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Everything posted by rotwhip

  1. cool thanks, that worked!, but it has to be on the bottom of the loadorder (or as low as you can get it) for it to work :)
  2. normally when a person dies in a major city, or my house, i like to move them out of sight and keep the place clean, im not sure whats wrong, but it can be very annoying to have a body at your front door that you cant move is there a way to make bodies 'lighter", or am i stuck doing this im wondering if it could be a mod conflict, so im attatching my loadorder (its a MO load order so i dont know how easy it is to read, sorry about that)
  3. Two things. This topic is so very old it's not even funny, and second thing, I didn't even have that mod ever, It was an interior lighting mod, I' removed it, about 5 months ago or more?
  4. i have attempted using the vin. launcher before, no change skyrim dosent support my screen resolution (1366x768) in windowed mode so i tend to use a very black window border with a very black desktop backround and auto hide the taskbar, this can get anoying at times, but its nowhere as anoying as this bright blue window border around my game, i tried switching to windowed mode, it works, but if i can help it, i would rather play fullscreen so the game isnt smaller than the screen itself (also, see above) switching back resulted in the same problem, blue border
  5. i was also looking at this one, http://www.microsoftstore.com/store/msusa/en_US/pdp/productID.306280900?srccode=cii_17588969&cpncode=27-347214028-2&WT.mc_id=US_datafeed_Google
  6. if i can at all help it, yes, i would like a laptop price isnt too big of a deal for me, i got a job very early and the job pays very well (a lot more than minimum wage) and i have no problem with waiting to save up. the thing is, you cant take a desktop with you :D if that one wouldnt be too great, do you have a suggestion on what will? i will however avoid alienware, as they seem a bit VERY excessive in price for what they give (according to quite a few scources)
  7. ah, hmm, i was worried the price seemed a bit low for what i wanted, how about this one, a bit more pricey, but looks good. https://www.google.com/shopping/product/3030333660722577534/reviews?q=asus+laptop&espv=2&bav=on.2,or.r_cp.r_qf.&bvm=bv.73231344,d.aWw,pv.xjs.s.en_US.jy1SGYsq9dM.O&ion=1&biw=1364&bih=707&tch=1&ech=1&psi=_TnvU4OYM5WeyASYmIDIAg.1408186876222.5&sa=X&ei=8T7vU_nGFtekyATmiYKgCQ&ved=0CGAQqSQ EDIT: this is what i currently have, if you cane make a comparison https://www.google.com/shopping/product/12533006772741905043?q=lenovo+e530&espv=2&bav=on.2,or.r_cp.r_qf.&bvm=bv.73231344,d.b2U,pv.xjs.s.en_US.jy1SGYsq9dM.O&ion=1&biw=1364&bih=664&tch=1&ech=1&psi=LEHvU_LnPIn68QH8-ICQDg.1408188715201.5&ei=O0HvU9y5FIiBygTTnIDYAQ&ved=0CKYEEKYrMAA
  8. i removed the files with the enb manager (3), and after that it said no files detected i entered my game (im using the skse launcher) and the window is still there. not sure what to do from here.
  9. how would one check if they deleted all enb files for sure? or at the least, what should i look for to see if it is removed the new ini didnt work, so im assuming it is enb related (or something else)
  10. here is a ling to the google store thing, it should show what it needs to https://www.google.com/shopping/product/4791219326694352908?q=asus+laptop&espv=2&bav=on.2,or.r_cp.r_qf.&bvm=bv.73231344,d.aWw,pv.xjs.s.en_US.jy1SGYsq9dM.O&ion=1&biw=1364&bih=707&tch=1&ech=1&psi=_TnvU4OYM5WeyASYmIDIAg.1408186876222.5&ei=BDrvU_iiDYWbyAT_9IKwBA&ved=0CIcFEKYrMAI
  11. UPDATE: i tried refreshing my skyrimprefs.ini in-game by typing "refreshini" in the console, but i have no idea if that did anything, because nothing changed, im assuming it did not work though, because i still have the light blue border.
  12. heres a video with information regarding LOOT
  13. be polite Val, he is looking for help, pointing out the obvious rudely isn't helping
  14. may i recommend upgrading from boss to loot? boss is known to miss some important things, and loot has updated lists regarding compatibility and does the same things and more, heres a video regarding the matter you seem to know what you are doing when it comes to load-order, so im not linking video #1 (the basics of load-order)
  15. a couple of days ago i was testing a few enbs out, and after some undesirable effects (crashing on exteriors) i decided to uninstall, i removed everything to do with the enbs from my game and data folders, but after uninstalling, i started getting what was mentioned in the title. it seems to be a regular window, but blue (my windows are normally a deep black) and my game is (according to the options menu) in fullscreen mode (or not in windowed mode at the very least) this might have to do with the skyrimprefs.ini as i dont know how to get it back to default, but im guessing it cant be (but hey, im no expert) if i can help with any other information to fix the problem, please let me know, its getting annoying and id like it fixed as soon as possible :)
  16. the title should tell whats going on, im in fullscreen mode, and i have a strange blue window around my game that i cant get rid of if anyone needs any more information in order to fix this let me know and ill see what i can do
  17. there are plenty of castle mods out there with massive display rooms, enough to hold every unique item in the game, but im sure a giant castle dosent classify as "simple"
  18. there was a really nice one that i have, ill try to post a link when i find one EDIT: here you go, "Common Clothes" http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/51813/?
  19. you know when you boost smithing, you end up with hundreds of iron daggers with nothing to do with them? what i want is a mod that makes an armor that is basically hundreds of iron daggers put together to form an awesome armor. the stats should probably be as good if not better than dragonbone (to make it worth your while, so there is a point to keeping them and not just selling them) probably forged under dragonbone category (you got there, why not make something) look can be however, but should be iron daggers everywhere ingredients should mabye be 300 or so iron daggers, a dragon bone (for strength, [and to prevent the argument "oh but its only made of iron, why is so strong, this OP]), 10-20 leather strips (how else would you hold the daggers on) and anything else that would make sense. this request was inspired by this comic: http://nerdapproved.com/gaming/the-best-skyrim-armor-comic/
  20. ok, so ive edited the values to what i wanted but when i save im greeted with this error, http://tinypic.com/r/2dhgvms/8 is there a way to fix this?
  21. your kidding me THATS MY PROBLEM i need to count to ten EDIT: yeah, that was the problem..... thanks guys, i need to really check my spelling more often... *sighs heavily*
  22. its fine, ive been told this before, and i added the lines that i am told, and i still get the error, and i also get this one, http://tinypic.com/r/169hx94/8 it has a different line number, so im assuming its different, do i have to click skyrim.esm update.esm and dawngaurd.esm before i click the esp? because thats what i did to get this error: (the first time i did it like this, i didnt get the first error, only the second, but the second time i did it like this, i recieved both errors.) EDIT: this is the thing i added/ changed http://tinypic.com/r/122j7o3/8 EDIT2: i tried it multiple times and the errors are not consistent, its either the first only, the second only, or both. i thought i would add this error/notification, its the only other thing it brings up before it crashes http://tinypic.com/r/kcxf9k/8 not sure if it matters, but putting it anyway
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