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Posts posted by LoneWolfEburg


    But I'd be very alarmed to see kids - or even adults for that matter, actually stage pedophile rapes or torture scenes through modding.

    Uploading mods in which the player is able to do a pedophilic rape is likely forbidden on Nexus.



    I'd fear real life consequences but more so because I'd be wondering where the hell in this person's life the idea took shape that child molesting or torture can be any kind of fun. Because we play games to have fun, right? It makes no difference whether it's a real-life football game or a fantasy video game.

    In general, you can deliberately roleplay an "evil" character as a sort of exploration of a mindset that is different than yours, having a more detached perception of your in-game avatar, no different than writing a story from the standpoint of a villain protagonist. (See this blog - http://skyrimandmorality.blogspot.com/ - in particular the second character, that starts November 2013). Or you can be someone who is detached from the game in general, don't care for maintaining the illusion in your mind that the characters are anything other than a bunch of pixels, and is just exploring the possibilities of the in-game system.



    Even as a very minor modder, I still feel like I bear some responsibility when I upload a mod because I have absolutely no way of knowing who the user is going to be, and for all I know it could just as well be a kid.

    Eh, I don't think that your omgsmexyoutfit stuff needs to bother anyone :)

  2. As for my behaviour in RPG's, I'm pretty close to a "moral" player, but I am aware that there exist "evil" players who may be better people than me. They just have a low "correlation factor".

    Of course, there sure are some nasty people who commit nasty acts in-game because they're nasty themselves. Their correlation factor is high.

  3. Yeah, people 's degree of separation of their actions in games and their actions in real life differs from person to person with any correlation of their in-game and RL actions being weak to non-existent. Of course the correlation is probably much stronger at certain kind of games (usually those set in modern reality or close to it with the blatant intent of propagandising outright hateful views), but Skyrim isn't one.

  4. In some more complicated instances (like - npc you need to copy as a new form has an outfit that is not included in vanilla Skyrim) copying as new form will still add a master (in this instance, for the outfit in question). Then you need to manually change the outfit, then manually delete the master.


    Of course, you can change the NPC outfit to a vanilla Skyrim one, then copy it as a new form, then change the original NPC's outfit back (or not save the changes to the original plugin).


    Neither methods are particularly internally elegant, but that's what we have.


    I guess you can encounter something like this while copying spells and magic effects also.

  5. You need to add some challenges to being a Nord. For instance, Khajit merchants won't deal with you.

    I have to say, this doesn't make much sense. "We're coming to Skyrim to peddle our wares! But we refuse to trade with the majority of its population!"


    Non-Nord merchants charging Nords more has the same issue. If we decide that Skyrim is indeed quite a chauvinist place, it would make sense that any non-Nord who would try to discriminate against the majority ethnicity would be identified and punished quite quickly (although I can see the Grey Quarter Dunmer doing this, since they already form a separate community anyway, but not people like Nurelion/Quintius or Bothela). Not to mention that most non-blacksmith merchants are not Nords, so this proposal would make the effect of making Nord players feel discriminated in their own land.


    and EVERYONE hates them, not just the Sons of Skyrim.

    The Imperial Legion has an Altmer legate, though. And of course, Altmer =/= Thalmor.


    The Thalmor deceiving Ulfric into collaboration at one point doesn't mean that he has any sympathies towards the Thalmor. On the contrary.

  7. Most in-game vendors in Skyrim are actually not Nords, though. Windhelm has 9 initial vendors, only 4 of whom are Nords.


    Regardless, I think that eventually, all people should open the stores to the player (otherwise there could be obvious incompatibilities with both vanilla and modded stuff), though some races may have to work for it.


    In general, except a lot of debate as to what level of racism is appropriate to what race, since the vagueness of the in-game treatment of the theme led to many people having their own interpretations.

  8. Trade & Barter mod already has trade prices racial adjustments, so this part is already implemented, at least. Also see the guard enforcers at the gates of Inconsequential NPCs, or even the characters of own "More Racism in Windhelm" mini-mod.


    I actually think that the best way to add more racism to Skyrim is to add more quests dealing with it (I'd add them myself, but I can't script worth a damn). Still, your approach also has some merits.


    You'll have to keep NPC/already done quests exceptions in mind, though. If you're already a Thane (and maybe some other conditions, like defeating Alduin) people should be less suspicious of you. Also, it doesn't really make sense for characters like Keerava and Talen-Jei to demonstrate Nord chauvinism, even though they're innkeepers in a pro-Stormcloak hold.


    The Altmer thingy sounds a bit too much, especially considering the relatively cheerful demeanour of the Altmer population in Windhelm.

  9. Interesting NPC's doesn't add that many relatives (although there're more than just "a few" quests). I recall that the only vanilla people who have 3dnpc relatives are Belyn Hlaalu (a cousin), Betild from Dawnstar (a sister), and Frida from Dawnstar (an adopted bratty grandkid).


    Inconsequential NPC's adds many more relatives. I suggest you take a look at the Inconsequential NPC's and their relationships in Tes5Edit.

  10. Interesting NPC's already has a couple of vanilla characters' family members like (Morviah (wife of Belyn Hlaalu), Tikrid (sister of Beitild). Might avoid doing anything with these vanilla characters.


    Even Inconsequential NPC's has some family members. Belyn is certainly quite benefited by these two mods, since while Interesting NPC's gives him a cousin, Inconsequential NPC's gives him a wife.

  11. 3dnpc has some utility guard npc's who are exactly like that, might look into the scripting for this mod.


    As for you second question, there're two "wait... I know you" lines that don't have any hold conditions in CK.




    It seems that the Reach lines specifically have something to do with The Forsworn Conspiracy...? All other Reach conditioned lines I see are them referencing Cidnha Mine and such.

    I believe that spawning a Stormcloak guard if the Impies control the town will result in the Impie guards gangbanging the Stormie once they see him... I remember this happening once as a result of one instance of careless coding in a mod. Might be wrong on this point, though. I would try removing all factions that have "Stormcloak" in them, but keeping the "Guard" ones. The "I know you" lines require just being a Guard.


    In case everything else fails, make a utility type character character with a generic name like "Minor Guard Officer". Might give him a package to stay in the interior during the siege (see how Inconsequential NPC's did it with its streetwalkers) as for him not to break immersion during the siege. You can even enable him at quest start and disable him at quest end.


    Sorry I wasn't be able to be more helpful.

  12. Unofficial Skyrim Patch fixes some of the more glaring instances, like Lonely-Gale talking about Ulfric like he's still alive (and yeah, it is quite a Bethesda fail that these glaring instances were left for the modders to fix). Although when it comes to less glaring ones, we're supposed to think that some of the defeated side's units are still fighting in the countryside. After all, the civil war had been going on for quite some time before the game begins.

  13. Yeah, if you think that there'll be 2 more TES games in 3 years, you're being extremely optimistic. I mean, while vanilla Skyrim has some glaring content deficiencies (I have nothing against "fetch me this random McGuffin" quests as such, but Bethesda seemed to have thought that using them in place of more creative writing would be fine - it isn't), it's still a technically impressive achievement, and it's no wonder that there were 5 years between the Oblivion and Skyrim releases.


    I welcome every help I can get! Especially on the tech-heavy department :wink:

    Well, if you need a dialogue scripter (including various conditional dialogue, like NPC's reaction to vanilla quests) and occasional writer, you can contact me though pm.

  15. Still, he asks "is he with you, Delphine?" rather then "Delphine, tell that curmudgeon you brought here to shut up". The latter can be seen as a weird insult, the first seems like a genuine question. At least, refusing to even remember the introduction seems too much like a petty power game for Ulfric, who, if he engages in power-games at all, likes them large-scale.

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