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Everything posted by babyeatingdingo

  1. i use the Call of Duty Realism mod to increase the damage of my weapons and explosives, but suddenly all the explosives and melee weapons have reverted to their vanilla damages, for no apparent reason. the only thing i had added that was new was a blood texture mod, but even after completely removing it the explosives still arent back to how they should be. redownloading the damage mod didnt help either. if you need any other information i can provide it, does anyone have any idea why it stopped working/how to fix it oh i just remembered, i also tried 2 accuracy tweaking mods (Weapon Accuracy Mod and XWeapon Accuracy), but i removed them too and it didnt make any difference. neither of them had any textures or anything like that, just an ESP file for each, which i deleted this is my load order in FOMM (all of them are used): Fallout3.esm CrossModData.esm Animy_prostitution.esm FNNCQ.esm CrossRepairWeapons.esp Dialogue Tweaks.esp ExtreemeLongDeathCamera.esp CrossRepairArmor.esp WeightMisc.esp WeightMed.esp WeightAmmo.esp KarmaNorm.esp SMGmod.esp gasmask.esp fessentialdeathtime900.esp Gunfire Sound Range Increased.esp NoStupidExplosiveCars.esp Fort WKML.esp Ammo-Splodes.esp ACE 2-0.esp Triage.esp Extremely Deadly Radiation.esp DevourGore.esp Follower Amata ULTIMATE.esp binoculars and scopes.esp lo-fi solidworld.esp Kabr_CompanionRehiring.esp Slave_Poses_FNNCQ.esp R18BodyPack.esp APReanimated.esp LED pipboy light extended.esp Xepha's Darker Nights.esp DarkerInteriorsFallout3.esp CrowdedCities_v2.esp burnification.esp KillableKidsNoExtras.esp Little Lamplight Front Gate.esp Little Lamplight Backdoor Exit.esp GT_More_Exploding_Parts.esp GT_Less_Dismemberment.esp COD Realism v6.esp
  2. hey, i have been messing with the INI settings a lot recently, and i was just wondering, what do i need to change to make the game have more blood splatters, and what should i set it to? ive tested changing the various decal-related settings to various different numbers, but it seems to change very little if anything. and for some reason, no more than 3 blood stain things can appear on any 1 character model at a time. and finally, strangely, when im in first person if i get shot in the hand, ill see blood on my guys hand, but if i switch to 3rd person view, the blood is gone. does anyone know why that is?
  3. is there any mod that does this? there were several for FO3, but i dont see any for NV. it seems like theres a LOT of mods missing from the NV nexus, as in theres references to them/links but they are gone.
  4. is there one for New Vegas? where can i find it?
  5. is there a mod that makes it so the leveled lists do not change in relation to the characters level? something like this Un-Leveled Lists
  6. i doubt it. i dont think an evil person would respond to being blown up/turned into a radioactive monstrosity with "its ok, just dont do it again, alright?"
  7. the name says it all. i tweaked my INI so that blood and decals would last longer and there could be more at once, but for some reason when i i shoot people, no more than 3 of the bloody bullet holes appear on each character model at a time. ive gone through and tried changing each of the INI things that had decal in the name, but no luck. does anyone know which INI variable controls the number of bullet hole decals that can appear on a character model at a time?
  8. i figured it out. the problem is being caused by the COD Realism mod i used to increase weapon damage. there doesnt seem to be any fix for it though,unless i want to just use a different damage mod. i can put the magnum changing mod in front of COD in the load order, and the magnum mesh appears again, but then the magnum doesnt have the increased damage.
  9. all .44 magnums carried by NPC's or lying on the ground show up as the red boxes with a large white exclamation point, but not when carried by the player character. ive tried several different 44 magnum texture/mesh mods to see if that would help, but none of them have worked except for one of the Black Magnum mods, which i dont like because it changes the base item and conflicts with my damage mod. can anyone help me out?
  10. how do i increase the number blood decals on character models? i have a lot of blood on the ground, but only 3 blood splotches will appear on a single character at a time. what do i have to change in the INI to fix it so i have as much blood/damage decals as possible?
  11. will the "Ammo Splodes" mod, which makes explosive weapons and ammo (i.e. missiles for the issile launcher, mini nukes, grenades, etc.) blow up if they take too much damage while on the ground, work for New Vegas? and if not, has anyone made a similar mod for it?
  12. what is the INI setting that determines how many damage decals appear on each individual model? i have already set my INI so that i have lots of blood on the ground/walls and the blood/decals last a long time, but no more than 3 damage decals will appear on each character model, and they dont seem to appear on the player character at all. i figured the thing controlling decals per character was iMaxSkinDecalsPerFrame since it was set to 3, but no matter what i change it to it makes no difference. does anyone know what i should change?
  13. that did it, and also solved the problem i was having with Call of Duty ;) thanks
  14. i recently switched back to Windows XP after some virus-related troubles, and just recently tried to reinstall FO3, which i used to play all the time and had a ton of mods for. but now, whenever i try to run the game, and also when i try to update tov ersion 1.7, i get the error message "ordinal 5360 could not be located in the dynamic link library xlive.dll" does anyone know what to do, id really like to be able to play FO3 again.
  15. hey ive been experimenting with increasing view distance by altering the uGridsToLoad line in the INI file, and i was wondering what is the highest that people have been able to run it on without severe slowdown/crashing?
  16. oh and just a few minutes ago, i was walking around in the wilderness with Amata, and she suddenly started cowering in fear, but there were no enemies around that i could see.ive had bugs before with Amata going into "flee" mode for no reason, so i thought it was that. i went over to her and was pushing her, going "cmon Amata whats the hol-" *cue multiple rockets hitting us and blowing both of us apart* im not even sure what killed me i never saw it :/
  17. i was walking around with Crow's caravan through the ruins of DC. he rounded a corner right in front of me, maybe 2 feet ahead, and he was instantly blown away by 3 super mutant brutes with assault rifles and 1 with a minigun (i have mods to make weapons do higher damage, and to make super mutants more numerous/tougher). the first couple shots killed him, but they kept shooting him for like 6 seconds, exploding all of his limbs and his head, spraying pieces and blood everywhere, and continued to shoot his limbless stump for a second more before stopping. i was just like "HOLY s***!" his caravan guard and brahmin both turned and ran away too also, one time the Mysterious Stranger showed up at my 10th birthday part and shot 10 year old Butch in the head.
  18. stupid question, how would one go about extracting the vanilla textures from the BSA?
  19. Why would you believe any of that or be so quick to forgive and forget considering why you were tracking them? The towns people wanted to fight the family before anyone died, yet magically all is forgiven and the town is okay with a cannibal living next door? It doesn't fit at all with the character I'm playing, and to me, makes no sense. I tracked them down to force them to stay away from the town, not to bargain. And i wanted justice for the dead Wests, but ultimately it was like they never existed. The guy even compares humans to cattle. I can't hold that guy responsible for killing his parents or view him as a threat. I have to believe that there is such a thing as "natural" cannibalism. I have to forgive (and not even mention) the family for drinking blood from the dead Wests and for tormenting that town. I also have to believe they are not dangerous because they say so, even though all I know about them for a fact is their behavior in town and that they are cannibals. not to mention the fact that if OYU, the player, practice cannibalism, even if you are eating raiders who attacked you to keep from dying of starvation, you still lose karma. and, they say "we dont want to kill the defenseless" or something like that, but thats bulls***, they were besieging the town, goading the people to come out and fight them 20 guys with guns against 1 with their fists.
  20. for some reason, the .44 shows up as a red square with an exclamation point whenever another character has it equipped or if its on the ground, but if my character is holding it it shows up normally. does anyone have any suggestions for how to fix this? ive tried downloading a couple of the different scopeless magnum mods, but even though they change what the .44 looks like in first person view, it still shows up as a red square on the ground or in another characters inventory.
  21. in my game i use the Call of Duty realism mod and Amplified Cripple Effects, so weapons are much more deadly in my game and firefights are usually short and brutal. anyway, i was really badly wounded, and had 3 raiders with melee weapons running towards me. i target all 3 in VATS with my hunting rifle, 1 shot in the chest each, which should have been more than enough and had never failed to kill a raider before. the first 2 raiders immediately went down, but the 3rd, who at this point was almost right on top of me, took the hit in and kept coming with a tiny sliver of health left. as soon as VATS ended, before i could react, the last raider smashed me in the head with a sledgehammer and my guys head exploded. in that game, they were the first raiders i had ever encountered -_-
  22. ty. i found what i was looking for as far as the base ID thing. "gbo" is the console command to find the base object, but you have to have FOSE installed for it to work.
  23. first, is there a way to determine the base ID of an object or character in the game without quitting the game and using the geck? second, all the raiders in my game seem to have black bodies that dont match the color of their heads after i take their armor off. before i take it off, their skin looks normal. any idea whats up with that? and last of all, are there any male nude mods for FO3, because i found about 500 female nude mods and none for both.
  24. and now for some reason Maggie is suddenly back to normal, its just Harden whos like this. I've tried everything I can think of to no effect. its too bad, because i always used to enslave him with the slavery overhaul after his dad gets killed and had him be my ammo-carrier, but it doesnt work on him now that hes effected by this weirdness.
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