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Everything posted by morogoth35

  1. Hello! It appears that there are a few issues with your current way of doing this. The "fFollowSpaceBetweenFollowers" line is actually a game setting and in this case that means it can't be changed with adding a line to your .ini files. You would have to make a plugin that manually sets that setting to whatever value you want or you could use a script or even a console command to change it. One more thing, I'm not completely sure if it matters but I would recommend defining that value with decimals. That line is a float value and floats consist of "X.XXXX". You could try to open your console and type "setgs fFollowSpaceBetweenFollowers 1.0". In some cases putting a value as 0 can make the whole thing invalid or just false so I recommend setting the value to anything above 0.0. I hope this helps.
  2. To the individual target. Only the target that is hit by the spell has the corresponding illusion cooldown spell cast on them. That part works fine. Here's the script if you want to see it: Scriptname xxxCastSpellOnSelfOnStart extends activemagiceffect Spell Property sNew Auto Event onEffectStart(actor t, actor c) sNew.cast(t,t) EndEvent
  3. Alright so if it's the magnitude that affects the level barrier then I wonder why I can set it to 1000000 and still having the same issue where it sometimes works on for example a level 29 skeleton and somtimes it doesnt on that same skeleton. The script that is on there only casts a cooldown magic effect so that the fear spell can only be used once per target. That's why I got the "hasmagiceffect" condition there so it checks if the target has that magic effect
  4. Hi guys. I have had a really annoying problem with understanding how illusion spells such as fear take into account the enemy level and how it determines if the enemy is immune to it based on their level. I've made a personal mod that adds back the vanilla illusion spells to Skyrim Redone but I get this problem where somtimes enemies don't get affected by the illusion spell. Sometimes when I dual cast fear on an undead such as a skeleton they will be feared but sometimes they won't get affected by the spell and I get the message saying "Skeleton Warrior is immune to fear.". I want to solve this issue but I don't understand why those spells sometimes has no effect. I suspect the answer is in the magnitude of the spells but even if I set the magnitude to 1 million the same thing happens. Sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't. The spell has different magic effects for the different illusion perks in Skyrim Redone so keep that in mind, I have two seperate magic effects for non dual cast and for dual cast, then I got conditions that makes it only work once per target and so that the dual casted version also affects undead creatures. Here's some screenshots of how the fear spell is set up in my game: The non dual casted version of fear: https://gyazo.com/7801128e764cc34c5a93baf8e3fc47b3 The dual casted version of fear: https://gyazo.com/baafe798f97efba3e3397010d89c3a52 The fear spell: https://gyazo.com/3493ae85b4f5e73d25b44b17dc0a5e6e I hope someone can help me out here!
  5. No it is not literally a dream. The dream is just the word that is used when talking about the very deep lore concepts of reality, but it's not a dream and there is no dreamer, everything in TES universe is real and does exist. There is a topic on the tes wiki about this and there is one comment that explains and breaks this down really well, I will quote it here but it is not my words, you can find the original comment here: http://elderscrolls.wikia.com/wiki/Thread:766860
  6. Rudy ENB is my all time favorite.
  7. That is a bug from AOS I think. I had that issue too and it stopped when I stopped using AOS. Do you use that mod?
  8. Hi guys. I wonder how did Bethesda make that animated "Bethesda Game Studios Presents" "The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim" text show in the game? It can't be a video because you can still look around but the text is just in the middle of the screen. I want to know how they did it and if it's possible to replicate. I have a mod idea that really needs this thing.
  9. I will watch your video but first I will say what I think. I think that Saadia or more fitting "Iman" is lying. Why? Well, she said that the reason the Alik'r are after her is that she had spoken out against the Aldmeri Dominion and that the Alik'r "mercenaries" are after her because of that. Now why doesn't that make sense? Well first of, they are Alik'r - from Hammerfell, they are constantly fighting against the Aldmeri Dominion and Kematu said that Iman had sold the city out to them and were it not for her betrayal Taneth could had held it's ground in the war. So yeah I 100% think that Iman is lying a lot! She had also bribed Hulda to let her stay in the Inn and to have Iman call her mom, but she didn't want to go to the guards for help because they could be bought. Where's the logic there!? She more likely knew that the guards would know that her story is full of s*** and had her delivered to the Alik'r. Edit: Ok I watched it now and I really see her side is more convincing now because I had missed a very very important fact in all my years playing Skyrim and that is the second treaty of stros m'kai. I thought that they were still fighting the Thalmor because I had not heard about that treaty. Well that changes everything then. So yeah, Kematu lied straight to our faces then when he said that the resistance against hammerfell is alive and well. Good video!
  10. Awesome! :smile: And please if you have any questions then ask them all and don't worry about bothering me - I like helping with this, so if you got any questions or want more help then just ask away! That's the way I and we can help you the best! :smile:
  11. Ok, I think I understand it now. I will try and make a script and a small test file that should do what you wanted and I can send it to you so you can see if it is what you meant. I will return here when it's complete. Edit: Ok I got it working. Do you mean something like this?: I couldn't get the spell to actually summon the creatures by itself, so I used the script to do that instead. If that's kind of what you want then here is the script: So assuming that is what you want to do then you have to first attach a script to your activator, it can be a button or a lever or anything that you can activate. Then you need to place the 4 xmarkers on the object you want to have the spell be casted from, and then place 4 more xmarkers where you want the spell to hit. Then fill in the properties on the script with your spell, the actors to summon and the 8 xmarkers. If you don't get it working with the spell summoning the creatures on its own then you can adjust the "utility.wait()" time to whatever time it took for the projectiles to hit their target. Also if you want to use some other explosions or some other visual effects then change the explosion property to whatever you want there instead. I hope this helps and if you have any more questions feel free to ask! :smile:
  12. So you want let's say a button that when activated makes for example a rock cast a summon spell on an xmarker? If so then why? Summon spells don't have a projectile so it won't seem like the rock is casting the summon spell at the xmarker. Why not just make the button summon the creatures on the xmarker with the right visual effects of a summon spell?
  13. I don't think there is a full list of properties but think of them like this: If you want to use something in the game in your script then it needs to be declared in the script as a property so that the game can know what that line of code uses what item. So as an example; Let's say you want to have 100 wheels of cheese spawn at the player. You then need to define the wheels of cheese as a property: Example script: There is no real good source that explains all the words in papyrus other than to search for the ones you are unsure about. And I looked at the "defaultcastfromlinkonactivate" script and the scripter at bethesda just typed actronaut instead of "akActionRef", in this case the Event OnActivate allows you to name the ObjectReference and the akActionRef whatever you like, so actronaut isn't something that's universally in papyrus, only a word that developer used because he was bored or something. What exactly do you want to happen in the script? The script I posted does what you mentioned in your original post. Now you need to tell me what else you want it to do so I can see if I can help you with that, because you haven't said anything about what kind of spell you want to have cast.
  14. Do you want to have some kind of visual effect and/or sound play when the enemies are spawned on the xmarkers? If so then that's easy. And yeah you really seem to have made it way more complicated than what it should be. I could try and help you with the script but it's not going to teach you anything solid, why don't you want to use the creation kit wiki? It's one of the best ways for information on scripting and the ck in general. You could check out darkfox127 on youtube. He has a lot of different CK tutorials for pretty much everything there is. And the best way for people to help you is to be specific with what you want to do/need help with. Because now when you say that you want a spell being fired from an activator script, it doesn't tell us much about what kind of spell you want it to be. So if you could provide more information on what exactly you would like to do then it's way easier for us to help you.
  15. Are you stuck on the script that will spawn the enemies? I think getting the enemies to move around without them attacking you is going to be the hardest part. But if you want a script that spawns enemies on activation you can use something like this: ActorBase Property Actor1 Auto ActorBase Property Actor2 Auto ActorBase Property Actor3 Auto ActorBase Property Actor4 Auto ObjectReference Property xMarker1 Auto ObjectReference Property xMarker2 Auto ObjectReference Property xMarker3 Auto ObjectReference Property xMarker4 Auto Event OnActivate(ObjectReference akActionRef) xMarker1.PlaceActorAtMe(Actor1) xMarker2.PlaceActorAtMe(Actor2) xMarker3.PlaceActorAtMe(Actor3) xMarker4.PlaceActorAtMe(Actor4) EndEvent Place the xmarkers where you want the enemies to spawn and then fill in the actorbase properties with your enemies actorbase.
  16. Sounds like a memory issue. Do you use ENBoost / Crash Fixes?
  17. You need to probably esmify the become a bard esp so you can load it up as a master to your own file, you can do that in TES5Edit and I'm sure there's tutorials for doing that.
  18. So aslong the textures are in the dds format it should work? I guess bc7 is another format. Thanks for your response.
  19. Hi guys. I am still quite unsure what works out of the box when using mods for SE on LE so I want to ask. Is it right that textures and scripts will work without needing to change anything but meshes and esps will need some editing?
  20. Been there done that - although I've never switched to SE just because I don't like it as much, but good luck!
  21. I have used RWT for years now without any issues but once I switched from Climates of Tamriel to Vivid Weathers I get this horrible water lod bug where the water LOD has a very noticable different texture than the rendered water. This only happens if Vivid Weathers is installed. I checked and nothing is overwriting RWT, I also placed the RWT plugins at the bottom of my load order but still nothing. Anyone else has/had this issue?
  22. Haha, I didn't mean those kinds of stats, I was talking about the General Stats tab in the game menu. But I managed to make it work, and I implemented it in my Death Counter mod. I forgot to say that I found out how to do it so sorry about that. Anyways, here's the mod I made if you wanted to see what I made with the stats: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/90778/
  23. Yeah, as the title states I want to know how to add a custom stat to the general stats tab. I know of a mod that has done this and it's called "Minigame Mod - The Battle of Heroes". I have no clue how to do this, I couldn't find anything in the creation kit that relates to any stat that the game tracks in the general stats tab. Any help is very appreciated!
  24. I have blocked the Translation tag but I still see a lot of translation files on the nexus. Why is that? My blocked tags: https://gyazo.com/283694c27d30830d7d37fbd9a9e4badd What I see: https://gyazo.com/6d772262afa9487105b437b3f1c9ce95
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