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Everything posted by DoctorKaizeld

  1. I believe who it is owned by irrelevant. I think Elon Musk has quite enough on his plate without micro-managing Pay Pal. I'm just saying it's not some unknown or sketchy company. It's an actually well established company with a positive reputation.
  2. Sauce? I prefer prego myself, raggu is trash.
  3. yeah, Paypal is a great service... one that apparently for whatever reason is mistrusted by some folks. Like remember Paypal is owned by Elon Musk, I don't think he is someone I would consider sketchy.
  4. You can pay through PayPal without signing up. The reason paypal is the only option is that they are overhauling the membership payments stuff right now.
  5. I mean you can just leave that, a lot of mods need it anyways and it can be updated safely.
  6. A ton of clothing mods don't even come with scripts. Albeit there are plenty that DO come with scripted level-list injection. Those mods usually say so on the description page. While it is best not to uninstall mods mid-playthrough, it's not THAT dangerous to uninstall clothing mods. Whether they insert the outfits into leveled lists or not. Clothing mods are among the safest to remove mid-playthrough. I think your biggest risk is running into an NPC that was wearing one of the removed outfits - and discovering them naked after the removal. uwu Not to mention the characters will be wearing the original outfits again after roughly 3 in game days. It's really not a big deal.
  7. it really is easy https://help.bethesda.net/app/answers/detail/a_id/33438/~/how-do-i-upload-and-share-my-fallout-4-mod%3F
  8. Should be fine most texture centric mods can be removed safely
  9. Wait why did you change the data folder into a 7zip?
  10. Are the mods enabled under the mods tab?
  11. could you share the files with me? none of this makes any sense to me whatsoever and im desperate to have these swords again. Without the authors permission they cannot share the files
  12. isnt that mod for xcom 2? for some reason I thought this was in the XCOM 2 forums. sorry
  13. Several clothing mods allow you to use the covert ops outfit like I believe "Modular Urban Clothes"
  14. No, you can only get mods for fo4 and skyrim se (only moddable games on xbox) via bethnet
  15. 1. Use silent radio mods. There's a good one for fo4. 2. Turn off radios as you find them or better mute them entirely via settings. 3. Use custom radios with safe music. For the most part though you will lose stuff by turning off the main one for FO3 due to the importance it has plot wise and 4 will have some minor stuff lost but largely insignificant.
  16. Well I mean go in game and spawn one of each and see what they do
  17. not perfect but heres one https://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/mods/54529
  18. There was one or two that I know of, I will attempt to find em when I get home.
  19. Even on Steam it gets abused all the time
  20. In your account settings it has the option under notifications
  21. Happened to me on two occasions, ended up removing one and the moderators finally showed up after a week and half to stamp out the accusations.
  22. Go to the new vegas threads and request help in mod talk by opening a new thread. Avoid interrupting, necroing, or highjacking threads. Everyone's problem is unique even when it seems they are similar.
  23. As you aren't a supporter or premium 2.9 mb seems normal to me.
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