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Everything posted by tnu

  1. We havn't been given any clear dates or idea other then "soon" which i'll take ot mean "three months from now".
  2. I support. I always envisioned you would have the Sierra Madre restored and refurbished as a base of operations, Big MT restored and referbished as a scientific/jmilitary center and yoru capitol would be Hopeville in the Divide while also harnessing the weapons and equipment there.
  3. Maybe even better is ot have a nice home as a reward for the civil war quest. Say you become the new Emperor (traditionally a dragonborn sits on the throne) or the leader of the Stormcloaks.
  4. Oh this should be good. What do you ahve planned PR?
  5. The waty IO see it it doesn't really matter if Majong uses "Scrolls" as most mainstream gamers and the majority of the customer base is not going to get confused on that. Most people recognize the subtitles of the games without even paying any mind to the title of the Franchise. You know how many people htought Oblivion was "Morrowind II"?
  6. This does look promising. Certainly centralization has its advantages in these situations but there also may be problems for new and upstart modders. especially those who are pretty much making small tweaks and still learning the ropes Reminds me of the attempt that was made to implement an approval system a few years back that would have charged modders a fee to have their files approved and uploaded.
  7. Brilliant! This kind of creativity is why TES + modders rule. Bring on the Creation Kit! Not really creativity, someone just read the Dresden Files. Thank you! I was hoping somebody would notice that. good to meet another fan.
  8. OK I have tried and tried but I can't seem to reach Ivarstead. I try navigating around the mountains and no dice. Every damned time I wind up falling in to an area iwth a waterfall so frustrating.
  9. I can already see the potential for something big here like creating four types of Lupine theriomorph. * The werewolf (as a technical term) is just a human who can transform into a normal wolf at will - they undergo no mental changes (and thus must learn how to live like a wolf), have no linkage to the moon, and gain no special invulnerabilities. It is a learned ability, somewhat like becoming a wizard who knows only one spell, but knows that one really well. There are also wolves that can take human form in the same way, and with the same limitations. The latter are technically termed wolfweres. * The hexenwulf ("witch-wolf") uses an enchanted belt of wolfskin to transform at will into a dire wolf. The magic is generally tied to darker, sometimes demonic, forces and causes the hexenwulf to gradually fall deeper and deeper into savagery in both their wolf and human forms. * Lycanthropes are people whose minds become wolf-like at full moons, and who gain increased strength and healing at the same time, but physically remain human. They are related to Viking berserkers. * A Loup-Garou is a human subject to a powerful hereditary curse. Under the full moon, he transforms into a demonic man-wolf with enormous speed and strength, as well as immunity to injury by virtually any source except inherited silver. The demon takes over all control during this time, with the human personality completely submerged. There is no known cure and the only spells capable of perfectly restraining them is similar to what one would need to contain an archangel.
  10. A return of Unholy Darkness or LTD's Vampirism Overhaul would be nice.
  11. Yes please recreatign Nature of the Beast is a great idea for Skyrim
  12. I'm more a vampire player but that made my mouth water. Can't wait for the Construction Set to come out.
  13. I have to agree with you on one thing. the Steam Activation is a pain in the ass. Especially for the visually impaired damn near impossible for me to do it on my own.
  14. Oh which group? I could use money like that.
  15. Your overreacting. There is nothing in Steam stopping you from using mods. Furthere you are not a "slave". Think before you speak. You are not being forced to buy or play the game. You must have had a REALLY bad experience with Steam in order to be this batshit irrational. Besides Skyrim DOES use the online features for patches, DLCs, and less importantly achievements.
  16. Meh those of you whining about Steam ahve never had the displeasure of Games For Windows Live.
  17. It's not an issue. modding New Vegas wasn't all that different from modding Fallout III or Oblivion. the modders and tool makers found ways to handle the Steam issue.
  18. Just got the game the other day Problem is while Oblivion was clear and easy to read in its text. Skyrim is nearly impossible for me. Could Somebody make a more console ish UI to make it easier ot read?
  19. I just tested this one out. http://www.newvegasnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=44040 and it seems to be broken. No matter what faction I select it acts as if I selected Neutral. Can anyone help me out and tell me what the problem may be and how I can fix it? I contacted the author but she hasn't been active for almost a month so I figured I should askf or help from the community on how to fix this. Also i'd like some help tweaking this old mod. http://www.newvegasnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=40478 to create failure conditions for the quests it altars but keep the basic idea of hte mod intact.
  20. This. Please somebody make it Legion and Indepndent/House Players have beenw aitign for this for a looong ti me.
  21. It doesn't really even need a slot to be equipped. the only time that is ever needed is if you want a Biped model to appear on the player.
  22. PaladinRider is working on an update like this for Run The Lucky 38.
  23. It Is possible to get the Khans to do a suicide attack onhoover Dam against bothe factions. The Brotherhood on the toher hand is an issue that many have been bothered by for a looong time.
  24. Would this entail a quest to actually GET Benny as a companion or just a Companion Quest like I Could Make You Care or One For My Baby? If it's the latter you can easily release the current version of the Benny companion now and the quest at a later date. if it's the former it will be a bit trickier.
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