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Everything posted by tnu

  1. yeah four completely different dusters. There's no other way to handle it really. changing textures on the fly just isn't practical or easy to do.
  2. it's been cracked. if you have a good rep utation threshold with any of them it will decide based on which reputation threshold is the highest. Blackjack requires you ahve a bad reputaiton threshold with all of them. poor design IMO.
  3. actually it's a bit more complicated then that. it checks your reputation threshold so it doesn't matter who you side with so much as who you have the best overall reputation with.fir example ifyou side with Yes Man but have a high Legion, NCR, Or Strip reputation then you'll get the one you have the most reputation points for. this is decided upon first speeking with Ulysses after exiting Hopeville Silo. This makes getting the Yes Man path later in the game nearly impossible.
  4. Wait. What power armor? I blew them both up and I didn't get any Power Armor.
  5. Which Courier duster? Blackjack, Fighting Chance, Old World Justice, or the NCR one?
  6. that's already been done. my concern is mostly Ulysses diologue and such that is dependent on the variable nFaction.
  7. oh yes please you make great companion mods and Ulysses has tons of voiced lines to work with.
  8. Just an idea I had. It's so frustrating gettign the path you want in loneosme road because of how NVDLC04DialogueUlyssesSCRIPT works. It sets nFaction and nDuster based on ReputationThreshold. regardless of what path you actually take. so in order to get the Independent diologues and Blackjack duster for example you have to have not done any other faction quests includign The Strip. could somebody make a simple menu based mod to set these variables to which ever oneyou actually want?
  9. No it's decided on when you first speek with Ulysses through ED-E based on specific variables. Legion and NCR Fame will get your recognized as one of either. While The Strip always gets you Mr. House. there's one more variable i'm missing apparently.
  10. I have Yes Man repalcing HOuse. even if I do a few quests for him i'm prety much getting the other flags. So what is the variable that shows you sided with Yes Man. What does the DLC Check for exactly?
  11. I'm trying to get a few thigns perfect for LonesomeRoad but I'm not sure what the game checks for when deciding what faction you are with. so i've run a few tests and I can't seem to figure it out can anyone help me please?? Ah Guide Dang It! can't figure out how to take the "Blackjack" path with Ulysses. in Lonesome Road. Strip Fame gives the Old World Justice path, NCR Fame gives The Great Bear and Legion fame gives Fighting Chance. how do I get Blackjack?
  12. Well it's finally the day. Has anyone found the DLC on Steam yet? havn't found anything so far think its been delayed again?
  13. The Way Ulysies was talking about flags makes me crave a mod that adds flag based trenchcoats or outfits to the game. Enclave, Brotherhood, Whatever would fit Mr. House/Independent. Old World, BIG MOUNTAIN, Et cetera. Some sort of perfect outfit to match Ulysses.
  14. your best bet is to PM the guy to convince him to help you my friend. he's pretty much abandoned this prject and probobnly won't be checkignthis post.
  15. Oh then that's all I need. Consol commandds rock!
  16. Does anyone else miss the old Oblivion Enchantign system? I quite enjoyed being able to name my gear. the lack of said option in the Fallout games was kind of a let down. is there a wayt to actually implament this in game?
  17. I need some help. I want to change an Objects Biped model and texture so that the female version uses the textures and meshes for the male version. I tried clicking the edit button in the objects Biped window and that doesn't see to do anything but cause the GECK to act up. Unless my screen resolution is preventign the window from appearing. But yeah even then once I have the Mesh taken care of I have no idea how to change the texture path.
  18. I always saw suspension of disbelief as "it has to conform to every rule of reality or else it sucks". That would be quite dull. It seems like most of these people actually have no ability to suspend their disbelief.
  19. yeah yeah but just because they hadn't been established yet doesn't mean they couldn't possibly be established in the future. There was nothing in canon ruling that out.
  20. Oh yu now that logo that Sanguine Made foryou? the red symbl thingie is the Sierra Madre Logo. you can see it in front of the main gate to the Madre.
  21. my friend i'd reccomend creatign a new SAierra Madre Logo tha t is more orange then red for this one. the dark red of the default logo doesn't work well with the black officers hat.
  22. Jees man just messing around man just not sure you knew what DOA meant.
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