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Everything posted by babyeatingdingo

  1. screw your puritanical values also, if an arm gets severed, whether from the player or an NPC, the hand still stays in the same place. the arm itself is gone, but the hand remains hovering where it used to be in relation to the shoulder, with nothing connecting it to the body.
  2. are there any? in my game, people no longer have the visible gunshot wounds when they get shot. the only things that do are creatures and Brahmin
  3. Hm that's mean... Not sure if there's a mod, but it might be done via GECK... i have the GECK, but ive never been able to get it to load the ESM/ESP's without crashing. i never had a problem with the TEST construction sets i dont know why :(
  4. as the title suggest, i want to know whether or not theres a mod that makes it so that confessor cromwell is NOT immune to radiation, and as such will eventually die from standing in the irradiated puddle.
  5. if a merchant shows up with no brahmin and no bodyguard, is there a way to get them to appear? i dont think they died, because a second ago they were there, but i loaded an earlier saved game (just a few minutes earlier) and instead of Crow, his bodyguard, and his brahmin being in front of Megaton, it was just Crow.
  6. personally i like the COD realism mod, which makes guns do realistic damage. i also like enhanced crippled effects and Triage, and the Follower Amata mod which allows you to persuade amata to come with you as a follower at the beginning when youre escaping the vault. Enclave Commander is very fun too, you are able to call in a vertibird for fire support, or you can make it land and drop off soldiers that you can command, and also use it as a transport.
  7. when i think of evil, i think of serial rapists/killers. just anyone who kills/ or severely wrongs another for no reason other than their own (usually sick) gratification, really. especially if its done with a veneer of legality and justice, or if its done extremely light heartedly.
  8. they explained this ingame. 200 years ago, the place where Megaton is now was a major airport, and after the nuking several 747's crashed there while trying to land, producing a large crater. over time, the people who had tried and failed to get into Vault 101 set up a town in and around that crater, using the wreckage from the planes that made it to build the town (thats why everything in Megaton is made from rusted out pieces of airplanes, although the airport itself has vanished after 200 years). and then, at some point after it had been settled, another bomb was dropped that fell into the middle of the crater, but turned out to be a dud. the bomb wasnt there until after the people had already built a town, and then they probably figured that it was safer to stay there, in a strong defensive position, and gamble on the bomb being a dud, rather than try to go somewhere else in a wasteland thats extremely hostile and full of raiders (or at least they act like it is, in vanilla it really doesnt make any sense)
  9. Fallout 3 is a crappy game, just like Oblivion was. you can make it much better through mods, but in the end mods can only do so much. you cant change the fact that they are both shoddily made, and that they are obviously unfinished. its a huge disappointment. we need developers that can make QUALITY rpg's, like Morrowind and Fallout 1-2. apparently Bethesda is no longer that developer.
  10. believe it or not, one of my favorite things to do is to have Amata (a companion in my game) getting knocked out in a fight with mutants/raiders/whoever in DC, and then try to make it back to my base carrying her no easy task in my game. in my game, essentials stay unconscious for about 40 real-time minutes, and guns do realistic damage, so its entirely possible for a raider to blow your head off with 1 shot from a hunting rifle, and you never know what hit you also, charging at a gunman with a bat and power striking the gun out of their hands, followed immediately by a bat to the head. and finally, taking out an entire enemy group with a multi-bomb boobytrap. ive got the mod that makes ammo explode, so i often do things like, place a portable nuke with a couple frag mines to touch it off, and a bottlecap mine to assure that all of those get touched off, and then either let someone walk into it or more commonly toss a grenade at it, and BOOM. i killed both the AntAgonizer and the Mechanist and all their minions at once that way.
  11. i didn't notice that much obscenity tbh, they dont swear nearly as much as i would if i was 19 and my father got me kicked out of my home ive lived in all my life, forcing me to live in a radioactive hellscape full of monsters, and live off of radioactive pork 'n beans for the rest of my life.
  12. is there a console command for making people essential/ making essential people non-essential?
  13. thats exactly the sort of thing that SHOULD be why the BOS is powerful. it SHOULD have been because ammo was really really rare, and the BOS should have been somewhat unique, in that they are known for searching for and protecting technology and had the capability to manufacture bullets inside the citadel (maybe even some quests related to getting them spare parts to fix their machinery, and being rewarded with the rare commodity of ammo, and you would have WANTED to join the Lion's Pride because that would mean steady access to bullets), whiereas the Super Mutants had to rely on improvised melee weapons (and ditto for most wastelanders, making Mutants a major threat) imo that would have made the FO world a lot more fun, if ammo and working firearms were rare ala Mad Max, and most people had to rely on a combination of bow and arrows/ improvised weapons/ homemade bombs ("Another new comer... Holy poo, is that a pistol??? You came from the Vault, didn't you...")
  14. yeah we certainly could do without the superstition and dogma of Christianity IRL, but it makes perfect sense for it to be a (or even THE) major religion in FO, seeing as the pre-war culture is based on 1950's/McCarthyism era, when Christianity was considered one of the major differences between "us" and "those godless commie bastards" the older games had real world religions in them too didnt they? i thought i heard that there were Mormon settlements.
  15. it sounds like the Triage mod is exactly what you want. it makes it so stimpaks dont heal crippled limbs. you need a medical brace to heal a crippled limb, and surgical supplies (surgical tubing, which the mod renames) to heal a crippled head/chest. stimpaks still heal damage, but not crippled body parts. neither does sleeping, the only way to heal crippled limbs other than with the appropriate supplies is by visiting a doctor. this mod is a nice addition to the Amplified Cripple Effects mod, which does exactly what the name suggests, for both you and NPCs.
  16. id really like a mod that adds a prison with torture devices, or at least an electric chair, and some way of capturing non-essential NPC's and transporting them to it/ordering them around once there. basically, i want something like the AT Dungeongkeeper mod for Oblivion, but for FO3
  17. like for instance, there still being a ton of radiation on the east coast 200 years later, when there wasnt nearly as much on the west coast even 80 years later? or the "nuked" city being so lightly damaged, when in the first games the nuked cities were basically completely gone?
  18. theres no way to fix this then??? its REALLY stupid when for instance, an explosion knocks an NPC off a ledge, only for them to rubber band right back up.
  19. is there any mod that adds something like Mark and Recall, but for NPC's? i need a way to move NPC's that i want to kidnap from wherever they are to the cells under my house, but i cant find anything like that.
  20. have you ever played Oblivion before? i really want something similar to this Oblivion mod, only in FO3 http://thenexusforums.com/index.php?showtopic=31821&hl= basically, its a prison which the player is the warden of. you can arrest any NPC in the world (thats not essential) and they will be instantly teleported to the holding cell in your prison. from there you can give them orders (in Oblivion its via spells) to move them to different cells, etc, and you can also torture them with various torture and death machines (a chair you can force them to sit in that can either give a mild shock/burn or instantly kill depending which lever you pull, etc)
  21. has anyone else noticed how if you for instance, knock out an essential NPC and then toss him off a cliff, once he regains consciousness he flies back up the cliff to the spot he was in when he was knocked out? is there any way to fix this so that when they get back up, they stay wherever you dragged/threw their body? i knocked out Dad, and im trying to throw him into an inescapable pit full of ravenous, immortal super-ghouls, but the rubberbanding wont let me :(
  22. one time a dead Raider with no legs fell out of the sky in Greyditch. there were no human enemies around, i have no clue where he came from.
  23. definitely better than the total lack of explanation from Bethesda. i read the wiki, it doesnt have any expalnation for the extremely minor damage to the "nuked" city,
  24. where exactly did the nukes HIT? the whole city of DC has some crumbling and a few collapsed buildings, but like 70% of the city is still standing. which begs the question, A) Why wasnt the capital nuked off the face of the Earth, and B) what exactly caused the damage to DC? because it sure as hell wasnt a nuke. if hydrogen bombs had hit in the city, or even a mile from the city, there wouldnt be ANY structures still standing. its like the whole DC area was hit by a nuclear shockwave, but theres no ground zero. and also, why is it that NONE of the military installations were nuked? especially the Pentagon? neither were the SATCOM relays, not even the ICBM launch facility was nuked. the city looks less like it was nuked 200 years ago than it does like it was bombed by conventional bombs a week ago.
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