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Everything posted by tnu

  1. I quite like this idea myself it has a New Vegas feel to it the way you ahve to influence various other groups to aid your cause and we've still never seen a good Civil War THird Option.
  2. no no no Nirn is the planet Mundus is the plane of existence it is on.
  3. so ther eused to be this mod called Unknown Enchantments that flagged an item if it had an enchantment you didn't already know but it had its issues and apparently it was removed. does anybody know of a good alternative?
  4. could you elaborate on this idea? because we have no idea what the idea entails and you may get better results if you explained your idea in detail.
  5. maybe if you co uld be more specific about what you want?
  6. I'd be glad to voice ac tfor the mod.
  7. I have a question. If I do a favor job like cutting wood or sellign wheet or even investing in a store will that favor apply to things retroactively? Like if I do it will it later contribute to "Help my people" like quests for the Jarls for example? or do I have to do th3e favor after for it to count?
  8. I checked on SYstem requiremenst lab to see if m y PC met the system requirements for SKyrim SE and Fallout 4 and it said no but also I'm not sure ifyou mean my scren resolution ou of game or in game. Uin game I think it tends to vary. out of game is 800x600 because I"m visually impaired and icons and text are bigger on 800x600
  9. My typical screen resolution is 800x600
  10. SO I've been checking and my GPU and CPU are kind of dated. and I"m looking for some new Hardware that will hopefully last me a few years. I currently have a GeForce GTX 760 GPU and an AMD FX-8350 Eight-Core Processor any advice?
  11. so can the BSA issue be worked around with how Mod Orginizer handles BSA's as loose files?
  12. like, an actual released version of [REDACTED]! if that's the case than I hope it does have what you want!
  13. Call me a sucker but I'd probably upgrade for just the weather occlusion.
  14. is thiere a compatability patch for Hunterborn and The Grey Cowl of Nocturnal?
  15. Sim I was hoping would anybody be willing to make quest/faction independent followers that can turn you in to a vampire lord or werewolf if you ask them? and have it so they can turn y ou as many times asyou want/need? sort of like the dialogue with Serana that you u nlock after finishing Kindred Ju dgement but without tying ei ther to any established quests or factions.
  16. Unfortunately the bodies don't always go to that cell for some reason. Malyn Varen for example when I try to move to his ref takes me inside Azuras Star but he's not in there and he's not disabled.
  17. Before anyone says an yt hign yes I am aware that this can cause bloat. I am aware of the risks involved in this everywhere I look mentions it but but I have yet to find a means of actually doing it. If , say, I wanted to store a corpse in Lakeview Manor Celler to maybe use as a thrall later or just a sa trophy. mainly unique corpses how ow uld I acutally do it please tell me because I have tried sadding known persistant items to the corpse only for it to vanish, tried prid [RefID of Corpse] enable and tried moving the corpse to a playe rhome or other "Never Resets" cell. none of these have worked. does ANYBODY know of a way to do it because it's driving me insane.
  18. OK so I really like the detective and mystery oriented quests in skyrim as an avid fan of the Mystery genre and one mod I tend to use is Blood on the Ice Redux which lets you save more people b y catching doing the quest but I'd like to see it taken one step further by getting the option to confront and arrest the Butcher isntead of outright killing them. There woulds be fairly reasonable ways to Identify who the butcher is by searching their living area as they have both the tools used in the murders and direct evidence connecting them to the murders.
  19. I"m slowly but surely getting used to some of the more basic aspects of modding but Iw a nt to know what some of the better ways to identify variables and what they do is. FOr example the difference between DragonsReturned and DragonsEnabled I gave the variables a look and a g ood number of them do look fairly self explanitory like hte ones setting prices of things like Sawn Logs in Hearthfire or defining timescale, date, and time but others are fairly confusing and I'm not sure how to figure out what they do.
  20. definatley mo re chances to be a detective as much of a fan of the mystery genre as I am.
  21. OK so I really want to play a male Investigator/detective type character and I've been looking all over for a good armor so far this one seems the best http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/19377/? but the problem is htat it's female o nly does anybody have a good alternative or would be willing to make a male version?
  22. actually making it an addon to Helgen Reborn owuld be a pretty great idea. using it as abase for this sort of mod would alleviate a lot of the owrkload.
  23. OK so I was ho ping to merge some of the more notable furniture mods like Woodcutter, HearthCraft, and Hearthfi re Extended but I"m a bit paranoid bao ut merging mods htat do more than small tweaks is it a go od idea to merge these mods?
  24. I seem to remember one of hte horse mods let you take ownership of a stolen horse after you've ridden it for a while. Or was that Oblivion?
  25. I'd like to see this too. eit her setting up the DOvahkiin as ruler or removing the rulers completely to gi ve SKyrim over to the people
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