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Everything posted by Danneyo

  1. So, currently, i'm working on a Bounty Hunter mod based out of a terminal with a payout determined by how many companions the player has. (More companions = less payout). I know JIPP does something like this with their companion controls, but I don't want to have to use NVSE if it's not required. Is there any way to do this with the game's base scripting?
  2. Unless the Ratslayer uses a custom mesh that actually models in the tally marks, which I don't think it does, then you're correct in only needing to mess with the texture. Check out this video. Should show you the workflow you'll need to follow If you're using Photoshop to edit the texture, then the process is basically the same, except you'll need this plugin right here instead of whatever the plugin is for GIMP.
  3. The last post in this thread was from early 2015, and there has never been an update.
  4. That seemed to fix the issue, although my bone weights still need tweaking. I'm not sure if i'll be able to do everything in 2.49b. I've been using 2.7 for years, and jumping back to a later version for modeling work is a pretty big leap. Most things seem to transfer through legacy saves decently, so I'll probably be able to make do.
  5. Hey! So, i'm working on a few armor modifications and mashups. I imported Boone's sniper gear into Blender 2.47b, edited it and set the bone weights for new pieces in 2.7, then exported it through 2.47b. After some tweaking in Nifskope, I got everything to appear in the game with the right texture and everything. The only problem is that the model is contorted is some weird ways: I can't really find any information about this. I would think that it was an issue with the bones, but I re-checked everything and they all look OK to me. I tried comparing it to another armor I got working, but I couldn't spot anything different. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
  6. So, i've encountered a bit of a weird issue within my modded Fallout NV. Between The Devil's Throat, WARZONE : Overrun NCR Outpost, Henderson Bunker, and WARZONE : Echo Bay, there's an area with what looks like a big point light that reflects off of the surrounding rocks. Whenever I look at this area, even when at Henderson Bunker or The Devil's Throat, my game drops from a fairly solid 50-60 FPS to sub-10. Usually, i'd use the developer console to find what mod the offending object was from, but I can't select the point light to find out where it's from. I'm using a modified version of the Fear and Loathing guide. Full Installed Mods below:
  7. That's not the issue. They've already started recreating the Majove by hand (As you can see in the screenshots on the last page). I was talking about auto-importing music files.
  8. Yes, the user's gonna have to rip some of the files from their own copy.
  9. There may be some way to have the files ripped and put in the correct location in the files. It'd take some doing, but it seems possible. This is not about difficulty, it's about copyrights. I'm well aware. I'm talking about automating the process on the user's end so they can direct a program to the NV game directory on their own computer and extract the files to their correct locations in the mod.
  10. There may be some way to have the files ripped and put in the correct location in the files. It'd take some doing, but it seems possible.
  11. I mean. You could just play Fallout 3. That's 80% of your changes already.
  12. Â I've just dissected the mod. It adds f*#@all new assets. Disappointing. I mean, would it be a big deal if it was any other quest mod here on the nexus?
  13. Doesn't seem to be working. Attached it to a container and tried to activate the container with a button and by opening it's inventory. Hmm. From the look of it, the button will add the weapon to the player's inventory, not the container. T do that, I think you'll need to change the GetPlayer value. Make a new reference variable with the unique ref of the container, put it up at the top (Should be able to make that all in the property editor itself, so you don't have to do the manual coding), then replace the GetPlayer value with that.
  14. To my knowledge, XRE is made with the New Vegas scripting language, while Fallout 4 uses Papyrus, meaning all the code would need to be rewritten.
  15. huh http://static.tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pub/images/phineasandferb13_7088.png
  16. Meh. Like i've seen with a few comments here, any new content is a good thing. I mean, we're getting what looks like a fairly high quality mod to try out, and if it turns out to be a PoS, we can just uninstall it. No harm done.
  17. You should be able to download from beth.net, then just move the files to the correct places manually.
  18. Hmm. I think the issue with making a craftable corpse is that, to my knowledge, all bodies in the game are randomly generated, meaning you can't (At least in my limited knowledge) use the same mesh for a craftable item.
  19. Thanks! I will give it a test and see if it works. I'm assuming I should change the integer from 0,100 to whatever amount of weapons I'll be adding? e.g. 0,5? For the Caps001 part would I change it to Caps050 == 0 or Caps001 == 50? The 0 , 100 is part of] randomint , and indicates the range of vales that will be output. So you'd change that depending on what values you set to output what weapons. What you're talking about would be down in additem.
  20. Same. It's hard to believe anyone is this dense. Although I know people that most assuredly are.
  21. Nah, we hit that limit back when he wanted to give us the internet middle finger and said we where all a holes.
  22. Â I got lost. Is the Midwestern BoS thing a frame or equippable armor pieces like the regular BoS pieces? If frame, things get complicated quickly. If it's just topical armor pieces I'm not sure where you are encountering the problem. Adding them to a PA furniture that will just be standing around requires having a dedicated leveled list containing only the items you want. For that scenario you can look at vanilla samples. Try: LL_Armor_Power_T51_Set [LVLI:0022BF5B] which links to lists for each part, which then link to leveled items. That's to spawn a furniture with T51 but of different "quality" based on your level. If you just want 1 style regardless of level then you can just make one leveled item list with each part and tell it to use all. Â When you said "I go in game and it stays at the regular BoS armor," does this mean you had an NPC equipped with BoS armor and are expecting it to suddenly change when you enabled your mod? This will only happen with replacers that replace existing items. Adding to leveled lists or a npc/companion outfit will not affect npc's that are already spawned. The same could be said for power armors as well. If you walked by one (even if you didn't see it, but it was in a nearby cell causing it to spawn), even if you leveled up and then went back it would have the lower level armor on it. Regarding the NPC's again, you would either have to use console commands to add the items and equip them. There are ways to force NPC's to respawn but that can and usually does break many things, specifically any quests involving the NPC. Ah, my fault. I'm beginning to realize I didn't explain it very well. The Midwest BoS set is equippable power armor that I put into a leveled list and then into a PA furniture connected to my NPC. I did select in the leveled list for it to use all every time. The mod adds the NPC in question to the game. However, when I go to him, he's wearing a t-variant and not the armor I put in the leveled list. I'm not sure if the save I'm using is one where I already met him to check if the PA spawned at all before, so it's possible its not spawning due to that. I'll try force respawning him and seeing what happend.
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