it is like I am trying to learn a new language or something!) And if you do get someone to answer a question its kinda like you want to jump on them and vamp drain them for knowledge before it is too late. Being new to forums in general I have to admit that it is also difficult to judge (since I cant see you) exactly where the line may be sometimes. I think it may be helpful for a experienced modder to maybe have a form of basic info he would wish a person to review prior to asking questions and also with basic information that they may wish to know from us noobs. Maybe go from there? I dont know I am just throwing it out there. This entire thing is MAJOR INTIMIDATING and it is hard to ask questions and feel like a freaking moron! Remember--unless you are Wile E. Coyote Super Genius then you were like us once and didn't know anything! Be patient and use small sentences and non-scrabble winning words! :thanks:
  11. #620 Oblivion can ruin a real life relationship. But you wont care until the electric goes off. :)
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