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Posts posted by LoneWolfEburg

  1. Heh, I like the Wintergate design. Riften buildings in the snow indeed feel very cozy.


    I do think that making stuff modular would be better - the "picturesque cities" TES Arena mod already adds its own interepretation of Blackmoor, for instance.


    I can help with writing/coding multi-branched dialogue that can take already completed Vanilla quests into account. I can't code actual quests, though.

  2. During "Season Unending" quest when you negotiate a truce between the sides in the civil war, Esbern interrupts the flow of insults between two parties with


    "Here you sit arguing about... nothing! While the fate of the land hangs in the balance!"


    prompting Ulfric to interject


    "Is he with you, Delphine? If so, I advise you to tell him to watch his tongue".


    This implies that Ulfric and Delphine were loose acquaintances before Season Unending, since Ulfric knows her by name. Furthermore, Ulfric was not introduced to the Blades just before the meeting, since he only suggests/asks that Esbern is with Delphine, rather than stating it outright.


    Now, we know that Delphine definitely ventured away from the inn on occasion (she appears in Farengar's quarters after you return that stone to him). Still, I find it interesting that this line is the only suggestion of Ulfric and Delphine being acquainted.

  3. Yeah, I am pretty sure that the little virtual people in the computer screen don't have souls.They don't really have self-awareness or sentience, either - them having it is an illusion.


    Of course, you don't have to join the DB if you don't want to.


    I also find the emotional/moral reactions of people who play video games interesting.

  4. Well, functionally, most in-game dragons are automatically hostile destruction spreaders who don't have a word to say to you other than whatever they Shout at you. That's part of the reason why they're perceived as animals to be tamed.


    A better question, like notmyhome pointed out, would be asking why there're no mods about taming Bandits, who are also sentient individuals the grand majority of whom don't say anything to you that is not a combat taunt and are hostile on sight. I guess taming a Dragon sounds certainly more ego-flattering then taming a Bandit, plus there're much better views to be had riding a Dragon then a Bandit.

  5. Ingun is fascinated with poisons and killing, but will she actually become an assassin who kills innocent people, or a morally neutral alchemist whose poisons help both paragon and villain alike is for the player to speculate about. She has a sense of duty, that's for certain.



    We can safely assume that much, she'd be one of Snape's favourite students...

    Oooh, fanfiction plot bunnies.

  6. Here are two main reasons why I consider the writing in vanilla Skyrim to be average, rather then plain bad, as certain people from Beth's unpleasable fanbase claim:


    1) Rikke's "Talos guide you" in pro-Imperial playthough.

    2) "The All-Maker made you Dragonborn for a higher purpose. Walk with the All-Maker, Skaal-friend".


    I've been touched by both moments.

  7. The degree of Stormcloak bigotry against other races is a controversial topic in fandom, mostly because Bethesda itself had been pretty vague, so people fill stuff with their headcanon. Ralof is definitely supposed to be accepting of everyone, though.


    And yeah, the Thalmor don't want anyone to win.

  8. While you can drive all Silver-Blood npc's out of the city by ensuring that Thonar and his wife are killed, giving Markarth to Stormcloaks in "Season Undending", then winning an Imperial victory (which would send Thongvor to the Feast of the Defeated in Palace of the Kings), the npc's will still act like the city is owned by the Silver-Bloods. I guess we're just supposed to think that there're other members of the family we just don't see, due to the video game law of conservation of detail.

  9. Finally, I've understood how to solve my previous "how to disable a NPC" question, thanks to icecreamassassin's suggestions and my own efforts (you have to fill properties in CK, now I get it). Now, I've got another question - should I include pex (as opposed to psc) script files into BSA for my mod? I think I shouldn't, but it doesn't hurt to ask, right?

  10. Greetings,


    In my mod, I want to make some NPC's that should disappear from the game if the Imperials take Windhelm (like Yrsarald Thrice-Pierced from vanilla). What is the most easy and optimal way to do it?


    Also, what is the best way to clean-up a NPC's body so that it won't lie on their death place forever?

  11. I have a very strange losing a brawl bug. When I lose a brawl, the camera goes insane, looping at constantly showing my fall. If I wait an hour, the camera stays on the floor, my opponent talks to me, takes my money, and then the game ends, loading a previous save. I am completely mystified why it's happening. Everything else in the game works just fine.


    Should I post my mod list?

  12. In my mod which expands on Windhelm xenophobia, I plan to add a character that, depending on the choices the player made in their dialogue with her, sends the player on a quest to show her 5 Thalmor glove pairs as proof of the player's enmity to the Thalmor (the Thalmor, she reasons, don't just give away their uniforms willingly).


    To do this, I basically just copied the code from that Riften quest where the Argonian from The Bee and the Barb sends you on a quest to find 3 Flawless Amethysts. I copied, with new property names and references, all the quest stages, the conditions, the global variables, the code fragments tied to the stages, the playerscript, the main quest script, the function that counted Amethysts, and now should count the gloves.


    However, things don't quite work. The GlovesCounted function (originally the GemsCounted one), which in the original quest dropped the player back a stage until he collects all the gems, doesn't drop the player back a stage, and doesn't change the global variable if the player starts collecting the gloves. It's like it isn't there at all.


    Everything else works fine (if the player returns to my character with less then 5 gloves, she tells him to translate the promise into action, if he returns to her with 5 gloves, she thanks him, gives the rewards and ends the quest).


    Scripting magicians on the fora, do you have any possible reasons why it might be so?

  13. Well, Serana does give lampshade hanging on it if you threaten to kill her after you release her.


    A worse, issue, IMO, is the following:


    If you play the Dawnguard, there isn't any reason for the Dawnguard not to storm the castle immediately, at least after Serana returns to the Dawnguard with the scroll. Yeah, you need Auri-El's bow to kill Harkon, but the Dawnguard doesn't know that.


    A fairly common writing flaw, that - assuming that the characters, by default, are aware of everything the author aware of.

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