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Everything posted by tnu

  1. http://www.newvegasnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=40478 Not i is not.
  2. Yes pelase. This is somethign that would be very much welcome.
  3. That method is actually much 4easier for me to do in game. through createfullactorcopy.
  4. I've been working on a very complex story driven charecter who over time becomes a vampire. It involves creating a whole faction of vampires risen from the Dark Brotherhood Contracts. Is there anything out there that would le tme resurrect an NPC tha I've killed as a vampire? If not is there a decent way to do this in game using console or mods that arn't necessarily designed to do this?
  5. When it totally butcher sa great book it's a crappy movie.
  6. forgot about Robert Neville (From the book I Am Legend not the crappy movie).
  7. Yes but creating female versions means the "disguise" is invalid. if you wan to blend in to the Legion you can't be obviously female.
  8. I've got Polish and German on my fathers side I know that for sure. It explains my love of sausage. Not sure how to explain my love of cheese.
  9. Ellis, Zoey, Harry Dresden (because he can make better zombies). and Leon Kennedy. But in all honesty I'm not a big fan of modern "zombies" because of my obsession with semantics. Words mean things. asnd the current perception of Zombies is nothing like hte myths. Closer to old school vampires with aspects of old mythical ghouls.
  10. A wise man once said. You're only paranoid when you're wrong.
  11. Just Finished The Dresden Files: Fool Moon and started on Grave Peril.
  12. Female Legion armour owuld make no sense at all. frankly I myself always hated that armour some how magically changetd what kind itw as based on who was wearing it. But yeah why would anyone make female Legion armour forma story perspective?
  13. OK I've been throwing these around for a while. The First one is a fairly simple Duster outfit based on Alucard from Hellsing. Maybe the hat and glasses too. The second is more complex. a new series of quests and such based on Jim Butcher's "The Dresden Files". Including Werewolves, Vampires, Zombies et cetra as described in the books and supplementary materials. I've seen a lot of World of Darkness stuff But never anythign related to the Dresden Files. Oh and a Blue high tech Power armour with the Old World Flag. possibly with a Captain America sort of theme to it.
  14. I recently updated Wry Flash but I'm having a problem wiht it. It won't let me switch between savegame profiles. I keep getting this. Traceback (most recent call last): File "C:\Program Files\Steam\SteamApps\common\fallout new vegas\Mopy\bash\basher.py", line 12810, in DoList bosh.saveInfos.setLocalSave(newSaves) File "C:\Program Files\Steam\SteamApps\common\fallout new vegas\Mopy\bash\bosh.py", line 11723, in setLocalSave Traceback (most recent call last): File "C:\Program Files\Steam\SteamApps\common\fallout new vegas\Mopy\bash\basher.py", line 12812, in DoList self.swapFalloutNVVersion(newSaves) File "C:\Program Files\Steam\SteamApps\common\fallout new vegas\Mopy\bash\basher.py", line 12833, in swapFalloutNVVersion bosh.modInfos.setFalloutNVVersion(voNew) AttributeError: ModInfos instance has no attribute 'setFalloutNVVersion' Can somebody explain what this means and how to fix it?
  15. OK i'm just wondering if anyone can make a sort of craftable customizable power armor. Something that's unique and has a Hi-Tec feel to the design like something you would find in BIG MOUNTAIN. Something clean and well maintaned would be ideal. Maybe with a design choice of Old World Flag, BIG MOUNTAIN logo, Sierra Madre Logo, NCR or Legion Symbols or the Blackjack symbol from Lonesome Road or Lucky 38 logo. (Likely involving crafting the power armour to begin with and then using the finished product co mbined witha Paint gun or something to put whatever symbols or designes you can choose from). Oh yes and a new Texture for the House Version of the Lonesome Road Duster so it uses a Lucky 38 logo instead of an Old World flag.
  16. Reunited only crashes yoru game because your missing a master file. read the readme.
  17. yeah iv'e been hoping for somethign liek this for ages. so i've been thinking up concepts. You'de start by rebuilding the Sierra Madre and harnessing all of its technology. Then you take BIG MOUNTAIN to improve onw hat you already ahve. Rebuild that area, and harness its technology. finally you take the Divide establish a settlement andyou guessed it.
  18. This would actually make a really nice quest mod. I'm working on an idea where the Courier starts his/jher own empire out of the Sierra Madre, Divide, and BIG MOUNTAIN go9inbg about a process of rebuilding these areas as his own nation. Under any flag he chooses. Creatring his own faction with quests and an army and scientists and everything. The Capitol will either be Hopeville or The Strip. The Courier will rais an army, a science team, harness the technologies of all of htese palces for his own. et cetera. But before you get your hopes up don't expect this. This is all concept nothing solid as I can't really mod.
  19. Well when you do start it. If you wnat to get it just right I reccomend everything menancewhite has done with the DLC makes it so much better.
  20. So Quetzlsacatanango are you still planning on Ulysses i look foreward to see that come in to play. Also. Where does your sig come from? I really like it.
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